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Out and About
Out and about this week in Brislington with Jos and Andrew
New community notice board:
We are delighted our new community notice board is ready to receive its first posters! We managed to get the notice board free-ofcharge from the Environment Agency after they had finished their work in the Nightingale Valley. Andrew at Briscycle agreed to place it on his forecourt and even paid for its installation. Thank you very much, Andrew. If you have an event you wish to advertise, please pop your poster into Briscycle.
Langton Road Bridge update:
We recently wrote to the Council for an update on proposals for Langton Road Bridge. The good news is, the city engineer is finalising the revised options, which will hopefully be ready for consultation shortly. Options include pavement widening, zebra crossings, one-way northbound or southbound for motor vehicles, improved cycle way segregation and/or raised crossing tables by the school. We have our preferences but we believe it is up to local residents what happens in the area. Of course, we will share the consultation widely when we have it.
Pop-up parklets:
Andrew went over to Southville on Tuesday to check out the pop-up parklet on Upton Road. At the request of local residents, two parking bays were suspended for the day and artificial grass and garden chairs were laid out. It was great to sit outside, drink tea and chat to local residents and the organisers, a charity called Possible. If you and a group of your neighbours would like to organise something similar for your street, get in touch and we’ll make it happen.
Abandoned scooters:
We recently had an issue with abandoned Voi e-scooters in the Brislington Brook near Tesco. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of river management, their removal wasn’t straightforward and there was a long delay as BCC, WECA (West of England Combined Authority), the Environment Agency and Voi discussed who was responsible and most importantly, who would pay! As this is unlikely to be the last time Voi e-scooters end up in watercourses, we have asked the Bristol City Council team supporting the Voi trial to work with WECA and Voi to ensure that there is a clear process in place for the prompt removal of e-scooters abandoned in rivers and streams. Such a long delay is unacceptable and a potential environmental hazard.

Brislington’s back lanes:
We recently helped local residents tidy their back alleyway after an elderly resident tripped and fell over some bind weed. Luckily, she has made a full recovery. Unfortunately, since our clean-up operation, someone has dumped a huge amount of garden waste in the lane, almost completely blocking it for other residents. As these lanes are unadopted by the Council, the waste is there to stay until we can organise another residents-led clean-up. Please make sure you avoid dumping rubbish in the back lanes of Brislington. It’s not fair on other residents or the local wildlife, who use the lanes as green corridors. Keep Brislington beautiful! Hundreds of Brislington West residents have signed up to receive our monthly newsletter via email. You can register using this link: http://www.bristollibdems.org/efocus.
By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@ bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429 & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr. andrew.varney@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 183381