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Focus on
Tree Planting in Brislington:
Local residents may be aware of all the tree planting taking place across the ward recently. As well as new trees in Arnos Court Park and Nightingale Valley, we also have new ones on Hillsborough Road and Hampstead Road. We are also hoping to get a lot more trees on Callington Road near the nature reserve before this year’s planting season comes to an end. Thank you to Bristol tree officers, children from local schools and volunteers who have helped with all the planting.
Community funding available:
It’s now time for local residents and community groups to think about applying for funding for community projects using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money, which developers pay to local authorities to mitigate the negative impact of their developments. Previously successful bids include the wooden planters on Sandy Park Road and the new path to the wooden steps in Arnos Court Park, which is due to be completed this summer. We would like to encourage as many local residents and groups as possible to apply for funding to support their projects this year. You can access all the information you need here.
Local groups and organisations should put forward their ideas for potential projects between 1st February and 4th April 2022, but the earlier, the better. We’re asking everyone to write them up on the Stage 1 Outline Proposal Form (available on the webpage attached) and send it to us. (see our contact details below). The council is holding a series of online community information sessions to inform people who are considering putting in outline proposals at the following dates and times: Tuesday 1 February 7pm – 8pm Thursday 3 February 2pm – 3pm Thursday 10 February 7pm – 8pm

(More details are on the website.) Please register for one of these sessions here. We will be liaising with Greater Brislington Together to set up a meeting in May, when the successful applications will be decided.
Sparke Evans footbridge repairs:
A year ago, we asked the Mayor about the poor state of Sparke Evans Footbridge and when repairs would be taking place. He was unable to provide much detail at the time but last week we got the news that £15m of funding would be made available to ensure six bridges over the New Cut get the repairs and maintenance they require over the next five years starting with Gaol Ferry Bridge in April. All six bridges are busy strategic routes into the city centre, used by thousands of people each day. As well as Sparke Evans and Gaol Ferry, Vauxhall Bridge, Langton Street Bridge, Sparke Evans Park Bridge, Bedminster Bridge and Bath Bridge will also be repaired. Funding of the multi-million-pound project has been earmarked by the West of England Combined Authority from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, provided by the Department for Transport.
Dead elm felling in the park:
Following a recent site visit by tree officers, a group of dead elm trees, located in the small copse adjacent to the footpath that crosses Arnos Court Park require felling as failure onto the footpath is possible. The group to be removed are all clearly dead and there are 7 in total. In this particular case there will not be a requirement to replant as there will be sufficient natural regeneration in this particular location and as there are a multitude of other species within this group there will not be a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area. Three more dead elm trees will also be removed from land on Stockwood Road in the coming weeks. We have asked if these can be replaced. Hundreds of Brislington West residents have signed up to receive our monthly newsletter via email. You can register using this link here.
By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@ bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429 & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr. andrew.varney@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 183381