Bristol Magazine 8th - 15th July 2021

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Turner Works appointed to lead city’s conversation on Western Harbour The specialists that will lead a Bristol-wide conversation on the future of Western Harbour have been announced.

The team has an international track record of delivering engagement programmes, as well as experience developing place-shaping visions that have gone on to inform more Turner Works, with Place Bureau and Burgess detailed masterplans. and Beech, have been selected by Bristol City Council to create a six-month programme of Closer to Bristol, Turner Works were the community engagement. creative team behind Super Weston, creating a strategy to show how Weston-super-Mare The multi-disciplinary team, which includes could become a thriving place to live, work urban designers, architects, graphic designers and visit. and communications specialists, will work with the council and local organisations to develop The council hopes that, by commissioning a programme of activities and events over the Turner Works to engage with Bristolians at an coming weeks. early stage of the project, before any detailed plans are made for the area, the views of Details on how the public can get involved will residents, stakeholders and the wider city can be shared later in the summer. help to inform the future of Western Harbour, an area with historic and cultural importance The feedback from the engagement will then to the whole of Bristol. be used to create a ‘place-shaping vision’ for the future of the Western Harbour area. Following the engagement period and development of the place-shaping vision, the next A place-shaping vision is a document that phase of the project will be to develop a mascontains ideas and principles to guide change terplan that will set out the future of Western in an area, which aims to promote better urHarbour. This will be commissioned in 2022. ban design and re-imagined public spaces. Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, said: “The In a competitive application process, Turner Western Harbour project is an exciting opporWorks’ proposed approach to engagement tunity for Bristol, so we want to put Bristol’s stood out to the panel, which included a citizens at the heart of a collaborative vision representative from the Western Harbour for its future. Turner Works will work with Advisory Group (WHAG). local creatives, city partners and communities across the city to draw together an ambitious vision for Western Harbour that reflects the aspirations voiced by local people. 10

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Bristol Magazine 8th - 15th July 2021 by Direct Local Bristol - Issuu