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This week.. 4. Help the homeless this Christmas 6. 5 things your dog knows about you 8. Whats on this week 10. Local performing group 14. Cocktails to make for the holidays 18. Whats on at the Cinema 22. A vision for how Yate could look 24. Lord Mayor’s Medals 26. Your Holiday Hub returns 28. Reduce, re-use and recycle this Christmas 32. Stunning DIY Garden Room Kit 34. Support for mental health service 36. An innovative scheme 40. People are living independently for longer 42 Avoid feeling sluggish and deflated over Christmas 46’ Take a break, puzzles and more Reminder: Next issue out 6th Jan 2022 @directlocal
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Help the homeless this Christmas with the Billy Chip
Photos from the Billy Chip Faceboook Page
If you are looking help the homeless over Christmas? There's a new way to do it, thanks to a young charity in Bristol. Billy Chip allows the public to buy special tokens, which if you give to a homeless person, they can then exchange for a hot drink or food at selected cafes. The charity was set up in 2018 in memory of Billy Abernethy-Hope by his family; he died in Thailand in 2018 aged just 20. Three years later and having had the pandemic to deal with, more than 30 venues have signed up to the scheme across Bristol and Bath outlets that have signed up to date include Better Food at Whapping Wharf, Sevier Street and on Whiteladies Road, Biblos in Stokes Croft and Cascara on Upper Borough Walls in Bath Megan Abernethy-Hope, Billy’s sister, is one of the co-founders.
“The Billy Chip is a £2 token. It’s sort of the size and shape of a poker’s got Billy Chip written on it and on the other side it’s got a QR code on it, that you can scan and that will show you where our nearest outlets are.” The charity Billy, who provided the inspiration for the idea, was killed in a freak motorbike accident three years ago. Alongside Megan, his dad Jon Hope set up the charity in his memory. He come up with this idea when talking to my dad and saying to him, ‘you come home and you just chuck your change from your back pocket into a pot, yet you still step over somebody in the street who could really do with that.
Jon responded saying he was worried about giving homeless people cash in case it was used to fund an addiction. Hence, after Billy’s “The concept of the Billy Chip is a token death the charity was born to eradicate that scheme that enables the homeless to be able fear among people who otherwise, would to go into coffee shops and order their own want to help. drinks, so tea, coffee, bottles of water and in some of our outlets even food,” she said. 4
Boswells Cafe in the Galleries, one of Billy Chip’s newest recruits said in an online statement: “We’ve now got an office, there’s four of us in that office and we’re nationwide,” she said. “It’s great. It’s absolutely incredible.” Billy Chip’s Christmas message In memory of Billy, Megan wants more and more people to pick up the tokens from participating cafes and even try and get more to sign up. “All we want people to do is, this Christmas while you’re out Christmas shopping, whilst you’ve popped in to catch up with some friends in the town and you see people on the streets, pop into your local coffee shop and just say, ‘hey, I was listening to the radio or I was scrolling online and I saw this thing called the Billy Chip, and wouldn’t it be amazing if you signed up to it’,”
For local businesses that are interested supporting this charity it costs you nothing to sign up and nothing to run because it’s members of the public who pay for the blue chips. Meanwhile the volunteers who get new businesses to join the network can be entered into prize draws for things like tickets to comedy shows and so on. Actually they just gave away tickets to go and see Russell Howard in London on his tour, with a night’s stay,” If you want to find out more about the charity head to their website https://www.billychip. com/.
5 Things Your Dog Knows About You
1. Your dog can sense when you are sad. Have you ever had that moment where you're about to cry - but suddenly your dog comes over and starts cuddling up next to you? They do this because they can sense something is wrong. Dogs provide comfort during rough times and their unconditional love is inspirational. 2. Your dog knows when you are being unfair. A study found in the journal of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that when dogs saw you giving more attention to another pet in the house they would become distressed and anxious. 3. A dog can tell when you have a new set of priorities. For example, when you bring home a new baby your dog will pick up the fact that he or she is not going to get the most attention anymore. This can often lead to depression for your dog and sometimes he or she will even start to resent your baby. To help smooth this process get a Baby Sounds CD to familiarize your dog. 4. Your dog will know when you are mad. Dogs hate to disappoint and can sense the emotions and body language that comes with an upset "parent". When you are upset with your dog and he gives you those "sweet puppy dog eyes" he knows that you are upset and is hoping to change things. 6
Instead of disciplining your pet, why not count to ten, take a deep pause and then give your dog a treat. Once the tension is gone, grab the Dog Leash and Dog Collar and take your pet for a nice long walk. Odds are that you'll both feel a little better. 5. Dogs sense when you are afraid. Your dog will pick up on the fact that you are acting frightened. Certain types of dog breeds may react by trying to protect you, while others will probably be just as afraid as you are. But almost all dogs quickly can sense when an owner is feeling afraid or anxious. Next time you are in public talking to your dog in that baby-like voice don't be self-conscious because your dog knows what you want him or her to do by that tone. He associates that tone with you talking to him. So, when people are giving you weird looks disregard and tell them that your dog really does understand you, and that the scientists believe so too! If you are bringing a new dog home for Christmas please remember that a dog is for life not just for Christmas. Statistics show 2,247 calls made to The Dogs Trust last January from people wanting to give up a dog.
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Whats on over Christmas Solstice Music Ceremony
Olly Murs Tribute Act
Date: Fri 17th Dec Description: Tickets from £15pp - BOOK NOW: Karl Lewis brings the sound, the look and the moves of fan favourite Olly Murs to life in his tribute show. Performing all the massive hits from “Dance with me tonight”, “Troublemaker”, “Thinking of me” and many more you are guaranteed to be in for a fantastic night.
Date: Mon 20th Dec Description: St.Anne’s church invites a musical ceremony with professional musicians to invoke a moment of peace, a solstice ritual to celebrate this time of the year. Musicians include, Bill Merrick [Guitar] / Alec Harrison [Fretless Bass / David Mowat [Trumpet], Giorgio Cortiana [Percussion]. Expect biglandscapes, big harmony and lamenting melodies.Bring your own blankets, Venue: R3 Riverside Leisure, Yate BS37 4FT cushions and anything to comfort and turn your universe into a warm loving den. We will have some rugs out with chairs. THE EMPERIALS Venue: St Annes, Church Greenbank, Date: Sat 18th Dec Fishponds Description: The Emperials are a long running major force on the UK’s Ska scene with a live reputation for fun, entertaining, profesCarols are Back sional and very lively shows. ONSTAGE AT 9PM Date: Tues 21st Dec Description: Yes carols are back at the Doors Open: 7.45pm Admission: £10 on the Black Swan....Do come along and join us for Door Carol singing and Christmas songs. Look forward to seeing you all if you can make it. Venue: The Thunderbolt 124 Bath rd, Bristol Carol sheets will be provided. No need be an expert at singing. Just join in and have fun. CAROLS @ CHRISTMAS Date: Sun 19th Dec Description: We will be raising funds again this year for HELPING HOMELESS BELIEVE with our Carols @ Christmas Afternoon/Evening hosted by Teresa Alexander and Joe Solo. We also have MARSHFIELD BRASS BAND joining us playing a variety of Carols for all to join in . There will be Hot Mulled Wine/ Cider ,Warm Mince Pies & Roasted Chestnuts Venue: The Midland Spinner Pub, London Rd, Warmley, Bristol
Venue: The Black Swan, 92 Stoke Lane Bristol Ultimate Diva’s Christmas Party Night Date: Wed 22nd Dec Description: Dance the night away to all the hits from the biggest female divas including Britney, Kylie, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Katy Perry. Tickets include 3 course meal. Venue: The Village Hotel Club, Bulfinch Close, Filton, Bristol Aviator Brass Christmas Sing-a-long Date: Thurs 23rd Dec Description: The Christmas Sing-a-long at the Portcullis is BACK. We missed our traditional Yuletide hootenanny last year so we’re going to make up for it this year with more festive spirit than you can shake a bauble at! Dee and Paul will line up the beers and we’ll line up your favourite carols! Venue:Portcullis, 2 Wellington Terrece, Bristol
Christmas eve bash
Festive Fun at Bristol Zoo Gardens
Date: Fri 24th Dec Description: Christmas eve bash come and join us Christmas eve from 9am for a morning coffee and a mince pie 1-5pm santas grotto, Raffle draw tickets are on sale in club too which are £1 a strip 8pm-12 80’s disco🕺 Santas grotto at the pba 1-5, Meet Santa and his elfs for a pressie, kids will also get sausage and chips or nuggets and chips with a cup drink all included in the £5 ticket price Food and drinks will be available to purchase at the bar for adults, Music and games though out the day. All welcome please enquire at the bar
Date: Mon 27th Dec Description: Tis the season for a trip to Bristol Zoo Gardens! Treat yourself to a special day out with friends, family and your favourite animals. See 300 incredible animal species plus twinkling lights and a giant Christmas tree on the top terrace. Warm up on your stroll with a takeaway hot chocolate from The Hide restaurant or one of the kiosks – don’t forget the cream and marshmallows! Bristol Zoo Gardens is open every day throughout the Christmas (except 25 December) and Twixmas period, including New Year’s Day.Times: 10.00am - 5.00pm
Venue: PBA Club Nibley Rd, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9XR
Venue: College Rd, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3HA Brick Dinos at History of Video Games Date: Tues 28th Dec Description: Enter the Jurassic period like never before and meet the dinosaurs face to face, each one masterfully built using LEGO®bricks. Working in close collaboration with a palaeontologist, artist Warren Elsmore and his team have masterfully recreated some of the largest beasts to ever walk this earth in LEGO form! Come face to face with dinosaurs from the air, sea and land. Come and see for yourself the spectacular creatures that once roamed the Earth millions of years ago. Special opening offer – tickets are £7 per person, two tickets for £12 or four Tickets for £22 The event runs until January 9th 2022. Find History of Video Games on the ground floor. Venue: The Galleries, Bristol Ice Skating at Old Down Country Park
Date: Now - 31st Dec Description: Ice Skating at Old Down is back this festive season! Join them for the ultimate Date: Sun 26th Dec Description: After a year off everyone should festive day out with a 45-minute ice skating session on real ice and access to the Country be fit (?) and raring to go for our annual Park for the whole day. The outdoor ice rink football match Fromeside ESU v Ex-Fromewill be under cover this year, so not to be side. Meet at 58th HQ, Gadshill Road from interrupted by the unpredictable weather. 10.00am ready for 10.30am kick off in Eastville Park. It would be great to see as Venue: Foxholes Ln, Old Down, Bristol BS32 many as possible ideally to play or if not, to 4PG spectate and enjoy a Christmas drink after! The more players the less we all need to run around, and as hopefully you know footballing ability is not a requirement! Boxing Day Football
Venue: Eastville Park, Fishpond, Bristol 9
Local performing group looks for new members to celebrate its 60th year! Local performing group, Bristol Gilbert & Sullivan Opera:c Society, is celebra:ng its 60th anniversary in 2022 and looking for people to join their ranks.
Following the show, the society will end the season with a special anniversary party in May 2022.
The current membership includes people of all ages – from age 7 to 87 – who get together regularly to sing and act.
Start a new hobby, or revive an old one with BGSOS! Chair Hannah Coleman is passionate about the society, “It’s a really friendly group who aren’t just great performers, but also great friends. It’s been such a challenging year for all in performing arts and we’re so excited to be back this September to start rehearsing our 60th anniversary produc:on”. Along with a professional orchestra, BGSOS is looking forward to its 60th anniversary producton of HMS Pinafore at The Redgrave Theatre in Clifton on from March 30th – April 2nd 2022.
BGSOS also offers The Wetherell Bursary to members, which is a contribution to the cost of singing or ac:ng lessons for applicants.“Named after our former musical director, Eric Wetherell, Hannah Coleman says “we are proud to aim to give back to our members and meet our charitable aims”. BGSOS rehearses at St Teresa’s Community Centre in Filton every Tuesday evening, and the evenings combine hard work with a cup of tea and a friendly chat! BGSOS is looking for performing members, scenery builders, costume developers and technical volunteers. You can also support us as a society friend, if volunteering is not for you. For details about all our roles, please email
More information on our society can be found on our website: Or via our facebook page, @BristolGSOS. 11
How to Make Homemade Christmas Crackers DIY Christmas Crackers are the perfect addition to your festivities. I love how you can decorate them to match your table setting and fill them for the specific recipient with small thoughtful gifts giving the day a personal touch.
1. Cut your paper to size, ours was 12
4. Thread a cracker snap through the
2. The easiest way to do this is to draw
inches by 6 inches (perfect for a toilet roll) and to make shaping easier we cut rhomboids out of the paper like the template below.
cardboard tube and tape it down to one side of the paper. Kids love that even homemade crackers pop!
Tie one end of the cracker with ribbon, them on and fold the paper in half and cut wool or string. The cuts should gather up. You with scissors. Feel free to use download our could also use curling ribbon. template for your crackers, just print it out to size and you are all set. The secret is to make sure your tube is just slightly smaller than the centre of the paper. Cut our the diamond with a craft knife.
3. Placed glue dots on each end of the
paper and wrap it around the cardboard tube. or you can use a strip or tape along the cardboard rolls or edge of the paper.
6. Place sweets, a joke, a paper hat and small gift or sweets, the joke (which I
printed here), a paper hat and small gift into the open end of the cracker then tie up the open end of your cracker. If you don’t want the cracker to rattle then add some tissue paper inside the cracker too.
7. Then you can accessorise and have fun decorating your homemade Christmas crackers as you chose. We used some festive ribbon and also some small tags.
Cocktails to Make over the festive holidays 2. Spiced Apple Cider 1. Brandy Alexander
In the colder months, nothing warms quite like fresh apple cider—especially when heated, infused with an array of winter spices, and One of the earliest known printed recipes for spiked with a hit of bourbon or calvados. This the Alexander can be found in Hugo Ensslin’s recipe is easy to assemble on the stovetop 1916 book Recipes for Mixed Drinks. The and makes enough to warm a small gathering recipe called for gin, which was later swapped of family or friends. out in favor of brandy. In this version from the late, beloved Gary Regan, the drink is kept from leaning too sweet by placing the brandy solidly in the spotlight, with dark creme de cacao and cream playing supporting roles.
Ingredients 1 1/2 ounces cognac 1 ounce dark creme de cacao 1 ounce cream Garnish: grated nutmeg Steps Add cognac, dark creme de cacao and cream into a shaker with ice and shake until wellchilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass or a coupe glass. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg.
Ingredients 4 cups fresh apple cider 1 cinnamon stick 1/2 teaspoon whole allspice berries 6 whole cloves 1 star anise pod 1 large swath of orange peel 4 ounces calvados or bourbon (optional) Garnish: orange slices Garnish: cinnamon sticks Steps Add the cider, cinnamon stick, allspice berries, whole cloves, star anise pod and orange peel into a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and allow to cook just below a simmer for 30 minutes to an hour. Remove from heat and add the bourbon or calvados, if using. Stir briefly to combine. Garnish each with an orange slice and a cinnamon stick.
3. Tom & Jerry It’s not easy to figure out how many calories are in a little mug of Tom & Jerry. Sure, the alcohol is a known quantity, with the couple ounces of cognac and dark rum clocking in at about 120 calories total. And the splash of hot whole milk, the only kind you want to even consider for a Tom & Jerry, is another 20. I don’t think cloves, nutmeg and allspice have calories, so you don’t have to worry about them. Which leaves the batter. When you take a dozen eggs, beat the whites to stiff peaks and the yolks with rum and a couple of pounds of sugar and then fold them together, that comes to a little more than 4,000 calories.
Ingredients Boiling water, to rinse 1 ounce dark rum 1 ounce cognac 1 tablespoon Tom & Jerry batter* Whole milk, hot, to top Garnish: nutmeg, freshly grated Garnish: ground cloves Garnish: ground allspice Steps Rinse a small coffee mug (or white ceramic Tom & Jerry cup) with boiling water to warm it, then discard the water. Add the rum, cognac and batter into the cup and top with hot milk. Garnish with a mixture of 2 parts freshly grated nutmeg to 1 part each ground clove and ground allspice. *Tom & Jerry batter: Separate 3 egg yolks and whites and set aside. In a nonreactive bowl, whip the egg whites with 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 ounce Jamaican dark rum and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract. When the yolk mixture is completely combined, gently fold it into the egg white mixture. Keep refrigerated.
Boxing Day nut roast falafels Ingredients
150g leftover nut roast
Preheat the oven to 220°C/fan 200°C/Gas 7
Pinch chilli flakes
Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper
1 tbsp red pepper houmous
Mix the nut roast together with the chilli flakes, houmous and Feta and form into 6 balls
25g Feta 1 demi baguette (optional) 20g spinach 2 tbsp fresh tomato salsa For the salad: 75g red cabbage, finely sliced 1 spring onion, sliced 25g carrot, peeled and grated Juice of 1/2 lime 1 tbsp flat leaf parsley, chopped
Place on the tray and cook for 8-10 mins until golden, crisp and fully heated through Meanwhile, mix together the salad ingredients and season Halve the baguette, slice open, then add the spinach, salad and falafel, and drizzle over the salsa
EVENT CINEMA Cinemas are no longer being used just to show the latest movie blockbuster. Here at Scott Cinemas we are bringing a range of cultural productions to the ‘Big Screen’ such as Opera, Sporting Events, Theatre Plays, Musical Productions, Ballets, Music Entertainment, Comedy Shows, Childrens’ Programming and Documentaries. We are in association with Trafalgar Releasing, More2Screen, Cinema Live, Munro and dCinex. 18
WHATS ON AT YOUR LOCAL CINEMA Twenty years after the events of The Matrix Revolutions, Neo lives a seemingly ordinary life under his original identity as Thomas A. Anderson in San Francisco, with a therapist who prescribes him blue pills to counteract the strange and unnatural things he occasionally glimpses. He also meets a woman who appears to be Trinity, but neither of them recognize each other. However, when a new version of Morpheus offers him the red pill and reopens his mind to the world of the Matrix, which has become more secure and dangerous in the years since the Smith infection, Neo joins a group of rebels to fight a new enemy.take a bite out of the Big Apple. Based on the beloved Scholastic book character, Clifford will teach the world how to love big!
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Plan for Yate investment unveiled A vision for how Yate could look in the next 15 to 20 years, which could attract hundreds of millions of pounds of investment, has been unveiled. Developed with partners, including the Town Council, local business and residents’ groups, the Town Improvement Masterplan for Yate will be important in helping to shape the future of Yate. The vision sets out how organisations can work together to help the town change over time, for the benefit of existing residents and businesses, as well as for the next generation. The plan, which could see in the region of £600 million invested in the town, will build on Yate’s existing character to make it an even more welcoming, healthy, sustainable and prosperous place to live, work and visit. A 12-week consultation held over the summer allowed local people to share their views on a draft vision, which included options for the town centre, the railway station, the western gateway/ industrial area and Station Road.
During the consultation local people fed back that they want to see more investment in Yate and a modernised town. They said that they liked the vision for enhancing active travel, such as walking and cycling, and to reduce congestion. There was also support for developing the town in line with climate change commitments and enhancing access to nature, for example making better use of the River Frome as somewhere to enjoy and experience nature in the heart of the community. Residents were also positive about plans for transforming the train station and updating the town centre, with an emphasis on active shop frontages, public spaces and keeping the community at the heart of the town centre. The feedback highlighted a number of priorities for people living in the town and these have been used to shape a final version of the Masterplan for Yate, which is now available to view on the Council’s website. For the town centre, the Masterplan proposes to keep the leisure centre and bus station in their current locations, although as investment and new designs come forward, there could be further discussions about relocating them to alternative places.
The Masterplan also proposes to maintain overall parking availability and keep building heights sensible. South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Strategic Infrastructure, Cllr Steve Reade, said: “Yate is our largest town in South Gloucestershire and has a unique identity that we want to see enhanced.
Through the consultation a number of i mportant issues were raised and discussed, and these have been fed into the final version of the Town Improvement Masterplan for Yate.” The Town Improvement Masterplan for Yate is available to view on our website at
“This new masterplan is ambitious but what is proposed will help strengthen a sustainable and prosperous town. We want to support those living and working in Yate now and in the future. “We will strive to work with our partners to help realise this vision and we are committed to help deliver the Masterplan ambitions. As a Council we are already demonstrating this commitment with the construction of the new Yate Park and Ride and through our investments to protect local businesses. “I would like to thank all those who took part in our consultation on the vision for Yate. It is really important that people get involved in shaping the future of their local area.
Nominations for the Lord Mayor’s Medals are now open
Lib Dems secure historic referendum on mayoral role:
After several months of careful negotiations with colleagues across the council, the Bristol Lib Dems tabled a motion for a referendum on the mayoral system of governance last Tuesday. Both your Brislington West councillors spoke in support of the motion, which went on to win by 41 votes to 24. As a result, we will be having a legally binding referendum on the governance of Bristol on Thursday 5 May, 2022. More details here: https://www. If you would like to get involved in the campaign to #ScrapTheMayor, please sign up here: Arnos Court Park events: This Thursday, 16 December, we will be planting our new A4 Bath Road perimeter hedge with the help of local schoolchildren. It will be a native species hedgerow of 200 saplings funded by One Tree Per Child. Over time it will provide both a visual barrier between the busy A4 Bath Road and the park and a pollution screen to help clear up our air. We will also be holding a litter pick at the same time and in the evening there will be festive carols with a local choir. There’s so much happening in our local park. Find out more here: 718708475350789/?ref=share Christmas bus services: Christmas and New Year bus timetables will be running across the West of England from 20th December to 8th January. Details here: Most services are running across the period with the exception of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. First Bus said, “Our staff have worked incredibly hard to keep buses running over the course of what has been another extremely challenging year. Therefore, like many retailers, to thank them we have taken the decision not to operate on Boxing Day this year so that they can enjoy a couple of days off over Christmas.” 24
Lord Mayor’s Medals:
We are pleased to advise nominations for the Lord Mayor’s Medals are now open. Last year, we had two winners from Brislington, so if you know someone who has provided outstanding, unpaid, innovative and selfless service to the Bristol community, you can nominate them via the link below:https:// The deadline for nominations is Friday 21 January 2022. Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services consultation: The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services consultation is now open until Sunday 23 January 2022: https://bristol. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 has made more funding available to Bristol to provide domestic and sexual violence services. The council currently spends £1,475,000 per year on these services; the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 will increase this to £2,180,000 spend per year. The council is proposing to use this additional funding to increase its provision of domestic and sexual violence services, to build on and improve how these services are provided. The proposals we are consulting on include new funding for local prevention and recovery services, additional funding for accommodation-based support, and joint commissioning of other domestic abuse services. Hundreds of Brislington West residents have signed up to receive our monthly newsletter via email. You can register using this link: By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@ Mobile: 07584 370429 & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: Mobile: 07584 183381
Your Holiday Hub returns to support families this Christmas Children and young people who are eligible for free school meals will be able to access almost 200 school holiday clubs for free over the school winter break. Families will be able to enjoy activities including cooking, arts, crafts, sports and lots of outdoor play during the four-hour sessions provided by 35 Bristol organisations. Experiences include creating a piece of winter music, Sail with Santa around the harbour, Hansel and Gretel outdoor theatre and learn how to make snow. The clubs provide opportunities for children and young people to make new friends, learn and develop new skills and build their confidence. Those taking part will also be provided with a hot, nutritious meal. Amongst the organisations running school winter holiday clubs this year are the SS Great Britain Trust, Imayla Community Interest Company, Bristol City Robins and St Werburghs City Farm. Councillor Asher Craig, Cabinet Lead for Children’s Services, Education and Equalities said: “We know this can be particularly hard time for families. We’ve worked with partners across the city to make this time a little easier for those in need and ensure we have an offer in place over the winter school holiday period, using the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. I am grateful to everyone who is contributing to this years’ clubs and the support they are giving families this Christmas.” Families who would like to access a YHH should contact the organisations directly.
A list of all organisations and locations offering YHH places are available on the Bristol City Council website. The YHH programme also includes over 3,500 food parcels from FareShare South West, which will be going to around 40 different organisations across the city, as well as 1,400 activity packs from the Children’s Kitchen, Unique Voice and Children’s Scrapstore. Kirsty Wilson, Deputy CEO of Children’s Scrapstore said: “Children’s Scrapstore, Unique Voice and Children’s Kitchen have worked together to create an activity pack which offers a great blend of cooking, crafts and mindfulness, that was packed together with the help of many volunteers. “Families can find it a challenge to keep children busy and entertained over the school holidays, and these packs offer a huge variety of resources to keep children engaged in stimulating activities. We know previous packs have helped support mental health and family bonding through creative, focussed time together.”
Provided as part of the government’s expanded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, the scheme provides enjoyable activities and nutritious meals for primary and secondary school aged children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Ped Asgarian, Director of Feeding Bristol said: “The Your Holiday Hub programme is doing a phenomenal job supporting organisations to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families experiencing food insecurity this Christmas. “Building on the success of the summer project, the mixture of food provision through food hampers supported by FareShare SouthWest, family cooking sessions provided by The Children’s Kitchen, and communities coming together to cook and eat together, will hopefully ease some of the pressures of what can be a very difficult time of the year for many of us.” Bristol City Council is working with local schools, voluntary and community organisations, and childcare providers to provide the HAF programme (Your Holiday Hub).
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Reduce, re-use and recycle this Christmas Residents in North Somerset are being asked to think about how they can reduce their carbon footprint over the festive period. By making informed choices, people can still celebrate Christmas in style while helping the environment at the same time. North Somerset Council is unable to recycle wrapping paper this year. Wrapping paper is difficult to recycle because there are so many varieties and most are mixed with unrecyclable items such as foil, glitter, ribbon and sticky tape. This means all wrapping paper will need to be placed in the black bin this year, and will end up being converted into energy. Eco-friendly present wrapping ideas include: 1. Brown paper – can be recycled with cardboard but please make sure to remove all sticky tape and decorative items. 2. Packaging – why not decorate a spare cardboard box or jiffy bag?
3. Fabric – bring colour to your presents. 4. Scarves, tea towels, handkerchiefs, bandanas or large napkins could be used. Wrap objects in various shapes by learning the traditional Japanese cloth-folding technique, furoshiki. 5. Old maps or newspaper would create a fashionable vintage look. Avoid maps with a plastic lining. 6. Jars, tins or gift bags – an attractive and reusable way to display gifts. 7. Baskets – feels homely and rustic. 8. Children’s artwork. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day all fall at the weekend so there is no change to recycling and waste collection days.
People should put their recycling boxes and bins out on their usual collection days. Collection days can be checked on the council’s website using the following link: Those with a real Christmas tree should consider what they will do with it when the festivities are over. North Somerset Council is working with local organisations to help unwanted Christmas trees become a useful resource. Most trees collected are cut down into chippings and used in land regeneration. Organisations accepting trees in the new year include Noah’s Ark Zoo and Farm, St Peter’s Hospice and Weston Rotary in support of Weston Hospicecare. Last year’s tree collections raised more than £26,000. Garden waste collection customers can also present trees for collection. They can either be chopped up and put in green waste bins or left whole alongside green waste bins. To enable crews to deal with the increased amo unt of recycling and waste during the festive period, there are no garden waste collections between 18 December and 16 January. The area’s three recycling centres (Backwell, Portishead and Weston-super-Mare) will be closed on 25 and 26 December and 1 January.
Outside these days the centres will be open as normal. For opening times, visit Councillor Mike Solomon, North Somerset Council’s executive member for neighbourhoods and community services, said: “This is usually the busiest time of year for our recycling and waste teams. Last year, we collected a massive 3,399 tonnes of kerbside recycling over the five-week festive period, around a quarter more than usual. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our crews for all of their hard work over what has been an extremely challenging year for them due to the national aftershocks felt from of Covid-19 and the shortage of HGV drivers. I’d also like to thank residents for their recycling efforts and helping to decrease black bin waste.” More information can be found on the council’s website at christmas-waste North Somerset’s Recycling and Waste team can be found on social media using the following links: Facebook (nsrecyclingandwaste) and twitter (ns_recycling).
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Stunning DIY Garden Room Kits; Designed by Future SIPs, Installed by You
Create the Additional Space You Need with an Efficient, Insulated SIP Garden Room from Future SIPs With working from home no longer the preserve of the fortunate few and the term ‘hybrid working’ becoming one of the most widely used by businesses, it’s no surprise that the popularity of having a useable room in the garden is at an all-time high. As we continue to navigate our way through the global pandemic and most of us experience new ways of working, the need for additional space in our homes has become more important than ever before. We’ve adapted to our changing work styles and environments, and as we’ve done so it’s become clear that the changes in working situations for many companies and their employees are here to stay; with a great number of people continuing to work from home or transitioning into a hybrid form of working. With a reputation for a forward-thinking approach, together with 10 years of expertise in designing, manufacturing and building garden rooms, glamping pods and timber framed buildings, Future Rooms is a family-owned and run business that prides itself on developing stunning garden rooms suitable for a variety of domestic and commercial uses. 32
As the working landscape changed, Future Rooms experienced an unprecedented demand for its beautiful garden rooms and started to receive enquiries from home owners unable to wait for a garden room to be installed and keen to buy the walls, floor and roof and build it themselves. As enquiries for self-build garden rooms increased, the team designed a highly energy-efficient DIY garden room kit, The Studio, manufactured by their sister company Future SIPs and their expanding team, all employed at their Gloucestershire-based premises. All garden rooms by Future Rooms and garden room kits by Future SIPs are manufactured at their purpose-built workshop in Gloucestershire, where they recently designed and installed a plant to produce their SIPs, enabling them to expand their offering to the public and builders and provide expert advice and recommendations. Designed and built to meet the needs of homeowners who aren’t in a position to wait months for a garden room, office or studio, the ‘Shell Kits’, ‘Shell and External Kits’ and ‘Complete Kits’ manufactured by Future SIPs are suitable for a competent DIY enthusiast or local builder to install themselves.
With a DIY garden room kit, homeowners can improve their homes and add space and value, without the need to move, often creating a room that can be enjoyed by every member of the family. The structural insulated panels (SIPs) are supplied by Future SIPs as a complete Shell Kit for the chosen garden room and include the number of required SIPs to construct the floor, walls and roof. Homeowners can finish the room to their specification, with a choice of roof finish, external cladding and glazing. The team places great importance on attention to detail and delivering the highest standards of customer service, whatever the size and style of garden room, from a welcoming home office to a multifunctional room that can be used for work during the day, exercise in the evening and entertainment over the weekend.
There are four stunning garden room showrooms, based on The Studio, and installed using Shell Kit, Shell and External Kit and ‘Complete Kit, at Future SIP’s premises in the Gloucestershire countryside in Staunton, where there’s always a warm welcome. The showroom is open from 10:00am until 4:00pm Monday to Friday and by appointment on Saturday, where the team are on hand to discuss requirements for outdoor rooms that make a beautiful and useful addition to any home and garden. For further information, call Future SIPs on 01452 840284 or visit their website at
We supported Eight Bells for Mental Health with a £3,000 grant. The Newbury charity used the funding, along with other money raised through The Good Exchange, towards delivering services in a different way after lockdown. Members now have access to an extra drop-in day, so it’s less crowded, and sessions are run across West Berkshire Staff hours have increased, too, so they can go out and meet people who are isolated. They can help them with everything from regaining confidence and referring them to health and social services, to working through benefit applications and appeals. More than 200 people are supported by Eight Bells’ work. The charity’s Coordinator Kathryn Dundas, said: “Eight Bells for Mental Health has been a lifeline, especially for those who became isolated and withdrawn during the pandemic.
“One of our members said they’ve made a lot of friends and it’s a uniquely supporting community where everyone looks out for each other.” Rachel Peters, Community Development Officer for Sovereign, added: “I got to visit a session recently and saw how the work they do is benefitting members – the art that some of them were creating was amazing and it was great for them to have such an outlet to help them connect and relax.” “It really is like one big family.”
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An innovative scheme which would see 14 new council homes built in Knowle West using land not usually available for development is being proposed by Bristol City Council. In collaboration with ‘We Can Make’ (WCM), a not for profit project developed by Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC), the council has identified microsites where council housing could be built. The scheme will be considered by Bristol’s Cabinet. We Can Make then would build affordable homes for rent to local people and ensure the houses remain affordable forever. Owned by a community land trust – the ‘We Can Make’ Community Interest Company (CIC) – rents are fixed at no more than a third of the average household income in Knowle West. Of the two homes currently under construction as part of the early pilot of the scheme; one is being built for a young woman and her daughter in the garden of her parents’ council home, where she currently lives. This will enable her to stay close to her parents, who help with childcare, while giving her space to call her own. The other will provide a new home for someone living in temporary accommodation, while reducing the size of a garden that the existing tenant has found unmanageable. Both new homes are due to be completed in Spring 2022. The scheme works through extensive consultation with the local community. Existing council tenants volunteer parts of their garden for the project, which are then transferred to We Can Make on a long lease. By working so closely with the community, WCM ensures that the new homes are in the right locations to meet specific local needs. 36
The modern and sustainable new homes are built using factory-produced prefabricated panels that are made in Knowle West, benefiting the community by creating local jobs and developing skills. Designs can also make space for nature by including green roofs, a roof garden, bike storage and planting that encourages biodiversity. Next week, (14 December), Cabinet will be asked to approve the future disposal of council land at a discount so that the pilot can be expanded. A valuation report determined that building much-needed affordable homes on micro-plots in back gardens was unlikely to be possible without the council transferring the land below market value. If Cabinet approves the request, We Can Make will work with the community to identify the next 14 potential sites for new housing on land that is currently part of the back gardens of council-tenanted homes. Cllr Tom Renhard, Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and New Homes, said: “We Can Make is a really exciting, innovative way to support our ambitions to deliver more affordable homes and tackle Bristol’s housing crisis. By working collaboratively with Knowle West Media Centre and the local community, we can make sure that the right homes are built in the right places for the right people. “This scheme makes good use of land available to the council and enables people to stay within their local area.
By disposing of this land to a not-for-profit organisation rooted in the community, we can make sure that the homes remain available to those that need them most in Knowle West now and in future.” Melissa Mean, Director of We Can Make, said: “We Can Make is a new community-led way to make affordable homes for local people. In low-density neighbourhoods like Knowle West, there are often spaces hidden in between buildings and in large back gardens where new homes could be added. We call this gentle densification “urban acupuncture”- adding homes precisely where people need them most. “We Can Make has three essential ingredients. One, is opt-in densification. For example, a family experiencing over-crowding can opt-in to use part of their garden to create space for a new home for their adult child to live in, and which is guaranteed to be affordable forever. Two, the community helps set the rules for what gets built through a Community Design Code. Three, we localize and de-carbonise the production of the homes using a timber modular construction system. The parts are made in our community factory, growing local jobs and community wealth.
“Our aim is that other communities will be able to learn from what we are doing in Knowle West, and use the approach to help better meet their own housing needs." Under the scheme, the existing council tenant, in whose garden the home will be built, will have the first nomination right over the newly built micro home in accordance with the BCC HomeChoice allocations scheme. The front garden of the existing property will also be improved as part of the works. The new homes will be allocated through the council’s HomeChoice lettings system. By operating under a Local Lettings Plan, We Can Make enables people in Knowle West to stay in their local area and secure housing while maintaining their support networks. Following the 16-unit pilot, an assessment of satisfaction with the scheme in the local community and with the tenants, as well as the long-term sustainability of the project, will be carried out before a decision on making further council land disposals to extend the scheme. You can watch a short video on affordable housing delivery in Bristol, including the We Can Make project.
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PEOPLE ARE LIVING INDEPENDENTLY FOR LONGER TO AVOID ‘FEELING OLD BEFORE THEIR TIME’ According to research carried out by leading real estate lawyers, people are living independently for longer in a bid to avoid ‘feeling old before their time’. Research by Clarke Willmott LLP shows that although people may consider the idea of moving into a later living development from as early as age 55, the main drawback is the worry that they’ll feel older than they should. The results come from a survey carried out by the national firm to explore perceptions and attitudes towards the retirement living sector. While over 50% of respondents said they would consider moving to a later living development before the age of 75, 34% said they would only consider the move at the age of 75+ and 13% at age 85+. Fifty percent of the 300 respondents said the main reason for having reservations is feeling old before their time while other reasons cited for not taking the leap into retirement living include service charge costs, isolation from the wider community and safety in terms of health concerns. Clarke Willmott specialises in supporting real estate developer and investor clients in the Later Living sector on anything from site acquisition, planning and the environment, construction and facilities management to home sales, property finance and dispute resolution. Clarke Willmott CEO, Stephen Rosser, said: “We were very interested to note that over 50% of respondents would consider moving to a retirement development before the age of 75 but 50% also were worried about feeling old before their time. “People are looking to live independently for longer to extend that feeling of youth but we believe that moving to a development where there is help on hand supports that.
From our close work with developers and investors we know that Later Living schemes are modern, vibrant and fit-for-purpose for a wide range of ages and needs but it’s clear that these developments need a bit of a rebrand in order for public perception to change. “Having said that, we carried out this survey after seeing an uptick in demand for residential developments designed for retirees and older clientele. It’s a rapidly growing market and one which will adapt to the changing needs of its users.” Chris Fayers, director of Blue Cedar Homes a client of Clarke Willmott, said: “We understand that there is a perception of retirement developments being too ‘institutional’ or only for the very elderly but that’s not the case. “We provide homes that have fewer bedrooms, smaller footplates but are reasonably luxurious single detached properties on schemes that are dedicated to those 55-65 and over. “These developments allow people to continue to live longer in a manner that they have become accustomed to, the difference being they have a new dwelling with appropriate facilities and in a community that is independent but perhaps more appropriate than a new house on a standard open market estate type development.” Stephen Rosser continued: “The survey certainly makes for useful reading for anyone with an interest in the sector. Over the coming months we will be using the results to tailor our advice and services for clients and produce helpful articles on specific aspects of the findings.” Clarke Willmott has extensive expertise in the later living sector acting for a number of major later living developers, including Retirement Villages, Blue Cedar Homes and LifeStory Group as well as advising a range of later living care providers across the UK.
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Top Tips To Avoid Feeling Sluggish And Deflated Over The Festive Season After every Christmas comes the inevitable January panic. Armed with fresh gym gear, shiny new smart watches and new resolutions, we dash to the gym or sign-up to fad diets, desperate to counteract the over-indulgence tendencies of December. And, equally inevitably, such grand plans tend to have melted away by the end of the month, disappearing in a swirl of busy lifestyles and frosty evenings. For many, going from weeks of unrelenting indulgence over the Christmas period to embracing a stringent diet and exercise regime is just too hard to sustain. But instead of beating ourselves up and feeling guilty for yet another year in a row, the answer could be right under our noses. it’s all about looking after your health over the holiday period. A ‘healthy Christmas’ may conjure up visions of lettuce replacing the turkey and running shoes but, done right, it really doesn’t have to involve you becoming the scrooge of your household. Many of the ingredients for a healthy Christmas are already part of our favourite traditions and recipes. Here are some top tips for feeling energised and positive throughout the festive period: 42
START CHRISTMAS DAY OFF RIGHT Christmas day, and Christmas lunch in particular, is often a time of great excess that can leave us feeling bloated and uncomfortable; however, a few simple tricks can change this. Start the day off right by having a proper breakfast such as porridge or eggs, rather than grazing on treats and snacks throughout the morning. This will prevent spikes in your blood sugar which leave you feeling lethargic before you even start the main meal. GO FOR THE TURKEY Turkey is a relatively lean meat, and even more so if served without skin. Smaller portions with a better balance of vegetables could make all the difference to how you feel, and will mean you won’t be falling asleep during charades. If you have any leftovers it will also make for some healthy meals in the week following Christmas that will have you feeling great - a turkey curry with lentils for example, or with roasted vegetables as part of a sala
MAKE THE MOST OF THE SEASONAL VEG A lot of our winter favourites are actually fantastic nutritious choices, and many make up part of the traditional Christmas meal. Some example are, carrots and parsnips are a great source of vitamin K and folate – they’re even better for you if you steam or boil them rather than roasting. Brussel sprouts are another Christmas classic. Love then or hate them, they contain absolutely no fat and a vast array of nutrients, including fibre, iron and tonnes of vitamin C. These vegetables shouldn’t be relegated to the status of a glorified garnish; they should feature prominently in your Christmas meal! DON’T IGNORE THE CLEMENTINE AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR STOCKING Citrus fruits contain plenty of helpful antioxidants, among other vitamins. Cranberries are another wonderful seasonal fruit, likewise rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds – ideal for fighting off colds and flus. Additionally, vegetables like celeriac and red cabbage are healthy and plentiful at this time of year. A celeriac soup, or red cabbage cooked in orange juice, makes a delicious and wholesome contribution to a winter meal. PICK YOUR TIPPLE WISELY Whilst it’s lovely to raise a glass with friends and family during the festive season, alcohol contains an unhealthy number of empty calories and can leave you feeling sluggish. So, if you’re looking forward to having a few drinks on the big day or in the run-up, try and stick to low calorie tonics and spirits, rather than calorie heavy wines or sugary sustenance like Bailey’s. Drinking early can also be tempting, but if you can save yourself until later on in the day, you will have more energy to join in the festive fun and games. MAKE NUTS YOUR NIBBLE OF CHOICE And I’m not talking about the chocolate covered variety! Rather than bowls of crisps and other calorific foods, stick to whole foods such as walnuts, cashews and dry roasted peanuts. They maybe high in fat, but they are more filling and nutritious than some other snacks and release energy slowly, giving you the stamina to make it through days of organising, socialising, and grabbing last minute presents.
KEEP MOVING One of the most important thing you can do to maintain your health over the festive period is keeping active. This doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym or going for long distance runs: simply making time for a short walk every day will keep your muscles active. A little movement will go a long way, making all the difference if you’re looking to head into the New Year feeling fresh. GIVE YOURSELF SPACE TO BREATH The holidays can be a very stressful time: be it money worries, the pressure of organising, hosting in-laws, or the drop in mood some of us experience with the shorter days and longer nights. It’s more important than ever to look after yourself at this time of year. We so often neglect mental health, despite it working hand-in-hand with physical health. Make the most of the time you get with your loved ones, and embrace every opportunity to relax. Whether it’s taking a few minutes to sit quietly and practice some deep breathing exercises, fitting in a calming bath, or taking a few minutes to get some fresh air on your own; try and remember to catch your breath whenever you get a chance. GET PLENTY OF SLEEP Sleeping is underrated, particularly at a time of year when Christmas parties and festive drinks with friends often dominate the social calendar. Of course Enjoy yourself, but keep an eye on the number of late nights you’re having, and make sure you give yourself a break. Eight hours is the optimum, and not enough sleep on too many consecutive occasions will leave you feeling groggy, tired and run down at a time of year when you want to be feeling spritely and festive! DON’T WAIT UNTIL JANUARY 1ST TO IMPLEMENT YOUR RESOLUTIONS Do you want to do more exercise, eat less meat, be more selfless or take up a new hobby? Then why wait until 1st January to get the ball rolling on your resolutions? Seize the day and start working toward your goals right away. You’re far more likely to stick to them if you get into good habits now. Overall, it’s about making a few sensible choices. So load up on the seasonal veg and get the family out the door for a frosty walk. By the time the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, you’ll be feeling ready to take on 2022. 43
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Take a break this Christmas and try to solve theses puzzles Here are this weeks puzzles designed to test your mental skills during your lunch break or after tea. Click the NEW download symbol below to download our puzzles to your phone or computer and complete at your own leisure. The answers will be published on our website every Thursday afternoon.
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Mobile Speed Camera Sites Bristol
With reports of mobile speed cameras increasing never get caught speeding again with this list of sites to expect a mobile speed camera at anytime. However, if you want a know where the camera is situated within the hour visit this Facebook group. Bristol mobile speed camera watch Hazelbury Road, Whitchurch A3029 Winterstoke Road (30mph) (20mph)
A4 Portway Nr Barrow Hill Road (30mph)
Hengrove Avenue, Hengrove, A37 Wells Road, Hengrove (30mph) Bristol (20mph)
A4 Portway Nr Hung Road (40mph)
Hengrove Lane, Hengrove, Bristol (20mph)
A370 Coronation Road, Southville (30mph)
Highbury Road, Bedminster (20mph)
Hungerford Road, Bristol (20mph)
A38 Rupert Street/Bridewell A4 Portway Nr Roman Way Street/The Haymarket, Bristol (40mph) (20mph) A4 Portway Nr Sylvan Way/ A4 Totterdown Bridge Riverleaze (40mph) (30mph) A4018 Falcondale Road, A4174 Callington Road, Westbury on Trym (30mph) Brislington, Bristol (30mph) A403 St Andrews Road, A4174 King Georges Road, Avonmouth (40mph) Bristol (30mph) A4162 Sylvan Way/Dingle Allison Road, Bristol (30mph) Road/Canford Lane (30mph)
Ladies Mile, Durdham Down (20mph)
B3119 West Town Lane (20mph)
A4174 Ring Road, nr Hicks Gate roundabout (70mph)
Ladman Road, Stockwood (20mph)
B3122 Redcatch Road, Knowle (20mph)
A432 Downend Road, Fishponds (20mph)
Highridge Green, Bristol (30mph) Hollister’s Drive, Hartcliffe (20mph) Hollway Road, Stockwood (20mph)
Marksbury Road, Bedminster B4466 Jacobs Wells Road, Bristol (20mph) (20mph)
A4 Portway Nr Portview Road (30mph)
A432 Fishponds Road, Easton (20mph)
Bamfield, Hengrove (30mph) Ashley Hill, Montpelier (20mph) Barnstaple Road, Knowle (20mph) Novers Hill, Bristol (20mph) Avonmouth Way, Avonmouth (30mph) Novers Lane, Bristol (20mph) Bishport Avenue, Hartcliffe (30mph) Highbury Road, Horfield Petherton Road, Hengrove (20mph) Broadwalk, Knowle West (20mph) (20mph) Hill View, Henleaze (20mph) Queen’s Road, Bishopsworth Broomhill Road (30mph) (30mph) Kings Weston Lane, Lawrence Weston (30mph) Calcott Road, Knowle Ridgeway Lane, Bristol (20mph) (30mph) Newbridge Road, Bristol (20mph)
Stockwood Lane, nr the sports ground, Stockwood (20mph) Stockwood Lane, nr Whitchurch Village sign, Stockwood (30mph)
B4052 Ashley Down Road, Bristol (20mph) B4054 Avonmouth Road, Shirehampton (30mph)
Bonnington Walk, nr Wordsworth Road, Lockleaze (20mph) Concorde Drive, Southmead (20mph)
B4054 Cranbrook Road, Redland (20mph) Constable Road, nr Crome Stockwood Lane, Stockwood Road, Lockleaze (20mph) (30mph) B4054 Shirehampton Road, Sea Mills (30mph) Coombe Lane, Stoke Bishop Sturminster Road, Stockwood (20mph) (30mph) B4054 Shirehampton Road, Shirehampton Park (30mph) Eastfield Road, Westbury on Talbot Road, Bristol (20mph) Trym (20mph) B4055 Station Road, Henbury Whitchurch Lane, nr Halfacre (20mph) Furber Road, Bristol (20mph) Lane (20mph) B4057 Knole Lane, Brentry Glenfrome Road, Eastville Whitchurch Lane, nr (30mph) (20mph) Hawkfield Road (20mph) B4469 Muller Road, Horfield Gordon Avenue, Bristol Whitland Road, Bristol (30mph) (20mph) (30mph) Bell Barn Road, Stoke Bishop Highbury Road, Horfield Wick Road (20mph) (20mph) (20mph) Wingfield Road, Bristol (20mph) Furber Road, Bristol (20mph)
Bonnington Walk, nr Branwhite Close, Lockleaze (20mph)
Glyn Vale, Knowle (20mph)
Julian Road, Sneyd Park (20mph)
Hareclive Road, Hartcliffe (30mph)
Keys Avenue, Horfield (20mph)
Ladies Mile, Durdham Down (20mph) Long Cross, Lawrence Weston (30mph) Merebank Road, Avonmouth (30mph)
Smyth Road, Ashton (20mph) Hill View, Henleaze (20mph)
Portview Road, Shirehampton (20mph)
Somerdale Avenue, Knowle (20mph)
Roman Way, Bristol (20mph)
South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale (20mph) Duckmoor Road, Ashton Gate, Bristol (20mph)
Romney Avenue, nr Stoke Park Primary School, Lockleaze (20mph) Stoke Hill, Sneyd Park (30mph) Wellington Hill West, Horfield (30mph)
Station Road, Shirehampton (20mph) Wellington Hill West, Horfield (30mph) Wessex Ave, Horfield (20mph)
Please visit www.avonandsomerset. for placement of mobile camera sites and remember to give yourself plenty of time to plan your journey to avoid rushing to get to a destination thus (Speeding)
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