Direct Local Magazine North Bristol September 2016

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North Bristol September 2016

1st Gear page 12

Competition page 18

The Big Walkies Bristol page 20

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Welcome to September’s edition

In this issue 6. Shirehampton Public Hall newsletter 8. The cupboard was bare..

Regulars 5. St Mary’s Church 6. Shirehampton Public Hall 8. The word on the street 10. City & Port of Bristol Bowls Club 16. Competition 20. 1st Gear 32. Pro Wrestling Chaos


9. We are in the middle of our harvest appeal 10. Celebrate Bromley Heath 50th anniversary 11. Bowls news 12. First time drivers 14. Audi Q2 –new SUV for a new segment 16. 1st Gear visits a car show! 17. D.I.Y scratch repair

Local news


18. Competition time

1st Gear

Home and maintenance

19. Aardman 4oth anniversary special 20. The Big Walkies 22. Upcoming event

Senior Editor Mike Davies Proof reader Elisabeth Davies Entertainment writer Benjamin Allen

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Rest In Peace Kaylum Ryan It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of the very courageous Kaylum Ryan. Kaylum, aged 5, put up a very brave fight to the very end but the Neuroblastoma. The (rare children’s cancer) took its toll and he shut his eyes for the last time on 6 August 2016. Kaylum, just like the Super Hero's he adored showed such strength, courage and fighting spirit. Many for his caring, loving and beautiful ways will remember him. A memorial page has been set up in his name to make sure he will never be forgotten by those who loved and knew him. Donations can be made on http:/

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Home Care in Bristol Lay Assessors needed RSVP Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme Lay assessors are part of a team visiting people in their homes across the city that have home care services, to talk to them and find out if the quality of the service is satisfactory. People that need carers to come to their homes are mostly older, frail and can be in very poor health. For most, the carers are their lifeline. Many are isolated and vulnerable and may find it hard to complain or sort out any problems with their care arrangements.

The Lay Assessor scheme works in partnership with the council and forms part of their monitoring process. Bristol City Council says Lay assessors provide an invaluable independent view of the quality of home care services and provide a voice for service users who are less able to represent themselves This voluntary role is interesting, rewarding and flexible. You would undertake an agreed number of visits in a specific period. Full training is provided along with regular opportunities to meet and share experience with other lay assessors. If you are interested in becoming a lay assessor we would be pleased to talk about the scheme in more detail and will arrange to meet with you if you feel you would like to join us. Please email or telephone 0117 922 4392 and leave your contact details and either Paula or Ken will call you back.

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Shirehampton Public Hall September Newsletter Welcome to another edition of the Public Hall Newsletter! Hopefully everyone enjoyed a relaxed and happy summer break, refreshed and ready for the new school term? At the Hall we have some exciting developments with the Wednesday Toddler Group. There is potentially a volunteer to take on the responsibilities of the running the group, so this much needed activity for the preschool aged children in and around Shirehampton could continue into the new season! Contact the Hall for further details or look at our website or Facebook page for updates.

The Table Top Sale will consist of 12 tables which can be hired out (first come, first served I’m afraid!) – please call the Hall Manager for further details. The Hall Trustees welcome new Trustees or anyone with an interest in starting new events to come along and visit us. Shirehampton Public Hall is now on Facebook, so please “like” us and follow all our up and coming events on there.

September is also a great month for community activities at the Hall. Regular activities are set to continue, however we also have the quarterly Stamp Fair on Saturday 10th at (10am to 4pm), a Shire Stitchers event on Saturday 17th (10am to 4pm), a Table Top Sale on Saturday 24th at (10am to 12 noon), followed by a Prize Bingo Evening 24th at (7pm to 10pm). Sunday 25th also sees the Hall hosting the Pro-Evo Wrestlers in the evening (check website/Facebook for further details). Everyone welcome!

Shirehampton Public Hall Activities

The Public Hall has many events and regular activities, so please visit our website at: for further details. Also check out our noticeboard. You can always email us at or telephone: 0117 9829963.

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When they got there, the cupboard was bare... Have your say on our Facebook page Did the previous Mayor George Ferguson know that he was unlikely to be re-elected Mayor of Bristol last May? It is the question being asked in City Hall/the Council House given the difficulties the current Mayor Marvin Rees and his Cabinet have faced trying to find out the city's true financial position over recent months. It wasn't helped by the previous City Director Nicola "9 jobs" Yates digging in and staying around until the end of July, but now there is an Interim Chief Executive in post and an interim Chief Finance Officer, the real figures are coming to light.

Plus over the next 3 years the current Conservative Government, supported in its vicious Austerity drive by its Liberal Democrat allies until May 2015, the City Council has to find a further £60 million due to changes in the Rate Support Grant (RSG). Ought I to mention here yet again that Bristol is the only city that contributes to the Treasury more than it gets back? So Mayor Marvin Rees will shortly set out for London to put Bristol's case for more funding to Government Ministers; best of luck to him - I mean it most sincerely. Meanwhile, the Cabinet will be seeking budgetary savings whilst trying to maintain 'life and limb' services like Adult and Childrens care, both of which are increasing in demand.

Figures are boring, but if you or I ran our households with no apparent planning to meet costs and bills. just hoping for the best, we'd very soon land in deep do -do. And that, in a nutshell, is the Council's current financial position. The Labour ruling group of Councillors with its "rainbow" allies from other political parties in Cabinet inherited £36 million of savings to be made, but further detailed work has revealed it is now £44 million, with no plan in place.

I have suggested to my MP that she tries to get in a Question at Prime Minister's Question Time (PMQ's) in Parliament along the following lines; "given the many statutory duties placed on Local Authorities by Central Government, how would the Prime Minister square the circle of huge reductions in funding annually to Local Government to carry out those statutory duties?" Our vulnerable Older and Disabled Adults and our Children needing care and support here in Bristol would like to hear her answer. Yes, there was a much-vaunted 'Change Management Strategy’ that seemingly has delivered £2 million instead of the £16 million predicted. Call that budgeting?

By Eileen Means

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We are in the middle of our Harvest Appeal.. This always takes place in the month of September and includes lots of fundraising events. This year we have decided to split the money we raise between two local charities – Hop, Skip & Jump (Bristol) and Paul’s Place. Hop Skip and Jump provide immediate and flexible respite care for children and young adults with disabilities and special educational needs. They cater for up to 60 children a day, with a variety of groups and activities, indoor and outdoor play, sensory rooms, soft play facilities and art rooms. As an entirely not for profit organization and receiving no local government funding, they rely 100% on donations and grants to keep their centres running - so they truly value your support! Paul’s Place exists to support and facilitate physically disabled young people & adults, providing a safe social environment, promoting independence whenever possible and providing a support plan enabling physically disabled adults to reach their full potential.

Our last event will be Saturday 24th September when we will be open from 10am - 12 noon & 2pm - 4pm –with all sorts of activities, coffee and cakes and the opportunity to look at our Harvest flower displays with the theme ‘A World of Colour’. Do look at our website to find out other events happening. Our Autumn flyer is also available now with all the things going on between now and the end of November when our Advent & Christmas flyer will be available. Again information is available on our website or you can pop in and pick up a flyer. One occasion which is very special to lots of you is our Annual Memorial Service for all who have lost loved ones whether recently or long ago. So, advance notice that this will be on Saturday 5th November at 3pm. Those for whom we have taken a service this year will receive a letter about it but all are welcome and you can pick up a form in church if you would like someone you have lost to be remembered in the prayers at that service, or you can email us on: More news next month!

The activities at Paul’s Place focus on five main themes: sport, drama, arts/craft, life skills and community work. By participating in these activities members’ confidence, self-esteem, social and interpersonal skills are enhanced. Every year Paul’s Place needs to raise approximately £80,000 to support its members and their carers. As well as the fundraising events, culminating with our Harvest Festival service with Parade of the Uniformed Organisations on Sunday 25th September at 10am, we will be displaying in church ‘Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice’, the ’strap line’ of Paul’s Place, stickers on the board and aim to raise at least £10 for each one. When we are given or raise £10 or more we shall put the name and amount raised and you will be able to chart our progress! Can you help us in some way to raise £10 by your support?

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CELEBRATE BROMLEY HEATH’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY IN STYLE Bromley Heath United will be hosting a dinner and dance at the newly redeveloped Ashton Gate stadium on Saturday, November 19th (7pm) to celebrate the club’s 50th anniversary.

“We are also very honoured that this will be one of the first large events to be held in the newly built Lansdown Suite.”

Established in 1966, the oldest junior football club in Bristol is hiring the recently launched Lansdown Stand to commemorate 50 years since the club first started as a single team in a local North Bristol Park.

After costs, all proceeds generated from the evening will be shared between Bromley Heath, Bristol City Community Trust and Bristol Rovers Community Trust, all of whom will reinvest the funds back into the community to support the development of local grassroots sport.

The club now boast some of its own great facilities and has over 300 members where they start as young as four and play right through to the club’s newly added Senior section.

Community Trust director Dan White said: “To keep a grassroot club running successfully for 50 years is a brilliant accomplishment and I must commend Bromley Heath for their tireless efforts.

The event is open to anyone aged 18+ who would like to celebrate the local football clubs long-term establishment and achievements, while spending an evening amongst club representatives and celebrity guests in the brand new prestigious facilities at Ashton Gate.

“It’s a privilege to be supporting such an event and we wish the club the best of luck for the next 50 years!”

“We are delighted to be celebrating the club’s 50th anniversary. It’s an achievement everyone associated with the club is extremely proud of,” said club chairman Jamie Andrews-Britton.

Tickets for the event are priced at £50 per person. Guests will be provided with a three-course meal, live music and a prestige auction. Corporate packages are also available. For further information on this event or to purchase tickets, please call 07523 944690 or email

“The dinner and dance evening will be a fantastic occasion where various members of the community can come together to celebrate Bromley Heath’s achievements and the development of local amateur sport across Bristol.

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City and Port of Bristol Bowls Club The month of September is a very busy one at the City and Port of Bristol Bowling Club. Not only the Summer Tour, based this year in Eastbourne but also Finals day, Jack Ashton Triples, Presidents Day and seven mixed friendly games of bowls to enjoy. The final game of this season is not until Sunday October 4th at GB Britton. Finals Day is a highlight of the club season and with the welcome return of Ladies Competitions this year it promises to be a full day of exciting and competitive bowling. It will be on Saturday 10th September commencing at 10am. Why not come along and enjoy the day.

Plans for the Winter Bowling Break are well in hand. This will once again be in Torquay late in January 2017. The five day break will include four games of indoor bowls, plenty of time to explore Torquay and to enjoy the excellent facilities provided by TLH. Before that the annual Presentation Evening and Dinner will be once more at Shirehampton Golf Club, this year on Friday November 25th. Article by David Hinksman

Tuesday evening sessions for new bowlers and also for existing bowlers to practice have been successful again this season but are now at an end. But --- anyone still keen to try bowling can call David Hinksman on 0117 9082713 to arrange a session, which is free of charge with all equipment provided.

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First time drivers are imbued with a new sense of freedom. They no longer have to rely on parents or friends to drive them from point A to point B but are now able to drive themselves from A to B and beyond. Being newly accustomed to this freedom, new drivers ignore there inexperience in many aspects of driving. No matter how well they pass the driving test, the real test is getting on the road for the first time alone with other drivers. New drivers, especially teenagers, are notorious for making mistakes while driving. While some can and should be avoided, others result from naivety and a lack of awareness. The most common mistakes are easily corrected, but can also be the deadliest and should be addressed as soon as the driver or anyone notices that they are being made. Common mistakes Include such things as being distracted while at the wheel. This is extremely dangerous and can result in serious, and even fatal, accidents. Distractions come from many areas: sights on the side of the road, changing the radio dial, and in this modern day, cell phones and text messaging. New drivers need to understand how crucial it is to keep their attention on driving and not such frivolous activities as talking on the phone or changing the radio. If you do need to use the cell phone, pull to the side of the road, make the call, and re-join traffic once the call is finished. An important step in preventing accidents, the practice of maintaining proper distance between cars, is often ignored by new drivers. They often follow too closely, not realizing just how dangerous this can be. Keeping distance between the car and others allows for braking and other procedures in case of an accident up ahead or an emergency stop.

Not only this, but the practice is just common courtesy. No one likes a tailgater and it is quite intimidating to have someone following too closely. Make sure to maintain a distance of at least 3 seconds behind the car in front. This distance will allow for a full and complete stop at any speed. Other vehicles such as large trucks and SUVs will need additional distance. Maintaining the car is very important. A well maintained vehicle performs far better than one that is neglected. Keeping the brake pads fresh, the oil clean and new, and making sure the tyres are in excellent condition are just some of what new drivers need to be mindful of.

It is important to keep the car in a condition that is safe to drive, and more often than not it will allow for a more enjoyable driving experience. Certainly there are other common mistakes that new drivers make. It is important to understand that driving can be dangerous if not taken seriously. Experience will clean up most of the rough edges, but other mistakes made out of ignorance and even stupidity can result in injury, or worse, so correcting them is a top priority.

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Audi Q2 – new SUV for a new segment Audi extends its Q family with a compact SUV. The Audi Q2* is an urban- type vehicle for everyday driving and recreation, bundling a progressive design with a high level of functionality. Connectivity, infotainment and assistance systems are on level of full-size class. “In the Audi Q2 we have developed a distinctively geometric form language with special design characteristics specific to this model. The car thus exhibits an independent character within the Q family,” explains Audi Head of Design Marc Lichte. Robust look: the exterior design The result: a powerful SUV that is sharp and edgy. At the front, a strong image is created by the Singleframe grille in octagonal design that is positioned high as well as large air inlets. Especially eye-catching is the low roof that descends and merges into the C-pillars with colour offset blades. This contrast accentuates the sportiness of the Audi Q2. The rear body terminates in a dynamic way with a long roof edge spoiler and a diffuser that has an underbody protection look. In a side view, the high window.

Functional: the interior The interior of the Q2, which takes up the taut and angular form language of the exterior, offers space for five. The four doors open wide, entry is comfortable and visibility is good, however seating positions for the driver and front passenger are sporty. The luggage compartment can handle liters (14.3 cu ft) of cargo, and luggage capacity increases to 1,050 liters (37.1 cu ft) when the rear bench seat back is folded. Options include a power tailgate and a three-way split of the rear bench backrests. The middle segment also serves as a through-loading facility – practical for transporting skis or shelving.

Line is especially eye-catching as are the concave flanks in the door area. The latter emphasize the wheel housings and thereby the quattro character of the compact SUV. The vehicle measures 1.51 meters (5.0 ft) tall and 1.79 meters (5.9 ft) wide. The overhangs are short with a vehicle length of 4.19 meters (13.7 ft) and a wheelbase of 2.60 meters (8.5 ft), which means it will fit in any parking space.

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Queens Square looked like a car show! On Sunday August the 14th Queens Square Bristol came a live at 9am with over one hundred classic and modern cars. Enthusiasts from all over the west country brought their gorgeous motors in to Queens Square to show off their pride and joys to the public and talk to their fellow petrol heads about their big exhausts, V8 engines, classic rides and shear straight line speed. This free informal meet happens every second Sunday of the month and has been running now for over 10 years. Below are some of the most outrageous and glamorous cars from the event .

You can find out more information on the next meet on their Facebook page BristolBreakfastClub and see more photos from the day and other car meets around the region. For the enthusiasts they have a forum visit: Below are some of the most outrageous and glamorous cars from the event such as a Arial Atom, Bond Bug,, Mclaren M14 Spider, Ford Mustang Mach1, Lamborghini Huracan and gorgeous custom painted Chevrolet.

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D.I.Y. scratch repair For any driver proud of their car, one of the most frustrating things is the inevitable scratch. Even the slightest of marks will irk the driver until he or she is willing to pay through the nose to have it sorted, but if you do it yourself it doesn't have to be expensive!

For those with marks which run a little deeper, you'll need some primer, colour coded paint, lacquer and a few sheets of Wet n Dry paper to smooth your work after each stage, all of this can be found at your local car accessories store. Keep in mind that when doing this, the most important thing is patience; pay attention to the details and you'll find that with little effort your own work can be just as good as a professionals

Most light scratches can be smoothed out with a Colour specific T-Cut or a product called Colour magic; the trick is to run your fingers over the area, if you can't feel it grab yourself some polish.

By Rob Mccauley

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Competition time! Welcome to our puzzle page. Thanks to Pro Wrestling Chaos we are giving away 2 tickets to the big event in Yate Leisure Centre on the 29th October . You can also see previous events at All you need to do is complete the word search below and either scan or take a photo on a smart phone and email it to us with your details at: Or cut out the word search add your name and address, email address and send it to us at: Direct Local Magazine, 7 Hopewell Gardens, Shirehampton, BS11 0JS. Draw will take place on the 30th September with the traditional names in a hat and one lucky winner will get 2 tickets to Hungerford Community Centre 24th September to watch the totally awesome Pro Wrestling Chaos.





Tickets will be sent by post to your address People must be 16 years or over to enter the Competition.





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Aardman 40th anniversary special and full programme announced for Encounters Film Festival 2016 Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival returns to Bristol on 20th to 25th September featuring an evening with the founders of world-famous animation studios Aardman and a chance to celebrate Bristol’s role in shaping the UK music scene in the 1990s.

A retrospective of music videos and archive footage including rare shots of the Wild Bunch on the streets of St Paul’s and Montpelier in the 1980s to more contemporary Bristol acts, it will be an evening to celebrate the inspiring music of the city.

As Europe’s leading short film festival, this year the Encounters Festival International Competition screenings present 231 short films in 24 programmes, playing across 3 days in Watershed with winning films screened in special programmes at the weekend. Judged by an appointed panel of industry experts, the shorts cover genres including live action, animation, music video, experimental, documentary and comedy.

Festival favourite Late Lounge will return with a selection of dark, twisted and controversial short films submitted in this year’s competition. There will be guest appearances from the likes of filmmaker, musician and DJ Don Letts, author and screenwriter David Nicholls and former Channel 4 news reporter now filmmaker and author Paul Mason.

On Tuesday 20th September Aardman’s co-founders Peter Lord and David Sproxton will make a rare joint public appearance to look back at their films, which have thrilled cinema audiences for the past four decades. From humble beginnings in the 1970s to being one of the world’s best animation studio today, Aardman’s films and characters have entertained the world through unforgettable, light-hearted stories. As well as looking back at their years together, Peter Lord and David Sproxton will show the premiere screening of their remastered version of the groundbreaking video for Peter Gabriel’s 1986 hit Sledgehammer. Seen as being way ahead of its time, the video owed a lot to the skill of Aardman’s animators. On Friday 23rd September there will be the chance to delve back into Bristol’s rich musical history when The Bristol Sound on Screen will screen footage from the era when the city ruled the underground and the airwaves.

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The programme is packed with quality films, talks and events, including a chance to see the award winning films across the weekend of the festival. Success at Encounters opens the door to the Oscars, BAFTAS, European Film Awards and the Cartoon d’Or for the filmmakers crowned by a judging panel of industry leading judges.

Big Walkies Bristol takes over Blaise Castle Estate The RSPCA in Bristol is hosting a sponsored dog walk - for pooches and their owners to take part in to show their support for the charity. The walk - held in partnership with Vitality health and life insurance - will take place in Blaise Castle Estate on Sunday 16th October at 11am, there is a choice of a 3k or 5k walk. Dogs of all shapes and sizes are welcome and will even get their own bandana to wear on the day.

Some of the RSPCA’s star rescue dogs are taking part in Big Walkies. They are looking forward to a fun walk, and have their paws crossed that maybe they will find the new homes that they have been looking for. To register your pooch please visit and fill out a quick and simple form with a few details. It costs £10 for one dog and £5 for any additional pooches - humans can come along free. Online ticket purchase closes 14 days before the event.

In May, 2,000 dogs and nearly 6,000 people enjoyed four flagship Big Walkies at Alexandra Palace, Crystal Palace, Bournemouth and Cardiff. Throughout September and October there are 37 regional events taking place which you can sign up to here RSPCA Bristol Dogs and Cats Home Manager Jodie Hayward said: “This is a great opportunity for the community to come together to get behind a good cause. “We are a nation of animal lovers and this is a great opportunity to make lots of new doggy friends - and human ones too. “We hope that on Sunday 16th October the whole of Bristol will be filled with calls of ‘Walkies’ and sights of wagging tails.” Once you’ve registered, you will receive a Big Walkies Participant Pack with everything you need to know about Big Walkies.

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Refresh Event Date: 12th September Description :Come along and get refreshed in a sociable, contemporary setting with live music. Venue: The Square Club, 15 Berekley Square, Bristol Celebrating the work of Geoffrey Molyneux 19472006 Event Date: 13th September - 17th September Description: Geoff Molyneux was an artist and popular teacher who worked in Bristol from 1970 until his death in 2006. this exhibition celebrates his work in the church where he was a member and which shows the marks of his creativity and passion. Venue: Tyndale Baptist Church, Whiteladies Road Club Classics Party Event Date: 16th September Description: Come along for a variety of club classics from throughout the decades! Venue: Cleve Rugby Football Club The Hayfields Cossham Street Mangotsfield Bristol Soul Legends Event Date: 17th September Description: Soul legends - the feel good show of the year from performers that brought you the incredibly popular magic of motown show we proudly announce a visit to BAWA by soul legends as part of its nationwide tour Venue: BAWA Healthcare & Leisure, 589 Southmead Road Filton Bristol Weston Super Mare Food Festival Event Date: 17th—18th September Description: if you love great food you’ll love Weston Super Mare food festival. Venue: The Tropicana Marine Parade Weston-Super -Mare Somerset. Bristol Airport Aviation Fair 2016 Event Date: 18th September Description: Bristol Airport spotting in partnership with Bristol Airport are holding another aviation Fair on Sunday 18th September 2016 between 10.30am and 4pm within the administration building at Bristol Airport. The event is being held for the aiport charity of the year which this year is Children’s Hospice South West. Venue: Bristol Airport

Teddys Bear Picnic Event Date: 18th September Description: It’s a great day out for the kids! Venue: Avon Valley Steam Railway Station Bath Road Bitton Only Fools And Boycie - An evening with Only Fools And Horses actor John Challis Event Date: 19th September Description: Enjoy an intimate evening with John Challis, one of the nation’s greatest comedy actors, best known as Boycie in BBC1’s Only Fools and Horses. In this one-off show the national treasure will reveal secrets from the set with stories and anecdotes from his dazzling career. Venue: Redgrave Theatre 2 Percival Road Clifton Bristol Mark Thomas Event Date: 21st - 22nd September Description: Red shed is the third party in a trilogy that started with the multi-award winning show Bravo Figaro and Cuckooed. Venue: Redgrave Theatre 2 Percival Road Clifton Bristol Charity Golf Day Event Date; 23rd September Description: Teams of 4 Players, best 2 scores count for team prizes Venue: Henbury Golf Club Fundrasiing event Macmillan Autumn Fete Event Date:25th September Description: James’ Macaw Handling experience will be at the Macmillan Autumn Fete. Come along and meet the birds! A great day to be had by all! Venue: Holiday Inn Bristol-Filton Filton Road, Bristol Macmillan coffe Morning at Evolve Dentistry Event Date: 30th September Description: Evolve Dentistry are hosting a coffee morning on behalf of Macmillan. Come along, bring a friend and have a cuppa and enjoy a slice of cake or two. Please feel free to bring a cake along as well as for other to enjoy. Venue: 24 Habour road, Portishead, Bristol

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The power of words Words carry a lot of power. We can make somebody's day, and in the way they are said. In today's world, it seems that not always nice things are portrayed, with either visual means or through the spoken word. To help to change this. All we need to do is to just be mindful of how we speak to other people. Take a step back, and view someone's situation as though it was happening to you. And then think how you would like to be spoken to. Words can also be used to explain how we feel. As in through poetry, or other forms of writing, such as his story or maybe even lyrics for a song. Also being thankful for the things we have in our lives, and even a simple thing such as a lovely day, or maybe seeing a beautiful sunset, or any attitude of gratitude is always good, for others and ourselves. With peace and Blessings Marie

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