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Out and About
Out and about this week in Brislington with Jos and Andrew
Meeting our new Police and Crime Commissioner:
Last Friday we had a meeting with the new Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon & Somerset, Mark Shelford, at Hungerford Road Open Space. The main purpose of the meeting was to get police backing for a new skatepark for the area but we also discussed other issues including the problem of speeding across Brislington and the visibility of local beat officers and PCSOs.
Regarding the skatepark, we are pleased to say the police are supportive of the proposal, which came from a local resident on Hungerford Road. We expressed the following advantages of a skatepark:
The location will serve a huge residential area, both Brislington and Stockwood.
The location is currently underutilized. The skatepark will promote use of this space and it could act as a catalyst for further improvements, such as new landscaping; a new football pitch and an outdoor gym. The introduction of a skatepark will provide positive activities for local residents and promote physical health.
For more information about the Skatepark, please check out the Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/stockwoodandbrislingtonskatepark/ Callington Road Nature Reserve Open Day: This Saturday, 4 September, the Friends of Callington Road Nature Reserve will be holding their annual Open Day. There will be lots of activities to get involved in, including a nature trail, pond dipping, bug identification, bramble bash, litter pick and much more. Activities begin at 10am. Hope to see you there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/103 1156246932735/?ref=share Arnos Court Park Community Picnic: On Saturday, 11 September, the Friends of Arnos Court Park will be holding an end of summer community picnic, weather permitting, starting at 11am. It’ll be a chance to meet up with other local people and find out more about the plans for our local park. We’ll bring along our litter pickers as well in case anyone fancies a clean-up! Please bring your own food and drink and something to sit on: https://www.facebook. com/groups/718708475350789/ Scotland Lane closure: Unfortunately, Scotland Lane is due to be closed next week from Monday 6 Sep to Friday 10 Sep. This is to allow for repairs to be undertaken by Bristol City Council to the Bottom Culvert. By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West)
Email: cllr.jos.clark@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429