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July 2017
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July edition
Senior Editor Mike Davies Marketing Manager Lindsey Sage Proof Reader Lis Davies Tel: 0117 3258029 Mob: 07500 017236 Email: info@directlocalonline.com www.directlocalonline.com
Community News
6. Shirehampton Public Hall activities 8. The word on the Street 10. Port Of Bristol Bowls 12. Rabbits Awareness 13 . South Glos show Business to Business
14. Common misconception 15. Who answers my phone Direct Motor
17. The number of hit and run cases 18. Adverts Movies & Entertainment
21. Up coming events 22.Movie preview 23.Competiton
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The Public Hall has many events and regular activities, so please visit our website at: www.shirepubhall.org.uk for further details. Also check out our noticeboard. You can always email us at bookings@shirepubhall.org.uk or telephone: 0117 9829963.
6. Community News
How we look after older people requiring care is at the top of the national agenda at the moment, as the Government grapples with the care funding crisis. More people than ever before need care in their old age, with dementia a growing problem. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are now 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia, and that’s only set to grow. With so many people reaching the stage where they can no longer make decisions for themselves, an increasingly useful option is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). An LPA is where you appoint someone as your ‘attorney’ to make decisions on your behalf, should you reach the stage where you can no longer do so. The different types of LPA There are two main types of LPA. The first is the LPA for financial decisions. This will cover things like buying and selling property, paying the mortgage, investing money and arranging repairs for your property. There is also an LPA which covers health and care decisions. This allows your attorney to make decisions about things like where you should live and your medical care. You can set up separate LPAs to cover these two areas, or a single LPA to cover them both if you wish.
Is one LPA enough? Choosing a person to be your attorney can be difficult. You need to find someone who you trust to always act in your best interests, but who can also be relied upon to deal with the responsibility and administration that comes with the role. Generally, people will choose a loved one, like their spouse or child. However, you can also appoint a professional, like a solicitor. In fact, you can select more than one attorney - a main one, and a replacement. The replacement attorney can step in and make decisions for you if the original attorney is unable. As an example, you might name your partner as your attorney and your child as the replacement. This way, should your partner end up in a position where they are no longer able to make decisions on your behalf, perhaps because of their own health issues, your child can take over the responsibility. Fidel Beauhill, Director of Legally Secure said: “With dementia such a significant problem across the UK, it is essential to put plans in place on how to deal with it should you develop issues. That should extend beyond an LPA and include Wills and other Estate Planning documents.”. If you’re unsure about what you need to do and whether you should be appointing an LPA, please talk to us today on 01173 226 322
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THE WORD ON THE STREET Bristol People, British People – strong together against evil. By Eileen Means We are all still reeling from the tragic terrorist incidents that our country has experienced recently, followed by the horrific tragedy of the Grenfell Tower tragedy in London. The Westminster Bridge/House of Parliament van incident that took the life of a heroic Police officer, the bomb at the Arianna Grande Concert in Manchester that took so many young lives, the London Bridge van and stabbing that was nothing but butchery of innocent people – indeed the victims in all of these were innocent people –left us all feeling insecure and threatened. Then, on our screens as it went up in flames came the Grenfell Tower blaze; I remember staring at that tower block in complete horror thinking “no-one can escape that surely; if the flames don’t get them, the toxic smoke will”. I hated it, but couldn’t look away – it was everyone’s worst nightmare, being woken up in an inferno like that.
But I wasn’t reckoning on the heroism of our Fire, Police and Ambulance services. Oh my goodness, they pushed themselves to their limits and beyond and saved do many people, old, young, women, men. The photographs afterwards showing Firefighters lying down in exhaustion, having faced that inferno again and again. On Monday 19th June I went up to London, got a big bunch of flowers then a taxi from Paddington station to Grenfell Tower. It still stands there like some evil brooding presence over the neighbourhood. At the memorial wall I told a couple of people who asked that I was from Bristol and bought flowers for the deceased and a donation for the living; I was immediately surrounded by people who were so grateful and who wanted to tell their story – all had lost family, friends or neighbours. We cried together in grief, but underneath it all is growing anger at the criminal negligence that caused this great loss of life. Manchester stood together and shared their grief, not permitting the usual gobby know-alls in the media to divide their community; the community of Grenfell Tower are the same, standing together in unity. Don’t allow the evildoers in our midst to divide us or set us against each other.
Together, we are strong and can outface any evildoers.
8. Community News
9. Community News
Bring a friend day This seasons Open Day was re-named Bring A Friend Day and a few friends did turn up to bowl their first wood on Saturday June 3rd. Having bowled one --- they bowled a lot more and after a few ends of basic instruction took part in a spider --- closest wood to the jack in the middle of the green wins --- and a mini-game as part of a rink of four players. Jan Skelton, Natalie Looker, Leon Franklin and Tom Murray all bowled some very good woods and enjoyed the afternoon. Hopefully they will all return to become members in the future. A great afternoon was crowned by an excellent barbeque, prepared by Brian Crawley ---- with a little help from some bowling friends.
Visiting greens not previously visited is always exciting and Sunday June 11th was no exception when the club made its first ever visit to Banwell. Tucked away off the main road the green is unique in that it is L Shaped. Until the early 1930s the site that the green now stands on was the village pond. Water still flows beneath it and in one corner there is a pumping station which creates the L Shape. Looking forward --- with club competitions now well underway --- finals days are on the 9th and 10th of September. These days are highlights of the club season and the climax of competitions played over several months. Presidents Day on September 30th will be supported this year by Nisbets who will bring some first time bowlers along as well as giving support in other ways.
The clubs men’s league team recorded a notable double in June, beating both Begbrook A and Begbrook B in successive weeks on their green. These two 8-2 wins have lifted City and Port towards half way in the league with half the season still to play. The Ladies team played Ardagh in the second round of the Inter Club Competition on June 19th --- one rink at home and one rink away. It was a very keenly contested game with City and Port doing well to draw the away leg but loosing at home to end hopes of progressing further in this year’s competition. The men’s league team reached the second round of the Gloucester Two Rink Competition this season and were drawn away to Cotswold, who play at Stroud. Having lead on aggregate over the two rinks for most of the 21 end game City and Port were finally beaten by just five shots when Cotswold came back very strongly toward the end of the game.
It is not too late to come to the City and Port of Bristol Bowling Club and try bowling ---- Tuesday evenings at 6pm are just for you. Its free of charge, all equipment is provided and there are people there to offer help and advice. So--- why not come and try it --- roll a wood toward a jack ---- you might like it!! For further information please call David Hinksman on 0117 9082713.
10. Community news
South Gloucestershire
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Rabbit Awareness Month at Rowe Veterinary Group, Filton The UK pet rabbit population has dramatically increasing, with over 1.5 million recorded last year. Rabbits make very rewarding pets, being inquisitive and intelligent, however a lot of people are unware of some of our bunny’s specific needs over their average 8 – 10 year life span, particularly at this time of the year.
The sun is out – the flies are out! Flystrike is a distressing and potentially fatal condition seen in rabbits during the warmer months. It is essential that your rabbit is kept clean as flies are attracted to faeces, urine and open wounds. Flystrike occurs when fly eggs hatch into maggots which then feed on your rabbit and burrow into the skin, this can happen within hours. Take the following steps to keep your rabbit fly-free:
Clean the hutch daily, ensuring you remove all faeces and urine soiled bedding. Put flypaper in and around the run/hutch. Never leave old rotting food either in or near your rabbit’s living quarters. Check your rabbit at least twice daily for signs of matted droppings, fly eggs or maggots. If faecal material accumulates around his/her bottom remove it carefully and seek veterinary advice. We strongly recommend products that can be prescribed by your vet, which can be applied to your rabbit to prevent eggs from hatching into maggots, some vets will provide free checkups this month to discuss this further.
The sun is out – and we are all hot! Rabbits are unable to sweat or pant in an attempt to cool down; they are very susceptible to fatal heatstroke and normally retreat to their cool underground warrens. Signs of heatstroke include disorientation, wobbliness and weakness, and open mouth gasping. Ways to help keep your rabbit cool in this sun include:
Placing their pen in the shade, with good air flow. Provide cool ceramic tiles for them to lie on. Lightly mist their ears with cool water; never submerge rabbits in water as this can cause shock. Provide frozen plastic bottles of water for them to lie against.
The sun is out – and we want to eat ice cream! 85-90% of a rabbit’s diet should be feeding hay and grass! There should be unlimited access to the good quality hay; not only does hay meet the nutritional requirements, nibbling helps strengthen the jaw and wear down constantly growing teeth, maintain healthy gut movement, and reduce boredom. The remaining 15% is made up of fresh greens and a rabbit specific complete nugget food, not a muesli mix. Muesli mixes contain tasty ingredients that lack important nutrition and predispose to obesity. Rabbit specific nugget diets have been carefully formulated to contain the correct balance of calcium. Too much calcium can cause bladder stones, and not enough calcium can cause dental disease. Be careful with treats; excess sugar can lead to fatal digestive system upset. Chunks of carrot, broccoli or cauliflower stalks are great treats. Veterinary practices have a range of premium rabbit foods and treats on offer to help. For more information, please visit www.rowevetgroup.com/filton or www.rabbitawarenessweek.co.uk
Contact your vet immediately at the first sign of any maggots, as a delay in treatment can be fatal.
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Meningitis Now return as South Glos Show Nominated Charity! Gloucester-based Meningitis Now return to the South Glos Showground for more fun on the 5th and 6th August! With last year’s jousting and 20 tonne sand demolition raffle helping to raise over £4800 for the charity, SGS17 have even more in store to raise those all-important funds for Meningitis Now! Who can forget the camel racing at the South Glos Show 2015? Well this year will see the first ‘Ham National’. 5 little piggies will take to the Gregor Heating Main Arena to race for first place! Though they are trained pork-fessionals, these little athletes are also the well-loved pets of Josephs Amazing Camels. The racing is all in aid of the 2017 Nominated Charity, all profits raised from the Ham National go directly to Meningitis Now! This is the one everyone has been waiting for so don’t miss it, get to the Showground and watch these pigs trot for the title of top pig!
From The Jungle To The Showground! The South Gloucestershire Show always aspire to create a new Show every year and this year is no different. From the Rockwood Dog Display team to the Enterprise Car Club motorbike champion Steve Colley, the Main Arena is packed full of new entertainment for 2017. That is of course, not all that is new for this year. The South Glos Show are excited to announce local comedian, Joel Dommett will be joining them for the weekend of the 5th and 6th August 2017.
Pre book your tickets to come and join in at the Showground in Westerleigh on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of August! There is so much going on across the weekend of the Show, so get involved, show your support and help to raise as much as possible for this year’s Nominated Charity Meningitis Now!
www.MeningitisNow.org twitter: @MeningitisNow facebook: facebook.com/MeningitisNow health unlocked: /meningitisnow
As seen on the 2016 series of ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ Joel has become a household name both locally and around the UK. Don’t panic though he will be leaving the creepy crawlies at home to dine on the great food on offer from the Exhibitors at this year’s Show. Currently enjoying a sold out tour across the UK, Joel will be taking some time out of his incredibly busy schedule to be the Show’s special guest. Further details to be announced soon so be sure to follow us on Twitter (@southglosshow) and like us on Facebook (southglosshow) for the latest information. Fancy saving on your ticket to this year’s Show? Advanced tickets on sale NOW locked at 2016 prices, find out more on our website – www.southglosshow.co.uk
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Common Misconception There is a common misconception, that changing your accountant is as much hastle as changing your bank, but this isn't the case. Changing to a different accountant is hastle free and you usually won't even notice its happened. Once you have decided to change your accountant, the new practice will send out a professional clearance letter to your existing accountant asking them if there is any reason why they shouldn't take you on as a client and requesting any relevant paperwork.
That's it!! A lot of people pay extortionate rates on all sorts of things as they think its going to be too much hassle to change. Why not shop around? You would for your TV/ Internet, home/car insurance, so why not for a good accountant? Give us a call today for a free initial consultation, ongoing telephone and email advice and payments by monthly standing order, so no big bill at the end of the year! Call us on 01179235394
14. Business to Business
I’m going on holiday – who answers my phone? It can be a real problem. And I know many people who own their own business who don’t have a holiday for that very reason. Also, I know many people who ‘pretend’ to go on holiday, but their mobile phone rings all the time. I used to be like that! A member of the pseudo holiday club. But one year I put in place a phone answering and messaging service which took and responded to all my calls. The one “mega” call, for which I received a text message on my mobile, I acted upon. That ended up with an order of over £1 million when I got back. It was following this experience that I decided to get involved in the phone answering and message taking service business. Bear in mind, 75% of people who hear a voicemail hang up, and as a nation we are increasingly impatient …. how long does your browser have to “freeze” in a search or when loading a web page before you shut it down?
A missed call is lost business, but that does not have to be at the expense of your holiday, your family or a well earnt break. If you want some more information, go to www.techvolution.co.uk or contact us on 0333 200 4660.
Ask for our Direct Local holiday offer and get over 10% off your first order!
Conditions – refers to our starter PrePay100 24 x 7 service (normal price £225 – offer price £200 - all prices exclude VAT)
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UP COMING EVENTS A Sense of Place Event Date: 11th-15th July Description: A New Landmark for the Kelvin Players Company create their first Devised play in their 88 year history. ‘One Day, all this will be dust’ A Sense of Place, devised by the Kelvin Players will be performed at the Kelvin Players Theatre from 11-15 July Venue: Kelvin Players Theatre Company 253b Gloucester Road Bristol Friday Twilights at Bristol Zoo Event Date: 14th July Description: Ever wanted to hear the howl of gibbons or the roar of lions as the sun sets? This summer you can, with Bristol Zoo’s Friday Twilights, held on 30 June, 14 July, 4 August, 18 August and 1 September. Venue: Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Clifton Bristol Sausage & Cider Festival at Motion Bristol Event Date: 15th July Description: Sausages & Cider! We’re celebrating another of our favourite food pairings with Sausages and Cider! Venue: 74-78 Avon St, Bristol
Bristol Harbour Festival 2017 Event Date: 21st July Description: Free Event Venue: Bristol Harbour Festival Canons Road, Bristol Bristol and Bath Classic Car Run 2017 Event Date: 23rd July Description: A Great Day Out for you and your motor! All proceeds to Avon Riding Centre for the Disabled (registered charity 281648) Tickets £34.00, Food £8.00 Venue: Avon Riding Centre for the Disabled Gert Hush | Silent Disco - Bristol Zoo Event Date: 28th July Description: Bristol Zoo invites to you to experience a evening that you won’t forget at one of the most unique locations that Bristol has to offer. Venue: Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Clifton Bristol NSPCC Messathon Event Date: 29th July Description: NSPCC Messathon is a 2.5km obstacle course challenge which children and parents enter together. There will be water, mud, foam, and lots of fun! Venue: Blaise Castle, Henbury Rd, Bristol
PUNCH PROMOTIONS (FIGHT NIGHT) Event Date: 15th July Description Massive night of boxing action and all out doors. Punch promotions always put on a great show for all the family contacy Matt on: 07866473099 for tickets. Venue: Landseer Ave, Lockleaze, BS7 9YS
Summer Reggae Party with The Reggae Magic at BAWA Event Date: 29th July Description: Reggae Party with live music from Sensational Jamaica Party Band ’The Reggae Magic’ Venue: BAWA Healthcare & Leisure 589 Southmead Road Filton Bristol
Cardiff Tattoo Convention Event Date: 15th-16th July Description: This is our 1st tattoo convention and we are so excited! Venue: Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel & Spa 24-26 Newport Road, Cardiff
South Gloucestershire Show 2017 Event Date: 5th – 6th August Description: 2 days full of Fantastic Family Fun Venue: South Gloucestershire Show South Glos Showground, Westerleigh Road
Jane Austen’s "Persuasion" presented by Chamber Opera Tours Event Date: 21st July Description: In commemoration of the 200 th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death and the publication of her beloved final novel Venue: Redgrave Theatre Percival Road, Clifton, Bristol
Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 2017 Event Date: 10th – 13th August Description: Four days of free family fun… Venue: Ashton Court Estate, Bristol
20. Up Coming Events
IN CINEMAS Review by Aaron Potter
WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES This July marks another month of returning, block-bustering franchises with the Summer offerings soldiering on to let everyone get their cinema fix. Whether it’s via apes going ape, cars being cars, or troubled principals wearing their exposed undergarments loud and proud, there really is something for everyone. Kicking us off in a big way on July 11th is War for the Planet of the Apes, the imminent conclusion to the Andy Serkis-led prequel trilogy which promises to raise the stakes even higher than the last Instalment. How do you do such a thing? Simply add a war-mongering Woody Harrelson with a death wish and a taste for all things chimp. It’s a recipe for one epic battle worth experiencing. Only three days later sees the third film in Pixar’s Cars franchise race back onto cinema screens, as the legendary Lighting McQueen suddenly finds himself threatened by a new generation of disturbingly quick race cars. Hoping to take back the glory and once again win the Piston Cup, he’ll need all the help he can get to stay on top.
And finally rounding us off on July 28th is the expertly titled Captain Underpants, which demonstrates what happens when two audacious pranksters really let their imagination runaway with them. Based on the wildly popular children’s book series, it’s set to be a superhero movie like no other. Alternatively if you are social media guru hop over to direct Local’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/directlocal. And you can enter special movie merchandise competition courtesy of Cineworld.
Popcorn at the ready and ice blast in hand, you’ll be glued to the screen this July.
Cineworld Rating War For The Planet Of The Apes
22. Up coming events
Competition Time
Welcome to our monthly word search. Direct Local have teamed up with the totally awesome Pro Wrestling Chaos and are giving away 2 tickets to the next show. All you need to do is complete the word search above and either scan and email it to us with your details at: info@directlocalonline.com.
Draw will take place on the 20th June with the traditional names in a hat and one lucky Tickets will be sent by post to your address People must be 16 years or over to enter the Competition. Unless parents consent in writing
Or cut out the word search add your name and address Telephone or email and send it to us at: Direct Local Magazines 7 Hopewell Gardens Shirehampton BS11 0JS
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