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Only for now
Bristol Beacon premieres this week’s ‘A New Song For Bristol’ - Kayla Painter’s new track ‘Only For Now’

Bristol Beacon released on 26th May a new track as part of its ‘A New Song For Bristol’ project – a new track by electronic artist and producer Kayla Painter entitled ‘Only For Now’
Let me know if you’d be interested in a chat with Kayla about the project or if you can give the release a mention?
What is A New Song For Bristol?
In Nov 2020 Bristol Beacon launched ‘A New Song For Bristol’, a city-wide project calling out to the Bristol public to submit their experiences of life in Bristol over the course of the last year, through words and music.
As part of the project Bristol Beacon commissioned six Bristol-based artists to write original tracks, directly inspired or co-created with groups of Bristolians of all ages, developed through a number of special online workshops.
This week’s track
‘Only For Now’ is a collaboration between Kayla Painter and FLOW Creative, Bristol Beacon's music making club for young musicians with additional needs. 44 Kayla worked with the FLOW group online via Zoom during lockdown, recording sounds the participants found and created from their surroundings.
Listen to the new track via Bristol Beacon’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/kdkWqRSOl0Y
Over the coming weeks, the rest of the ‘A New Song For Bristol’ tracks will be released, sharing the work of the New Song For Bristol collective and artists and the groups they have been working with.
To listen to these new tracks, the public can visit the Bristol Beacon website at bristolbeacon.org/anewsongforbristol

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Out and about in Brislington West with Jos and Andrew
Great Bristol Spring Clean:
The annual Great Bristol Spring Clean is almost upon us. This year the event runs from 28 May to 27 June. Last time, 1,219 volunteers litter-picked their way along pathways, pavements, gardens, and parks all over the city. 85 litter picks took place and a total of 1,132 bags of rubbish and recycling were collected from every corner of Bristol! As usual we’d like to organise a litter picking event for Brislington West so let’s meet at 10am this Saturday, 29 May at the junction of Water Lane and Hulse Road. We plan to clean up the streets and lanes around Brislington Brook. We’ll provide litter pickers and bags but please bring your own gloves and hand sanitiser.

Totterdown Bridge Closure:
This is an advanced warning that Totterdown Bridge from the A4 Bath Road to Albert Road will be temporarily closed to all vehicles and pedestrians between 14 and 25 June. This is because of gas works in the area. Recommended alternative routes are as follows: 46 Vehicles - North eastbound: A4 Bath Road, St. Philips Causeway, Albert Road
South westbound: Albert Road, St. Philips Causeway, A4 Bath Road, Bath Bridge Roundabout, A4 Bath Road
Pedestrians - A4 Bath Road, Edward Road, Public Right of Way 409, Albert Road and vice versa
Scrambling on Stockwood Open Space:
Last year we wrote about the problem of motorbike scrambling on Stockwood Open Space, which is a danger to other users and a noise nuisance to local residents.
Last week we meet up with the councillors for neighbouring Stockwood ward and two local police officers to discuss the problem and suggest solutions.
The police informed us that in just one month they had received 36 calls specifically related to off road motor bikes in Stockwood Open Space so they were well aware of the problem. Ideas put forward included fencing, boulders and A-frames to make access more difficult for bikes although costing was a clear barrier to this.
The police officers told us their intention to run a traditional beat surgery on a monthly basis, which would be a great way to engage with the local community. They will also try to increase their visibility with patrols in the open space to both deter and aid identification of offenders.
South Bristol Wellbeing Survey:
The South Bristol Locality Wellbeing Group have developed a survey to collect the views of South Bristol residents. The aim of the survey is to gather information on the wellbeing, support and communities in South Bristol in order to celebrate the positives in the area. Unfortunately, they currently have very few respondents from Brislington, so if you have a few minutes to spare and can help, that would be greatly appreciated. The link to the survey is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSf3YQgTMLo0Hr1fnpYCvautr1ls_ a94U5NeLsqD4AMFOwa4JQ/viewform
New community notice board coming soon:
We have now taken delivery of the notice board the Environment Agency were using
while working on Nightingale Valley, which they are kindly donating to the local community. Andrew at Briscycle has agreed to position the notice board on his forecourt.
Damaged Tesco bus stop:
We’ve been in touch with Tesco about the damaged bus stop at their site on Callington Road. Most of the glazing has gone leaving bus users exposed to the elements, which is especially unpleasant in the winter time. Hopefully, we can get this repaired soon. We also spoke to the Tesco duty manager about the overhanging undergrowth blocking the pavement on Water Lane and the installation of EV charging points in their car park. By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@ bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429 & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.andrew. varney@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 183381