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We pride ourselves on having happy homes, where residents and their We pride ourselves on having happy families can enjoy spending quality homes, where residents and their time with each other and develop new friendships along the way.families can enjoy spending quality time with each other and develop Our homes in Bristol are located new friendships along the way. close to local shops and amenities, and benefit from strong connections with community groups. We offer a Our homes in Bristol are located busy and varied activities programme close to local shops and amenities, Our homes in Bristol: Osborne Court Care Home, 0117 321 9289 Bishopsmead Lodge Care Home, 0117 321 9269 Call our friendly team today, or visit: www.fshc.co.uk that includes something for everyone and ensures residents get the most out of every day. We care for individuals with a variety of care needs including Residential, Nursing and Dementia Care. A Our homes in Bristol: Osborne Court Care Home, 0117 321 9289 and benefit from strong connections with community groups. We offer a busy and varied activities programme that includes something for everyone and ensures residents get the most out of every day. We care for individuals with a variety of care needs including Residential, Nursing and Dementia Care. happyplace to live We pride ourselves on having happy homes, where residents and their families can enjoy spending quality time with each other and develop new friendships along the way. Our homes in Bristol are located close to local shops and amenities, and benefit from strong connections with community groups. We offer a busy and varied activities programme that includes something for everyone and ensures residents get the most out of every day. Bishopsmead Lodge Care Home, 52
0117 321 9269