Bristol Magazine (Weekly) 10 -17 June 2021

Page 32

Quay Street Diner Bristol

It’s not very often I have an entire weekend to myself. But last weekend I found myself in that very position. With nothing planned I decided to take a drive into Bristol to meet my sister for a catch up over a spot of lunch. After putting the world to rights over a coffee and spending a ridiculous amount of time people watching by the docks it was time to eat.

What also added to the atmosphere, and not in a good way, was the gaggle of drunken women who clearly had had way too much and were screeching mostly obscenities into the street! How their mothers must be proud? Anyway, we ordered our food.

I had the Philly Cheese steak. Having been to New York and had the original article, my expectations where high. My sister had a A few weeks ago I was in Bristol and walked portion of BBQ chicken wings and house fries. passed the Diner on Quay Street. I didn’t go I asked if my £9.95 steak sandwich came with in as I’d already eaten but made a mental fries and the answer was no, they were extra. note to return to try out their food. The place For a dish that’s costing you almost a tenner I looked vibrant and energetic and the kind of think its a really poor show that they place you wanted to go into. So with this in don’t throw in chips with that! Instead I did mind I suggested going there for our lunch on what all big brothers do, I stole my little Saturday. We sat outside as it was a baking sisters! hot day. The food came in good time. It tasted good The street is a little crowded with building and was filling. The cheese steak itself could work going on and lots of people mulling do with some improvements but on the whole round, but it all added to the atmosphere. it was a nice sandwich. The fries were really What also added to the atmosphere, and not good also and so was the chicken. All in all in a good way, was the gaggle of drunken it was a good lunch. A place I’ll definitely be women who clearly had had way too much going back to. and were screeching mostly obscenities into the street! How their mothers must be proud? Article by Peter Abraham Anyway, we ordered our food. Professional food critic Email: 32

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Bristol Magazine (Weekly) 10 -17 June 2021 by Direct Local Bristol - Issuu