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This week.. 4. History of July 6. Wild World Hero’s 8. Football’s coming home 10. Turner Works appointed 12. Wildseed studios announces 15. Another round up of local news 16. Things you may not know about the fox. 21. National teddy bear picnic day 24. Bristol property specialist 28. £1000 to help teenage cancer trust 32. Bristol stands against rough sleeping 38. Movie previews at Scotts Cinema 40. Old Torpedo Factory 42. Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life 44. Freedom Day And much more inside this week! @directlocal
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THE HISTORY OFJULY The seventh month of the Gregorian year is named in honor of Julius Caesar. In 63 B.C. Caesar had been elected Pontifex Maximus. The calendar was 355 days long and gradually through mishandling and corruption (pontiffs allowing the calendar to lengthen to please one priest, shortening it to anger another) January slipped into fall. While Caesar didn’t place the month of Quintilis (meaning fifth) the strangely seventh place, he did decide to change from a lunisolar to a solar calendar. (Before the Roman calendar, there were only ten months, and Quintilis was the fifth month. When the Romans added new months, Quintilis and other months were adjusted.) The solar year would consist of 365 days, adding 10 to the total. The extra days were distributed among the months with 29 days. A year after Caesar completed the calendar, he was assassinated on the Ides of March. In his honor, the Roman Senate named the seventh month July, the month of Caesar’s birth. The new calendar went іntо effect оn the first dау оf Jаnuаrу 709 A.U.C. (ab urbе condita—”from the fоundіng оf thе сіtу Rоmе Jаnuаrу 1st, 45 B.C. and put аn end tо thе arbitrary and іnассurаtе nаturе оf thе еаrlу Roman ѕуѕtеm. Thе Julіаn саlеndаr bесаmе thе predominant саlеndаr thrоughоut Europe for thе nеxt 1600 уеаrѕ untіl Pоре Gregory mаdе furthеr rеfоrmѕ іn 1582. 4
Certain соuntrіеѕ аnd institutions іn fасt аdhеrеd to this ancient ѕуѕtеm untіl wеll іntо thе twеntіеth сеnturу: Thе Julіаn саlеndаr wаѕ uѕеd іn Russia untіl 1917 and іn Chіnа untіl 1949, аnd to thіѕ day the Eastern Orthodox сhurсh adheres tо Cаеѕаr’ѕ саlеndаr. The month of July holds many celebrations. From Canada Day and Parent Day to Chocolate Day and Moon Day, there are many ways to participate. In the United States, it is considered the month of one of its biggest celebrations, Independence Day. The fine weather makes for an excellent time for vacations, travel and going to the beach. Relaxing and enjoying National Hammock Day, fishing or attending reunions are just some of the summer diversions enjoyed during July. Getting out on the golf course or cooling off in the pool during the hottest part of the year in the Northern Hemisphere In the Northern Hemisphere, people enjoy golf, team sports and cool off in the pool heading into the hottest part of the summer. Sand volleyball, water polo, boating, fishing are other enjoyable pastimes. Weather ranges from monsoon to desert. This month is known for firsts. Louis Pasteur would test the first rabies vaccine in 1885 during the month of July, and Bikini’s made their debut in 1948. In 1969, space travel took great strides, and Neil Armstrong put the first footprints on the moon. Delaware became the first state to independence from Britain.
10 INTERESTING FACTS АBОUT PЕОРLЕ BОRN ІN JULУ Hеrе are thе 10 іntеrеѕtіng fасtѕ аbоut people 6. Thеу’rе Not Into Nonsense Talks who аrе born іn Julу. Tаkе note of thеѕе іf уоu Tаlk tо thеm about unnecessary things аnd thеу will ѕurеlу іgnоrе уоu. It’s because they оr your frіеndѕ аrе born in this mоnth. аlwауѕ want tо ѕреnd their tіmе worthily, so dоn’t bе ѕurрrіѕеd іf thеу wоn’t buy уоur jokes 1. Thеу Prіоrіtіzе Fаmіlу Family fіrѕt іѕ thеіr mаіn рrіnсірlе іn life. They оr time-wasting proposals and dіѕсuѕѕіоnѕ. nеvеr assert themselves in certain things wіthоut taking thеіr family іntо ассоunt. Thеу 7. Good Advіѕеrѕ If you know anyone born in July, you know wаnt nоthіng but the bеѕt fоr their fаmіlу. they are good advisers. Seek them out when life wreaks havoc on you. It wіll be аll wоrth it. 2. They Usually Aсt As Calm Aѕ Pоѕѕіblе They саn tеll уоu what are thе bеѕt thіngѕ tо In a nоrmаl dау ѕсеnаrіо, you wіll fіnd thеm dо tо cope wіth your рrоblеm. vеrу саlm аnd rеlаx іn dеаlіng wіth ѕеvеrаl thіngѕ іn thеіr еvеrуdау lіvіng. You will nеvеr 8. Extrеmеlу Cоnсеrnеd Abоut Othеrѕ see them rаttlеd unlеѕѕ thеу аrе in a very If уоu hаvе frіеndѕ whо аrе born іn thіѕ mоnth, pressuring аnd соmрrоmіѕіng situation. then уоu ѕhоuld be thаnkful. Whу is it ѕо? Wеll, it іѕ bесаuѕе thеу аrе аlwауѕ соnсеrnеd 3. Extrеmеlу Curіоuѕ about the fееlіngѕ of others, еѕресіаllу you аѕ Men and women born in July аrе еxtrеmеlу curious іn nature. Hеnсе, it wіll bе juѕt nоrmаl thеіr frіеnd. Thеу understand and care. to ѕее and hear them asking ѕоmе ԛuеѕtіоnѕ 9. Posses Grеаt Chаrіѕmа аbоut ѕоmеthіng. They wоn’t еvеn ѕtор untіl Grеаt charisma іѕ роѕѕеѕѕеd bу thеѕе people thеу hеаr thе аnѕwеrѕ that wіll ѕаtіѕfу thеm. and draws others to them. It causes them to 4. They Fоrgеt Thоѕе Bаd Exреrіеnсеѕ as have influence as well, though they may not know it. Time Gоеѕ By When thеу are hurt bу ѕоmеоnе or fruѕtrаtеd 10. Hіgh-Sріrіtеd by a сеrtаіn thіng, rеѕt аѕѕurеd they саn fоrgеt еvеrуthіng іn due time. Taking rеvеngе Pеорlе who are bоrn іn thіѕ month аrе known tо bе hіgh-ѕріrіtеd. When circumstances are іѕ not their сuр оf tеа. Hоwеvеr, thіѕ doesn’t mean thеу wоuld mаkе frіеndѕ wіth уоu аgаіn. out of their control, they are determined to remain as positive. They dоn’t want оthеrѕ tо feel anxiety if they see rough roads ahead. 5. They’re Vеrу Sеnѕіtіvе Thеу саn bе easily hurt even by a simple joke. While they know it is only a joke, thеу can’t аvоіd thіnkіng аbоut іt, аnd taking іt seriously. 5
Young readers across Bristol are being encouraged to take part in this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. The free annual event, which will begin on Saturday (July 10), challenges children to read six books over the summer holidays. The theme for the 2021 Summer Reading Challenge is Wild World Heroes – in partnership with WWF UK. Wild World Heroes encourages children to have fun reading and discover how we can all make a difference to the environment and stand up for the planet. As children read library books for the Summer Reading Challenge, they will receive special stickers, and will be rewarded with an amazing medal and certificate at the end of the challenge. 6
To take part in Wild World Heroes, all children need to do is sign up at their nearest library, where they will be given a collector folder to keep a record of their Summer Reading Challenge journey. Youngsters can also take part online with the digital challenge, with fun online games and rewards. https://summerreadingchallenge. There’s a whole programme of events and activities planned at Bristol libraries for families over the summer to celebrate the Summer Reading Challenge with great children’s author events and craft fun. Library staff have also been attending school assemblies across the city to promote the challenge. Deputy Mayor, Councillor Asher Craig, Cabinet Member with responsibility for libraries, said: “The Summer Reading Challenge is a great way to get children interested in books and reading.
“We are delighted to be welcoming people back into libraries after the last year, and we hope we can continue to help inspire children to become more confident readers and provide free entertainment during the summer holidays.
“This year’s nature-themed challenge will inspire our children to stand up for the planet and provide plenty of ideas for taking care of our environment.” Children can find competitions, challenges, author interviews, news, and the book sorter - which recommends what children might like to read next, on the Summer Reading Challenge website throughout the year. For information on joining Bristol Libraries, new opening hours and all the services you can access at home, please click the image on the left.
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Government 'considering extra Bank Holiday Monday if England win Euro 2020'
The government is considering a bonus Bank Holiday Monday if England win Euro 2020 on Sunday night, according to reports. Gareth Southgate’s Three Lions progressed to their first final since 1966 when they beat Denmark on Wednesday night after extra time. England will face Italy at Wembley Stadium who beat Spain on Tuesday via a penalty shootout. Unfortunately for fans, kick off is not until 8pm on Sunday night which could make work difficult if England were to win. Earlier this week the government confirmed pubs will be able to stay open later if England were to progress to the final stage of the tournament. And with England now in the final, looking to win the European Championship for the very first time, there are reports from POLITICO that the government are considering an extra Bank Holiday if England win.
It comes as a government source told BBC that a full capacity 90,000-strong Wembley “cannot be ruled out” if England were to reach the final. A Government adviser said that while there were “big issues to overcome”, a full capacity stadium could not be ruled out. They added: “It’s by no means certain Wembley will be full for the final, but there’s a growing feeling that this could be a moment we cannot let pass. It cannot be rule out. “There’s also those who believe if Wimbledon can have capacity crowds and no social distancing, then why can’t Wembley if England are in the final.” There is also further speculation over whether Gareth Southgate will be knighted if he was to lead the national side to glory. Football is coming home Bristol!
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Turner Works appointed to lead city’s conversation on Western Harbour The specialists that will lead a Bristol-wide conversation on the future of Western Harbour have been announced.
The team has an international track record of delivering engagement programmes, as well as experience developing place-shaping visions that have gone on to inform more Turner Works, with Place Bureau and Burgess detailed masterplans. and Beech, have been selected by Bristol City Council to create a six-month programme of Closer to Bristol, Turner Works were the community engagement. creative team behind Super Weston, creating a strategy to show how Weston-super-Mare The multi-disciplinary team, which includes could become a thriving place to live, work urban designers, architects, graphic designers and visit. and communications specialists, will work with the council and local organisations to develop The council hopes that, by commissioning a programme of activities and events over the Turner Works to engage with Bristolians at an coming weeks. early stage of the project, before any detailed plans are made for the area, the views of Details on how the public can get involved will residents, stakeholders and the wider city can be shared later in the summer. help to inform the future of Western Harbour, an area with historic and cultural importance The feedback from the engagement will then to the whole of Bristol. be used to create a ‘place-shaping vision’ for the future of the Western Harbour area. Following the engagement period and development of the place-shaping vision, the next A place-shaping vision is a document that phase of the project will be to develop a mascontains ideas and principles to guide change terplan that will set out the future of Western in an area, which aims to promote better urHarbour. This will be commissioned in 2022. ban design and re-imagined public spaces. Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, said: “The In a competitive application process, Turner Western Harbour project is an exciting opporWorks’ proposed approach to engagement tunity for Bristol, so we want to put Bristol’s stood out to the panel, which included a citizens at the heart of a collaborative vision representative from the Western Harbour for its future. Turner Works will work with Advisory Group (WHAG). local creatives, city partners and communities across the city to draw together an ambitious vision for Western Harbour that reflects the aspirations voiced by local people. 10
“Bristol faces complex challenges: a housing crisis, post Covid economic recovery, and the threats of the climate and ecological emergencies. By bringing together ideas on transport, flood resilience and housing, we can respond to these challenges and unlock the potential of Western Harbour to deliver new sustainable homes in an active travel location that will future-proof this historic part of the city for future generations to enjoy.” Carl Turner, Director, Turner Works, said: “We are delighted to have been selected to work with the people of Bristol to help create a shared vision for the future of Western Harbour; one that meets the aspirations of those who live close by and those across the city. Our aim is to create the positive energy required to build consensus with an open engagement approach starting later in the Summer and into Autumn. We look forward to working alongside our local partners and involving people in fresh conversations to hear their thoughts and imaginative ideas about what the area can offer in the future.”
John Savage, Chair of the Western Harbour Advisory Group, said: “Bristol’s citizens have a great opportunity to have their voices heard and shape the change that is coming to Western Harbour. We are pleased the council has taken this open approach to public engagement we are looking forward to working with Turner Works and their local partners on this exciting first step of the journey.” 10 Carlton Court Westbury On Trym Bristol BS9 3DF
0117 3305520
Wildseed Studios announces new investment fund to develop emerging creative talent Scripted entertainment indie re-launches "no barrier to entry" submissions portal to find and mentor next wave of creative ideas Multi award-winning Bristol independent production company Wildseed Studios is relaunching its ideas portal, inviting creators to submit a project in live action or animation, for the chance to secure up to £10K per project to develop and even pilot their idea before pitching to global platforms.
Creators don't even need to have written a script in order for ideas to be considered. Character designs, videos, graphic novels, manuscripts are all of interest, as history demonstrates that the initial pitch for the next big global original can be presented in many forms.
Having already successfully identified, developed, and produced scripted projects from first time creators on Netflix, BBC, Disney, and Sky, Wildseed Studios is passionate about finding and developing new and diverse talent and ideas.
Selected creators will receive up to £10K each to develop their idea with the support of the team at Wildseed Studios, who have mentored raw new talent and developed their ideas into mainstream TV commissions on many of the world's leading content platforms. Full details of what the team at Wildseed are looking for, how to apply and the process of selection are available now on the company's website, with the portal opening for submissions for a concentrated month in October.
Wildseed specialises in ideas that will appeal to audiences below 30, and is therefore looking for projects with a youthful perspective - and, in line with its target audiences, is particularly keen on character-led genre ideas with a sense of humour. Wildseed Studios, launched eight years ago with a mission to find and nurture the talent of The submissions portal is specifically dethe future, received thousands of ideas when signed to offer a level playing field for bright it first opened its submissions portal. new creators wanting to get into the scripted content industry. They do not need to have an agent, or to have been produced before. The studio is looking for great ideas from passionate people with the will to work hard to achieve creative excellence. 12
Forty pilot films were created, resulting in a 60% pickup rate including a Netflix live action original series, The Last Bus (in production), Sky Kids animated sitcom Dodo, (streaming now), animated comedy Counterfeit Cat for Disney, adult animated series Tales of the Serengeti for BBC3, live action series Prank Me for Fullscreen US, and animated comedy Wolf Jenkins (also BBC3) as well as two new series in development with VisKids (as yet unannounced). Jesse Cleverly, co-founder and creative director at Wildseed Studios said: "Success in the content business is, now more than ever, driven by passion projects from unique voices and, as we know from joyful experience, when we find raw talent and mentor their creative vision, we find the next generation of hits. "We are also very aware that the industry has so far failed to enable the full spectrum of creative talent, which is why we are especially focussed on those voices who have not felt represented in the industry to date. Our submissions portal is a level playing field open to all creators and we will be especially focussed on delivering this opportunity to creative talent who have not felt that the normal routes into the industry are as open to them. "We are also committed to delivering value to anyone who submits an idea to us from the very first contact, which is why we promise to give constructive feedback on every idea we are sent, even if we can't take it forward. For ideas that we think have potential to progress to the next stage, we will talk to the creator, and then if we feel we see the opportunity in the same way and the idea continues to excite, we will work with the creator and invest up to £10,000 to develop their idea so that it is ready to pitch to the world's leading content platforms." Wildseed managing director Miles Bullough adds "Wildseed's mission is about finding and mentoring the most exciting new talent in scripted entertainment. We pioneered this approach to talent development because we wanted to find fresh ideas from people who would not necessarily get access through the standard routes. We use our industry experience and know-how to identify and nurture new creative talent towards commissions for mainstream platforms and, judging by the results to date, we know it works." PROFESSIONAL SERVICE EVERYTIME
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Another round-up of local news Local beavers litter pick:
Big Tidy in Brislington:
We had great fun last week when we joined the 145th St. Christopher’s Beaver Scouts for a litter pick around Hampstead Road, King’s Road and Arnos Court Park. Over twenty enthusiastic beavers armed with litter pickers made a real impact and several bags of rubbish were filled in the space of an hour. They will be holding more litter picks in the coming weeks as part of their work towards their Community Impact badge.
Bristol Waste’s Big Tidy team will be in Brislington West for another week or so, cutting back undergrowth, repainting street furniture, litter picking and much more. On Thursday we joined the team as they removed some unsightly tagging from the outside of Bristol Blue Glass on Bath Road. It was great to see the team in action and to be able to say thank you for all their hard work putting the sparkle back into Bristol. We also popped down to Sandy Park Road on Saturday, where the team were running a street stall.
Brislington village clean-up:
Bollard finally replaced:
We managed to avoid the showers on Saturday morning for a litter pick in the Brislington Village area. Our next litter pick will be on 7 August. Let’s meet at the bottom of Sand Hill by the junction of Bloomfield and Whitby Roads at 10am. As usual, we will provide litter pickers, hi-viz and bags, please bring your own gloves and hand sanitizer.
Well, it’s taken over six months but we finally got the bollard replaced at the junction of Bloomfield and Whitby Road. We witnessed first hand drivers mounting the pavement in order to take advantage of the short cut. This was a clear danger to pedestrians and cyclists so we were cross it took so long to replace the bollard.
Trampoline mended:
However, following our intervention, the council agreed not to take the bench away and have now fixed it to the ground with the correct screws.
Another repair that took quite a while to fix was the broken trampoline in the children’s play area in Arnos Court Park. We first reported this broken equipment back in March By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor but we were pleased to see its replacement (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@brislast week. Mobile: 07584 370429 Bristol Hill bench fixed: We reported last week how the council were planning to remove a wobbly bench on Bristol Hill as a result of incorrect screws having been used to fix it to the ground.
& Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.andrew.varney@ Mobile: 07584 183381 15
Things you may not know about the common fox Foxes are easier to see in the wild when their cubs are born in May - July. Here's a handy guide to the behaviour you are most likely to see.
How quickly do fox cubs grow?
For much of the year, foxes are difficult to see in the wild. But when their cubs are born between May and July, they are vocal and more active during the day, hunting, playing or just relaxing in the sun.
After 14 days, their eyes open. Their pupils are slate-blue. Guard hairs appear, giving cubs a fuzzy appearance. They have small, floppy ears and weigh about 350g.
Here is the key characteristics and some of the behaviour you are likely to see. How do you tell if a fox is male or female? Dog foxes and vixens are hard to tell apart, though dogs are generally about one fifth heavier. The dogs also have broader, slightly more domed heads. During winter (when mating), the male’s testes visibly protrude between his hind-legs, but these regress and are hard to see in summer.
Newborn fox cubs are blind, deaf, dark-grey in colour and weigh about 120g.
After four weeks, the cub’s pupils are grey flecked with brown. The muzzle starts to lengthen. White fur appears around the mouth and patches of red on the face. The coat is still woolly, but the ears are now erect. After eight weeks, the pupils become amber-coloured and the cub’s face approaches adult proportions. Its fur is largely adult colour but still looks woolly Throughout the summer, cubs are very similar to adults but have thinner coats and a lankier appearance.
When lactating, the vixen’s eight teats are obvious, and her belly fur is brick red (it’s normally white or grey).
They become indistinguishable from the adults by late September or early October, once their winter coats are fully grown.
In late winter, the vixen digs out several potential breeding earths. In rural areas, these will be in banks, at woodland edges or under piles of sticks or drystone walls. In urban areas, they can also be in or under sheds and buildings. 16
From late September, the family group breaks up and some or all of the cubs disperse.
What do fox cubs eat?
Do foxes live alone or in groups?
Cubs are suckled for the first four weeks, then progressively weaned until seven weeks old (though they are occasionally still suckling at 14 weeks).
Foxes live in social groups – three or four adults are quite common (though 10 were recorded in one Bristol group). These consist of equal numbers of dogs and vixens.
They hunt earthworms and insects as soon as they emerge from their earth (at four weeks), but these form only a very small proportion of their diet.
Generally, only one vixen breeds, but occasionally up to three do. Cubs can be reared separately, but may also be pooled together in one large litter.
Adults bring back larger mammals and birds for the cubs, but they themselves feed more on small prey such as mice and voles. Cubs are cautious until they start foraging for themselves.
Mid-March is the peak time for births. The average litter size is four or five, but eight is not uncommon. For the first few weeks, the vixen spends most of her time with the cubs and relies on the male to bring her food.
In gardens, they may hide in flowerbeds while the adults collect food. Youngsters have high energy-needs – adults caring for a litter can look very thin.
There is no obvious sign as to which earth has been used for breeding until the cubs emerge at about four weeks old – usually late April or early May. Food remains then accumulate around and inside the earth.
Both dogs and vixens provision their cubs, who beg for food by rushing over excitedly. They hold their bodies low to the ground, wag their tails rapidly, nuzzle the adult’s mouth and whine. Cubs fight over access to food. They arch their backs, raise their hackles and hold their heads low while making high-pitched ‘kek-kek-kekking’ noises. Tugs-of-war help to break open carcasses – the cubs’ teeth are too weak to tackle intact prey. Cubs start to forage for themselves in July. Thereafter, they compete with adults for food, who may push them off a kill. They tend to go for easy-to-catch prey such as insects and earthworms while slowly developing their hunting skills.
Unless disturbed, cubs stay in their natal earth until early June, though they may abandon it earlier in hot weather. From early June, they lie up above ground at rendez-vous sites in dense cover such as a bramble or thorn patch or in piles of rubbish. Researchers believe there are around 16 foxes per square kilometre living in Bristol, which is one the highest concentrations in Britain after Bournemouth and London. It comes after new findings suggested the number of foxes living in UK towns and cities had risen to 150,000, equivalent to one fox for every 300 people. 17
Groundbreaking programme builds better family relationships Expert help is at hand for Somerset parents struggling with family relationships, with many experiencing further tensions as a result of the pandemic and lockdown restrictions. Twin Group, an award winning provider of people-centred services, has received additional Government funding to extend the Reducing Parental Conflict pilot for another year. This suite of free programmes aims to help participants improve communication between themselves and the other parent. Branded Happy Families, Happy Futures, this inclusive intervention has been designed for parents, who are in a relationship or separated; includes both step and adoptive parents; and those who have caring responsibilities such as grandparents and other individuals where there is a residence order. There is also support for expectant parents in a relationship or who may be separated.
We are also urging parents to register an interest with their professional support contact if they feel that such an intervention could benefit them or simply send an email to ” INTERVENTIONS EXPLAINED There are four types of intervention available depending on the family’s individual circumstances: Family Transitions Triple P: advice and guidance to deflect the pressure of divorce or separation away from children. Incredible Years Inc. Advance: support and techniques for parents working together to do the best for their children in their early years. Within My Reach: helping parents to understand healthy relationships and the positive impact for their children.
Since its launch in 2019, the programme has helped more than 400 participants and is managed by local partners throughout the South West of England. In Somerset the intervention is delivered by Home-Start and Exeter Community Initiatives.
Family Check-Up: building parents’ skills to support positive behaviour in their children.
Individual sessions are managed by local partners who provide skilled facilitators to help participants evaluate their relationship with the other parent, and improve ways of communicating, to ultimately benefit their children.
“Thank you very much for understanding and never judging us. You have really helped me and us as a family and, hopefully, made us a lot stronger as a family. We could not be more thankful.”
Now Twin Group is launching a two-fold appeal to both potential participants and professional practitioners who are in contact with parents. “There is no doubt that the pandemic has put an extraordinary strain on many family relationships,” said Samantha Stevens, Contract and Partnership Manager with Twin Group. “We are now promoting that this effective and groundbreaking programme has been extended for another year.
The local delivery partners are: Exeter Community Initiatives; Home-Start; and Whitehead-Ross Education and Consulting. “The course has really helped me understand not only my child’s, but also my own reactions to certain situations. A worthwhile course tailored around my own time, in the comfort of my own home.”
Samantha Stevens added: “The Happy Families, Happy Futures programme can be very effective at helping couples to improve how they communicate and reduce conflict within the family. During the pandemic we have changed our mode of delivery to online sessions which have proved very successful with participants and enabled us to continue our much needed service during lockdown.
“We are alerting professional practitioners, health visitors and social workers for example, “However, it is important to stress that this programme is not appropriate for parents or those involved in another capacity with dealing with incidents of domestic abuse, families, such as teachers, to continue to where there is an imbalance of power and one partner may feel fearful of the other.” 18
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Teddy Bear Picnic Day – July 10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day is celebrated on July 10 every year. Almost every individual has had a teddy bear stuffed toy in their lifetime. They have been loyal companions throughout our childhood. This unofficial holiday is largely celebrated in Canada, the United States, Australia, and some parts of Europe. With this holiday being in the summer (in the northern hemisphere), it’s the perfect occasion to step outdoors and have a picnic with your children and their adorable teddy bears. The minute we hear the word teddy bear, it invokes a warm fuzzy feeling in our minds and hearts. The humble teddy bear has worn many hats since its inception, from being a cuddly playmate to a collector’s item. Though not many people know where the term ‘teddy bear’ or the concept of this stuffed toy even came from. It’s quite an interesting story, actually. It so happened that once during a hunting trip back in 1902, the then U.S.
President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear that someone had tied to a tree. He stated that shooting it would be unsportsmanlike — and that’s how the story of ‘Teddy’s bear’ came about. That incentivized certain toymakers to make and sell bears with the name ‘Teddy Bear’ and since then they have become an integral part of people’s lives across the world and age groups. This creation is what led to the making of the song ‘The Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ in the 1900s. Initially, a melody was written for this song by John W. Bratton and, many years later, Jimmy Kennedy, an Irish songwriter, added the lyrics to the tune. This song has been loved and enjoyed by children and adults alike over the years. Owing to the immense popularity enjoyed by the song, Teddy Bear Picnic Day was created to give us a chance to celebrate the simple and small pleasures of a picnic with these stuffed animals. Don’t forget to prep your teddy bears for this unique and fun holiday.
Green tea and elderflower punch
This long drink is deliciously fruity and refreshing - ideal for long summer evenings spent in the garden, or a barbecue with friends
2 Green tea bags
Put the teabags in the gin for an hour to infuse, then discard
400ml Dry gin
When ready to serve, core and slice the apple and slice the cucumber
1 Apple 1/2 Cucumber 50ml Lemon juice 750ml Elderflower pressé Mint sprigs to garnish (optional)
Put in a large jug with lots of ice Add the tea-infused gin and lemon juice and stir to chill Top with the elderflower pressé and serve in tall glasses Garnish with mint, if you like
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NEW DIRECTOR JOINS PARKER’S ESTATE AGENTS Andrew Simmonds, who is an associate of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, has worked in the residential property sector since 2005. He has most recently worked with developers on sales strategies for new He joins experienced long serving director Ju- build homes and was previously managliet Noble, who has lived in Backwell for many ing director of one of the region’s largest businesses managing apartment blocks for years building up a reputation as a friendly, expert property specialist in helping local peo- private landlords. ple with their property needs. Virginia Madan He said: “There is such a diverse range of has retired from the firm after more than 30 properties in Nailsea, Backwell and the other years in estate agency. North Somerset villages and it is an attractive place for people to live. My aim is to Welcoming Andrew to the business, Juliet build upon the already strong reputation that Noble said: “It is great to attract someone of Parker’s has built, since it was founded by Andrew’s calibre and experience to Parker’s Tim Parker in 1989 and give local people the and he has the enthusiasm and drive to help service they need and deserve. us ensure we keep improving our service to the residential property market in the area. “North Somerset is a fantastic place to live “The last year has been very difficult for peo- and work which gives it a lively property scene. We know that every property placed ple wanting to buy or sell their home and we with us for sale or rent deserves attention to are now seeing a great deal of activity in the detail so that we can help people move with market as people look forward to the Covid rules being relaxed. Andrew and I are looking the minimum of fuss.” forward to helping people secure their dream home in North Somerset as the Covid rules are relaxed.” Respected Bristol property specialist Andrew Simmonds has joined Parker’s Estate Agents in Backwell, North Somerset as a board director.
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New aerial film released showing progress on this major regeneration project for Bristol Nearly all the private sale homes within phase two of Wapping Wharf, Bristol's muchloved harbourside neighbourhood, have been bought or reserved[2]. A new aerial film shows progress on site as a key piece of the jigsaw in this major regeneration project for the city reaches its final stages. The first residents started moving into Wapping Wharf Living phase two last year, the name given to the 163 private sale 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments that have been built. Just a few apartments remain for sale. Known for its eclectic array of independent shops, restaurants and cafes, Wapping Wharf has become an integral part of the city's food and drink scene over the last few years. Wapping Wharf, which was recently highlighted as ‘best address' on Bristol's harbourside in the Sunday Times' Best Places to Live guide, is also home to CARGO, a popular retail hub made of converted shipping containers. Couple Holly Williams, 23, a children's nurse at Bristol Children's Hospital, and Charlie Mallock, also 23, have recently moved into their new one-bed home at Hope Quay, Wapping Wharf Living. "We just love coming back from work and having a drink outside," says Holly, "Either at one of the great little bars and restaurants at CARGO, down by the water in front of Wapping Wharf or on our own balcony which overlooks a lovely internal courtyard." 26
"Everyone's really nice and friendly and it seems very easy to make friends, which is great because we haven't lived in Bristol that long. And all the owners and people working at CARGO are really welcoming - it even feels like we get an extra special welcome as residents! The whole place is always so busy and vibrant, which is what we love - just being amongst people chatting, shopping and having a drink. It feels really sociable." Holly added: "Our apartment is fantastic we're loving the big windows in the living room and bedroom which make it really light and airy. It's much more spacious than the last places we've lived in and the best thing is it's all one big living area, which is exactly what we wanted. It makes it much more sociable - you can be cooking dinner and having a chat at the same time." Pauline Sangster, residential sales director at Wapping Wharf Living, said: "Nearly all the homes within Wapping Wharf Living phase two have now been snapped up, marking a very exciting milestone in the creation of this latest phase of development. We continue to welcome new residents to the neighbourhood, meaning this already established community is growing and growing by the day. We were thrilled to hear that the Sunday Times recently highlighted Wapping Wharf and Bristol's harbourside in its Best Places to Live guide for the second year running, which is testament to the amazing location, community ethos and
The aim at Wapping Wharf is to create a mixed community of people from different walks and stages of life, so across the whole development, homes are being offered on a range of tenures, including open market sale and rent, shared ownership, as well as affordable and social rent. In the current phase of construction, there are 256 homes in total: 163 for open market sale, 49 shared ownership and 44 for private rent. A further 81 affordable homes will also be created as part of a future phase of construction. Wapping Wharf Living is being developed by family-owned developer Umberslade and national urban regenerator, Muse Developments, in a joint venture. Prices for a one-bedroom apartment start from £267,500. Enquiries can be made to sales@wappingwharfliving. or by calling 0117 363 7839, or you can register your interest at www.
Has your property gone up in price?
£1,000 to Teenager Cancer Trust in memory of forklift driver's stepson
The donation is a contribution to wider fundraising efforts by Arron King's family and friends in aid of the charity
The Bristol division of leading housebuilder Barratt Homes has made a £1,000 donation to charity Teenage Cancer Trust after one of its construction team sadly lost his stepson, Arron King, to cancer. The donation is a contribution to the wider fundraising efforts of Arron's family and friends who have already raised thousands of pounds for the charity through a 120-mile bike ride, sky dive and quiz night. Arron, from Nailsea, who was a budding DJ, was just 19 years old when he died in February this year after being diagnosed with an incurable sarcoma cancer. More than 2,000 young people aged 13-24 are diagnosed with cancer in the UK every year. In Bristol, Teenage Cancer Trust funds four expert staff at the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre who make sure the best possible care is given so patients are treated as young people first, cancer patients second. James Sims, a forklift driver for Barratt Homes, who works on their Filwood Park development in Bristol, said: 28
"We are incredibly grateful for Barratt Homes' donation to Teenage Cancer Trust. The team were an amazing support to us, and we would urge others to support them too if they can as they make a huge difference to the lives of young people and their families." Arron's mum and James' partner, Jayne King, said: "It makes me so proud to know how much Arron was loved. We have been overwhelmed by all the messages of condolence including Nailsea School staff; even teachers who have since left have been in touch." Tracy Burns, relationship manager South West and Wales for Teenage Cancer Trust, said: "Cancer is tough, but Teenage Cancer Trust's work puts young people in the best possible place, physically, mentally and emotionally, for their cancer treatment. We fund expert nurses, support teams, and hospital units and we're the only UK charity dedicated to providing this specialised nursing. We're completely dependent on donations for all of this work, which is why we're so very grateful to receive this donation by Barratt Homes' Bristol division. A huge and heartfelt thank you from everyone at Teenage Cancer Trust."
Together with its sister company David Wilson Homes, Barratt Homes donates £3,000 every month to local causes in the South West as part of the company's commitment to supporting the communities where they are building new homes. Barratt Homes is delivering much-needed new homes at nearby Ladden Garden Village, in North Yate, and at Blackberry Park in Coalpit Health, and was behind the creation of the new community at Filwood Park, Bristol. Andrea Pilgrim, sales director at Barratt Bristol, which covers the wider Bristol area, says: "It's important to us to support communities near to where we are building homes, as well as wider charitable causes, helping to make a positive difference to people's lives. This is a cause that is very close to our hearts due to the experiences of one of our team and it is also a charity that has an enormous impact on the lives of young people in Bristol every day."
Barratt Bristol recently handed over nearly £27,000 to the UK's leading dementia research charity, Alzheimer's Research UK, its charity of the year. Recent support included donations to local foodbanks which experienced unprecedented demand due to lockdown and the Covid pandemic. To support the fundraising drive of Arron's family and friends, go to their Just Giving page here.
Vegan one-pot pasta Have a go at making your own vegetable stock, then use it to make this easy vegan one-pot pasta
1 aubergine
Cube the aubergine and carrot, slice the red peppers, finely chop the red onion and crush the garlic cloves
1 carrot 2 red peppers 1 red onion 2 garlic cloves 6 peppercorns 1 dried bay leaf 3 tbsp Olive oil 250g Penne pasta 400g Can chopped tomatoes 50g Raisins 1 tbsp drained jarred capers, chopped Parsley, chopped
Place the discarded trimmings, seeds, outer leaves and stalks into a pan, along with 1.25 litres water, the peppercorns and dried bay leaf Bring to a simmer and cook for 35 mins, then strain and discard the trimmings Heat 1½ tbsp olive oil in a large pan and cook the aubergine and pepper over a high heat for 5-10 mins, until golden Remove and set aside. Heat another 1½ tbsp olive oil, then cook the carrot, onion and garlic for 5 mins, over a low heat, until softened Add the penne pasta, the stock and chopped tomatoes, then bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer, add the aubergine, pepper, raisins and capers, then cook, covered, for 12 mins Cook uncovered for 3-4 mins, until the liquid is reduced and the pasta is al dente (cooked, but slightly firm)
Season, then serve garnished with parsley
Hengrove Community Centre Fortfield Rd, Hengrove BS14 9NX Tuesday Morning Wednesday Afternoon//Evening Sarah: 07879 44388
Hengrove Community Centre Fortfield Rd Hengrove BS14 9NX Tuesday Afternoon//Evening Vicky: 07710 626746
Christ Church Hall Petherton Road Hengrove BS14 9BP Saturday Morning Keesa: 07399 597267
Contact your group consultant for times
Bristol stands against rough sleeping immigration rules City joins #SupportDontDeport pledge Bristol has strengthened its commitment towards ending rough sleeping in the city by becoming one of the first areas in the country to sign up to Homeless Link’s #SupportDontDeport pledge against government changes to immigration rules.
The council will also not require any of its commissioned homelessness partners to make referrals or pass data to the Home Office under the rules and has pledged to only share information with the consent of the individual.
Councillor Renhard said: “To continue our push to end rough sleeping, those experiencHomeless Link, the national membership ing homelessness must be able to approach charity for organisations working directly with services provided by the council and its people who become homeless in England, partners with confidence that they will be believe the new regulations - making rough supported and not deported. We fear these sleeping grounds for refusing or cancelling a immigration rules would have the opposite person’s leave to remain in the UK - will make impact. the fight against homelessness more difficult than ever. “Those facing homelessness could be dissuaded from accessing those services for Bristol City Council has joined local authorities fear that their details will be passed to immiand homelessness organisations in deciding gration authorities, leading to an increase in not to proactively refer people to the authorrough sleeping. ities under the changes brought in by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local “We are proud of Bristol’s status as a City Government (MHCLG) in October of last year. of Sanctuary and the work we are doing to make Bristol a welcoming place for refugees As of 5 July, 88 organisations have signed the and our view is that any information should pledge, including eight local authorities. only be shared after the person in question has been given proper legal advice and given The charity has urged government to scrap their informed consent. the new rules as they fear that the policy will drive people that are already vulnerable, such “Non UK citizens who are sleeping rough can as victims of modern slavery, away from the spend months or years waiting to hear back support they require and hamper the efforts to from the Home Office in order to resolve bring an end to rough sleeping. their status and we are continuing to work with a range of local and national partners, Bristol’s decision to back the pledge was including central government and our comincluded within a Golden Motion moved by missioned partner St Mungo’s, to find ways Councillor Tom Renhard, the Cabinet member of supporting people to move off the streets for Housing Delivery and Homes, and passed regardless of their migration status. at last night’s (Tuesday, 6 July) Full Council meeting. 32
“We have worked tirelessly alongside our partners over the last 15 months to keep people who are sleeping rough safe during the pandemic. This included helping around 1,500 people who were rough sleeping or homeless, to move into emergency accommodation.
As a result, they often have multiple, complex needs such as mental health issues and issues with drugs and/ or alcohol. This can make it hard for people to engage with services and take up offers of support. It should never be grounds for changing someone’s immigration status.
“This has resulted in a significant reduction the number of people sleeping rough in the city, showing the impact strong partnership approaches can have. However, we know there is still a considerable amount of work to be done to end rough sleeping altogether.”
“The nuances and intricacies of policies like these often aren’t understood well on the ground. We fear that, if local authorities and homelessness charities don’t take a clear stand on this issue, fear around deportation could prevent many of society's most vulnerable people from accessing support.
Rick Henderson, CEO at the national homelessness membership charity Homeless Link, said: “I’d like to congratulate Bristol Council for taking a stand and putting the wellbeing of people it supports above anything else. In many cases, people sleeping rough have experienced significant trauma in their lives.
Bristol Council’s commitment has confirmed this won’t be the case in its local authority area.”
Can you solve our cranium crunching puzzles? Here are this weeks puzzles designed to test your mental skills during your lunch break or after tea. Click the download symbol below to download our puzzles to your phone or computer and complete at your own leisure. The answers will be published on our website every Thursday afternoon.
There are 5 differences between these two pictures. Are your eyes good enough to see them all?
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Friday 9th
Saturday 10th
Sunday 11th
Monday 12th
Marvels Black Widow (12A)
Marvels Black Widow (12A)
Marvels Black Widow (12A)
Marvels Black Widow (12A)
1.45, 5.00, 8.15
1.45, 5.00, 8.15
1.45, 5.00, 8.15
1.45, 5.00, 8.15
Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m)
Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m)
Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m)
Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m)
2.00, 8,00
2.00, 8,00
2.00, 8,00
2.00, 8,00
In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m)
In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m)
In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m)
In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m)
Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m)
Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m)
Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m)
Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m)
Supernova (15) (1hr.55m)
In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m)
In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m)
Supernova (15) (1hr.55m)
In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m)
Petter Rabbit 2: The Runaway
Petter Rabbit 2: The Runaway
In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m)
(U) (1hrs.55m)
(U) (1hrs.55m)
12.40, 3.25
11.30, 3.00
Cruella (12A) (2hr.35m)
Cruella (12A) (2hr.35m)
Tom & Jerry (U) (1hr45m) 10.30am
Tuesday 13th
Thursday 15th
Raya and the Last Dragon (PG) (2hrs.), 10.30am
Marvels Black Widow (12A) (2hr.45m) 1.45, 5.00, 8.15 Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m) 2.00, 8,00 In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m) 8.30 Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m) 5.20 Supernova (15) (1hr.55m) 3.00 In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m) 4.50
Marvels Black Widow (12A)
Wednesday 14th Marvels Black Widow (12A) (2hr.45m) 1.45, 5.00, 8.15 Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m) 2.00, 8,00 In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m) 8.30 Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m) 5.20 Supernova (15) (1hr.55m) 3.00 In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m) 4.50
51 Northumbria Drive Henleaze BS9 4HN 36
(2hr.45m) 1.45, 5.00, 8.15 Another Round (12A) (2hr.45m) 2.00, 8,00 In The Earth (15) (2hr.05m) 8.30 Fast & Furious 9 (12A) (2hr.45m) 5.20 Supernova (15) (1hr.55m) 3.00 In The Heights (PG) (2hr.45m) 4.50
This week’s movies previews One of the most beloved rivalries in history is reignited when Jerry moves into New York City’s finest hotel on the eve of “the wedding of the century,” forcing the event’s desperate planner to hire Tom to get rid of him, in director Tim Story’s “Tom & Jerry.” The ensuing cat and mouse battle threatens to destroy her career, the wedding and possibly the hotel itself. But soon, an even bigger problem arises: a diabolically ambitious staffer conspiring against all three of them. An eye-popping blend of classic animation and live action, Tom and Jerry’s new big-screen adventure stakes new ground for the iconic characters and forces them to do the unthinkable… work together to save the day. Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Raya and the Last Dragon” travels to the fantasy world of Kumandra, where humans and dragons lived together in harmony long ago. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people. However, along her journey, she’ll learn that it’ll take more than a dragon to save the world—it’s going to take trust and teamwork as well. “Raya and the Last Dragon” features the voices of Kelly Marie Tran as Raya, a warrior whose wit is as sharp as her blade, and Awkwafina as the magical, mythical, self-deprecating dragon named Sisu. Characters also include a street-savvy 10-year-old entrepreneur named Boun, the formidable giant Tong and a thieving toddler Noi with her band of Ongis.
Tom and Jerry
Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past arises. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Natasha must deal with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she became an Avenger.
Loop Massage goes from strength to strength as it expands to new Wapping Wharf home Loop Massage will embark on an exciting new chapter in its Wapping Wharf story with a move to a new larger studio within this much-loved harbourside community. With the massage studio marking four years since it was launched at Wapping Wharf by owner Polly Meech, Loop Massage is preparing to relocate from its existing base at CARGO 2 to a bigger unit on the ground floor of Hope Quay along Rope Walk. Hope Quay is one of the two new buildings that have been created as part of phase two of development at Wapping Wharf, a neighbourhood that is also home to CARGO, a popular hub made of converted shipping containers, brimming with independent shops, restaurants, cafes and more.
The ‘new' Loop Massage will have three treatment ‘pods'. Each space will have its own identity: Linen, Birch, and a new third studio called Clay. Loop will reuse some of the materials found in the original studios, including the linen canopies, oak frames and birch screens, paired with other natural materials to create an oasis of calm. Polly has been part of the Wapping Wharf community since the early days after she initially came across this burgeoning part of the city on a Sunday stroll in 2016.
"Wapping Wharf has been so important for Loop and I feel so lucky that I walked that way that day", said Polly. "I'm passionate about massage and how it can help people, so I've worked hard to make Loop a beacon for great massage in Bristol, attracting the brilliant, Polly said: "I am so excited about our move to loyal customer base we are so grateful for, Hope Quay and thrilled that we can remain as but the location has certainly helped it to part of this neighbourhood we know and love. flourish too. It's a wonderful community filled The new spacious location will be a haven with independents spearheaded by Stuart, of tranquillity and will be carrying through the our landlord, who has always been incredibly original CARGO spirit. The new studio will supportive, particularly during this difficult past allow us to add more practitioners and, in year." time, more wellness services, including reflexology and facials to our deep tissue and sports treatments." 38
Polly added: "People's lives have changed hugely during the pandemic and everyone's faced their own challenges as we've navigated our way through these difficult times. One positive consequence, however, has been that many people have discovered a new way to live their lives and are increasingly prioritising looking after themselves. We want to be able to go some way to helping people do this." Stuart Hatton, managing director at Umberslade, the developer of Wapping Wharf, said: "I'm so pleased to see Loop Massage going from strength to strength at Wapping Wharf. We always envisaged CARGO would be a place for new and emerging businesses to try out new ideas and concepts and it's brilliant to see Polly's venture having been so warmly received by the city. Her very loyal customer base is testament to how much energy, enthusiasm and commitment she shows and we are sure the new Loop will be a resounding success." With the upcoming expansion, Loop is now on the lookout for like-minded massage therapists to join the team. If you are interested in applying, then please email Polly at Wapping Wharf is in the heart of Bristol's historical and cultural quarter, with its tree-lined pedestrian and cycle route, Gaol Ferry Steps, providing an important connection between south Bristol to the city centre. Now home to over 40 independent businesses, many of which are based within CARGO, Wapping Wharf is home to some of the city's best independent restaurants, shop, cafes and lifestyle businesses. Follow Loop Massage on Instagram here
Propyard reimagines old torpedo factory
Propyard, Bristol’s newest contemporary arts, music, food and culture venue, opens its doors on Friday 9th July, on the site of a former torpedo testing site.
Loki Poké will be slicing and dicing the freshest Hawaiian bowls and Holy Cow will bring the best burgers you will have ever had - made right in front of you.
Situated on Feeder Road, this incredible new space is half indoor in a hangar featuring many of the building’s original MOD fittings, including huge industrial cranes. The outdoor space features street food trucks, stretch tents and a capacity of 500+, even with social distancing still in place.
For the ultimate feel-good vibes, Cyprus Kitchen is bringing their ethos of ‘every meal is a celebration with their Eastern Mediterranean stuffed pittas, Hanging and Aging will offer outstanding Italian salumi, while Paletas serve up some untraditional flavoured ice lollies made traditionally with whole fresh fruit.
Designed to bring people together through art, music, food and events, it has been transformed by a collective of Bristol events and music industry specialists through the use of reclaimed film sets and stylish handmade furniture, ready to host visitors every weekend from Friday to Sunday throughout the summer. It features seating for groups of up to six, amazing food and drink offering and live entertainment every night.
Opening weekend will feature Manami, Daisy Moon & Chris Farrell and Millie Mckee behind the decks at Propyard, with Velvet Velour & Lakewest, Dar Disku, Soulworks and Alfresco Disco all playing in July.
Some of the city’s favourite street food vendors will cater for guests including Loki Poké, Cyprus Kitchen, Holy Cow, Paletas, Hanging & Aging Deli and Blind Owl Coffee. Bringing the festival vibes to you with a street food offering that will please everyone 40
Bristol DJ Sam Watts (aka Maxxi Soundsystem), event producers Jamie & Jess Joiner, Sonia Gedman, Jono Leach, Kevin Doody, Tone Collins and experienced bar operators Refresh West make up the team who have come together to create a cultural destination in St Phillips - home to one of the UKs largest regeneration projects.
Sam Watts, Marketing Director says: “Propyard is the culmination of months of work to transform this disused space in a really fantastic but often underrepresented part of the city. We are booking a stellar lineup of entertainment from all over the UK, as well as curating art and cultural events within our spaces. It’s perfect for light installations, experiential events and music, and big enough to be spacious and safe if we need to maintain social distancing through the summer.” Table bookings are now available. Visit: https:// To keep up to date with the latest news and updates from Propyard follow @propyardbristol across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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DETERMINED SUPPORTERS VOW TO RACE FOR LIFE People are being urged to look beyond lockdown by making a date to join Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life in Bristol. The charity’s much-loved events are aiming to return to the city this August but with socially distanced measures to keep participants safe. Money raised will help scientists find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, saving lives as the charity fights back from the impact of the pandemic.
So this year, more than ever, we need people to enter the Race for Life - for the people we love, for the people we’ve lost and for the one in two of us who will get cancer.”
Every year around 35,100 people are diagnosed with cancer in the South West* and one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will get cancer in their lifetime.**
Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, which has been in partnership with Tesco for 20 years, is an inspiring series of 3K, 5K, 10K, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids event which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer by funding crucial research. Money raised funds world-class research to help beat 200 types of cancer - including bowel cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancer, children’s cancers and leukaemia.
The Race for Life events which take place on the Downs at Ladies Mile, Bristol, on Sunday August 22 are open to people of all ages and abilities. Events include a 3K, 5K, 10K as well as Pretty Muddy, a mud-splattered obstacle course.
This year, participants will set off on the Race for Life course either alone or in small, socially distanced groups. Hand sanitiser will also be provided with participants encouraged to use it before and after the event.
Alison Birkett, Cancer Research UK’s spokesperson for Bristol, said: “Race for Life offers the perfect opportunity for people across the region to run, walk or jog and raise money for life-saving research.
Alison added: “We’ll ask participants to respect social distancing before, during and after the event.
“All 400 mass participation Race for Life events across the UK were cancelled last year to protect the country’s health during the COVID-19 pandemic. 42
“But we promise our events will remain colourful, emotional and uplifting.
The safety of our Race for Life participants is our absolute priority. We’ve been constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation and have developed ways to ensure our events can operate safely, following government guidanc e. It may be that events look a bit different this year but we are working proactively with our venues and suppliers to deliver a socially distanced but great experience. “Sadly, cancer touches almost every family at some point. Every step our scientists take towards beating cancer relies on our supporters. That’s why we need as many people as possible across Bristol to join us, to stand united and do something extraordinary to help beat cancer. “We know that 2020 was a year like no other and we had to overcome many challenges thrown our way during the global pandemic. But this past year proves, more than any other, the value of investing in science and medical research and what can be achieved by working together. Just like science is our route out of the pandemic, science is our route to beating cancer. We are absolutely determined to continue to create better cancer treatments for tomorrow.”
People can visit to enter. *** If any Race for Life events are cancelled, people will be entitled to a refund of their entry fee or can choose to donate the fee to help fund Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work. Thanks to the generosity of its supporters, Cancer Research UK’s work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer has been at the heart of the progress that has seen survival in the UK double in the last 40 years. The charity was able to spend over £2 million in the South West last year on some of the UK’s leading scientific and clinical research. Enter now at or call 0300 123 0770.
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Bristol hoteliers counting the hours until ‘Freedom Day’ Hoteliers in Bristol welcomed this week’s announcement from Prime Minister Boris Johnson that ‘Freedom Day’ is set to happen on 19 July.
But we welcome the removal of social distancing, which will be the biggest win for everyone, along with the ability to host large conferences and weddings.
Mr Johnson said the country is on track to reach the next milestone on the ‘roadmap to recovery’ and that most lockdown restrictions will be lifted.
“It also means we can start to look ahead and plan properly for what we hope will be a very busy Christmas party season this year, too, as people make up for what they have missed out on in 2020.”
It means face masks will no longer be legally required, social distancing rules will be scrapped, table service rules are bars and restaurants will end, drinks at the bar will return and the limit on the numbers of people able to attend weddings will also be lifted. Raphael Herzog, chair of the Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA), welcomed Mr Johnson’s announcement. He said: “It’s time to re-open. As the Prime Minister himself said, if we don’t go ahead now, when would we go ahead? We need to live with the virus now and fight it through the vaccine and through people using common sense. “It might be that we do maintain some Covid-19 restrictions, to protect not only our guests but our staff, too. “This includes maintaining a cash-less environment, not entering guest bedrooms while they are staying, which means only cleaning rooms on departure or request, no buffet self-service (table service only), the continued use of sanitising stations and other measures.
Mr Herzog said the biggest challenge now facing hotels and other hospitality businesses remains being able to recruit the staff they need in order to provide the levels of service customers will expect. A combination of the coronavirus and Brexit, affecting the ability of Europeans to work in the UK hospitality industry, has left a shortage of staff and businesses are working tirelessly to find they staff they need. Mr Herzog said: “We are meeting the newly-elected West of England Mayor Dan Norris this Friday (July 9) to discuss the staffing crisis and see what he can do to support. “We’re working extremely hard to promote the hospitality industry as a sector which offers rewarding and enjoyable long-term careers, rather than short-term jobs for students. “While hospitality does provide many young people their first step into the world of work. It’s more important than ever to show them that there is a wide range of diverse, longterm, career opportunities and fantastic experiences to be had within our dynamic and diverse sector.”
NOCO Finalists at British Hairdressing Business Awards 2021 Noel Halligan and Corey Taylor are no novices when it comes to awards. The Bristol based duo and brains behind NOCO Hair have celebrated several accolades over their first 2 years in business. After a tough 15 months of lockdowns and business interruption, this award nomination is even sweeter. As Corey explains, “It's a testament to our team and our incredibly loyal customers that we have managed to come through the pandemic in such a strong position. The British Hairdressing Business Awards celebrates the best in the business, and we are delighted to be part of the mix again this year. Not only does it show us we are on the right path as business owners, but it's also an important ‘thank you’ to our team.” This nomination puts the salon firmly in the top 6 small salons in the UK. The finals will be held in October.
More informaton on our society can be found on our website: Or via our facebook page, @BristolGSOS.
Tel: 0117 962 4553
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Mobile Speed Camera Sites Bristol
With reports of mobile speed cameras increasing never get caught speeding again with this list of sites to expect a mobile speed camera at anytime. However, if you want a know where the camera is situated within the hour visit this Facebook group. Bristol mobile speed camera watch Hazelbury Road, Whitchurch A3029 Winterstoke Road (30mph) (20mph)
A4 Portway Nr Barrow Hill Road (30mph)
Hengrove Avenue, Hengrove, A37 Wells Road, Hengrove (30mph) Bristol (20mph)
A4 Portway Nr Hung Road (40mph)
Hengrove Lane, Hengrove, Bristol (20mph)
A370 Coronation Road, Southville (30mph)
Highbury Road, Bedminster (20mph)
Hungerford Road, Bristol (20mph)
A38 Rupert Street/Bridewell A4 Portway Nr Roman Way Street/The Haymarket, Bristol (40mph) (20mph) A4 Portway Nr Sylvan Way/ A4 Totterdown Bridge Riverleaze (40mph) (30mph) A4018 Falcondale Road, A4174 Callington Road, Westbury on Trym (30mph) Brislington, Bristol (30mph) A403 St Andrews Road, A4174 King Georges Road, Avonmouth (40mph) Bristol (30mph) A4162 Sylvan Way/Dingle Allison Road, Bristol (30mph) Road/Canford Lane (30mph)
Ladies Mile, Durdham Down (20mph)
B3119 West Town Lane (20mph)
A4174 Ring Road, nr Hicks Gate roundabout (70mph)
Ladman Road, Stockwood (20mph)
B3122 Redcatch Road, Knowle (20mph)
A432 Downend Road, Fishponds (20mph)
Highridge Green, Bristol (30mph) Hollister’s Drive, Hartcliffe (20mph) Hollway Road, Stockwood (20mph)
Marksbury Road, Bedminster B4466 Jacobs Wells Road, Bristol (20mph) (20mph)
A4 Portway Nr Portview Road (30mph)
A432 Fishponds Road, Easton (20mph)
Bamfield, Hengrove (30mph) Ashley Hill, Montpelier (20mph) Barnstaple Road, Knowle (20mph) Novers Hill, Bristol (20mph) Avonmouth Way, Avonmouth (30mph) Novers Lane, Bristol (20mph) Bishport Avenue, Hartcliffe (30mph) Highbury Road, Horfield Petherton Road, Hengrove (20mph) Broadwalk, Knowle West (20mph) (20mph) Hill View, Henleaze (20mph) Queen’s Road, Bishopsworth Broomhill Road (30mph) (30mph) Kings Weston Lane, Lawrence Weston (30mph) Calcott Road, Knowle Ridgeway Lane, Bristol (20mph) (30mph) Newbridge Road, Bristol (20mph)
Stockwood Lane, nr the sports ground, Stockwood (20mph) Stockwood Lane, nr Whitchurch Village sign, Stockwood (30mph)
B4052 Ashley Down Road, Bristol (20mph) B4054 Avonmouth Road, Shirehampton (30mph)
Bonnington Walk, nr Wordsworth Road, Lockleaze (20mph) Concorde Drive, Southmead (20mph)
B4054 Cranbrook Road, Redland (20mph) Constable Road, nr Crome Stockwood Lane, Stockwood Road, Lockleaze (20mph) (30mph) B4054 Shirehampton Road, Sea Mills (30mph) Coombe Lane, Stoke Bishop Sturminster Road, Stockwood (20mph) (30mph) B4054 Shirehampton Road, Shirehampton Park (30mph) Eastfield Road, Westbury on Talbot Road, Bristol (20mph) Trym (20mph) B4055 Station Road, Henbury Whitchurch Lane, nr Halfacre (20mph) Furber Road, Bristol (20mph) Lane (20mph) B4057 Knole Lane, Brentry Glenfrome Road, Eastville Whitchurch Lane, nr (30mph) (20mph) Hawkfield Road (20mph) B4469 Muller Road, Horfield Gordon Avenue, Bristol Whitland Road, Bristol (30mph) (20mph) (30mph) Bell Barn Road, Stoke Bishop Highbury Road, Horfield Wick Road (20mph) (20mph) (20mph) Wingfield Road, Bristol (20mph) Furber Road, Bristol (20mph)
Bonnington Walk, nr Branwhite Close, Lockleaze (20mph)
Glyn Vale, Knowle (20mph)
Julian Road, Sneyd Park (20mph)
Hareclive Road, Hartcliffe (30mph)
Keys Avenue, Horfield (20mph)
Ladies Mile, Durdham Down (20mph) Long Cross, Lawrence Weston (30mph) Merebank Road, Avonmouth (30mph)
Smyth Road, Ashton (20mph) Hill View, Henleaze (20mph)
Portview Road, Shirehampton (20mph)
Somerdale Avenue, Knowle (20mph)
Roman Way, Bristol (20mph)
South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale (20mph) Duckmoor Road, Ashton Gate, Bristol (20mph)
Romney Avenue, nr Stoke Park Primary School, Lockleaze (20mph) Stoke Hill, Sneyd Park (30mph) Wellington Hill West, Horfield (30mph)
Station Road, Shirehampton (20mph) Wellington Hill West, Horfield (30mph) Wessex Ave, Horfield (20mph)
Please visit www.avonandsomerset. for placement of mobile camera sites and remember to give yourself plenty of time to plan your journey to avoid rushing to get to a destination thus (Speeding)