We’ve looked at lots of different aspects of the tenancy cycle, over the last few weeks and, today, it’s the turn of the “humble check in.”
I call it the “humble check in” because a lot of landlords and agents disregard this stage of the process and don’t treat it with as much importance and care as other steps, which come before and after it. This could be because they feel that it’s “job done” by this stage, or because most of the documents etc. have been signed or that there isn’t much for them to do. Whatever the reason, it often gets forgotten, but, as you’ve probably gathered, we’re a little bit different here at KPA. For a tenant, check in day is super important. It’s moving day, the day when they will receive the keys to their new home. It’ll likely be the first time that they will get the opportunity to show it to their friends and family and to put all their most treasured possessions in their places and even perhap s their furniture. So, check in day, is a very exciting time for tenants.
So, moving in day for tenants – check in day for you, it’s a bit of a balancing act. There are things you need to do and procedures you need to follow, you want to show your tenants that you appreciate the fact that it’s special for them, you want to “set out your stool” of how things will work between you and, you then want to “get out of their hair” and not over-stay your welcome, so that they can move into their new home in peace! Here’s how we deal with the check in: We would already have done all the precheck in work like the inventory (important document, your inventory is your authority with the DPS and MyDeposits – if in doubt see our website at for a previous blog on this topic) and had all the requisite tenancy documentation signed and the full referencing procedure carried out.