Direct Local Magazine North Bristol November 2016

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North Bristol November 2016



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Welcome to November’s edition

In this issue 6. Shirehampton Public Hall newsletter 8. Brexit means Brexit

Regulars St Mary’s Church Shirehampton Public Hall The word on the street City & Port of Bristol Bowls Club Competition 1st Gear Pro Wrestling Chaos


9. Welcome reverend Helen Johnson 10. Study with Bristol Community Trust 12. City and Port of Bristol Bowls 13. Good mechanics are hard to find 15. Vehicle Accessories 16. Queen Square breakfast Club 17. Bulb upgrades

Local news


19. Competition time

1st Gear

Home and maintenance

20. Upcoming events 22. Home and maintain ace section

Senior Editor Mike Davies Proof reader Elisabeth Davies Entertainment writer Benjamin Allen

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31. Pro Wrestling Chaos Disclaimer The opinions expressed in Direct Local do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publisher or their agents. Whilst every reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included within this publication, the publisher takes no responsibility for errors or omissions in Direct Local. The content of Direct Local is not to be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Please pass to a friend, recycle or compost after reading. All adverts designed by Direct Local are the property of Direct Local please contact us if you wish to reprint them in other publications as a small release fee Is applied. Use of adverts designed by us will need written permission first.

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Shirehampton Public Hall November Newsletter Welcome to another edition of the Public Hall Newsletter! The Table Top Sale which took place on Saturday 24th September drew a small crowd, but this did not deter our sellers, and a generous sum was raised towards the upkeep of our beautiful building. Many thanks to the Trustees who organised this event and those who supported it. The Bingo Night which also took place on Saturday 24th September was a great success, with a fun evening enjoyed by all who attended, and much needed funds raised for the Hall. Many thanks to all those who organised and those who attended. It is hoped that another bingo night will be held in the Spring, so keep your eyes peeled for the date and come along and enjoy the fun! Another evening of fun was had by all who came along to see the wrestlers in action on Sunday 25th September. The boo’s and cheers could probably have been heard throughout Shirehampton! There were certainly good guys and bad guys in the ring – I’m sure the good guys won! Thank you once again to all who attended to support this event.

The Stamp Fair will be here again on Saturday 19th November , and our wonderful Grainger Players will be putting on their Christmas Show on 25th and 26th, so plenty to see and do during the chillier month of November – and don’t forget our regular activities! Please see our noticeboard/ website/Facebook for further details. Most importantly, there will be a Public Meeting at the Hall to discuss the future of the building on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm. Please come along and show your support and give your much needed opinions about this important subject. Our building needs you! The Hall Trustees welcome new Trustees or anyone with an interest in starting new events to come along and visit us. The Public Hall has many events and regular activities, so please visit our website at for further details, check out our noticeboard , email: or telephone 0117 9829963.

Shirehampton Public Hall Activities

The Public Hall has many events and regular activities, so please visit our website at: for further details. Also check out our noticeboard. You can always email us at or telephone: 0117 9829963.

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The number of LPAs granted has tripled – do you understand the benefits of having an LPA? The number of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) granted annually has tripled between 2010 and 2015. The increase in the number of LPAs being granted may be due to a drive to increase public awareness and to encourage people to plan for the future.

With some experts reporting that as much as 60% of the UK population does not have a Will, it is important that people understand the benefits of planning ahead, regardless of our age or health. If you have any questions or would like to discuss Estate Planning options, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on 0117 322 6322 or

The LPA is a legal document that appoints someone to help you make your own decisions or make decisions on your behalf. Typically, this would be a member of your immediate family, a loved one or a legal professional. Having an LPA in place means you can entrust your decision making to someone close to you in the event that you are no longer able to make those decisions for yourself.

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" Brexit means Brexit" -but what does that mean for Bristol? We all know that the UK voted to leave the European Union in the Referendum on 23rd June. Whilst nationally, the vote split was 52% opting to leave, 48% wanting to remain in Europe, here in Bristol there was a 72% vote to remain. Voters in Bristol West were the second highest in the country in support of remaining, reflecting the high proportion who work or have worked in the aviation industries, Rolls Royce, our city's two world class universities and the NHS.

For ordinary citizens, we are already feeling the first impacts and they are not good. Firstly, the pound has fallen in value by 18%, we have lost our solid credit rating in world financial markets, resulting in the £ now being equal to the Euro. Holidays will cost more, but the impact of this fall in the value of the £ will have a major impact on those living overseas, in Spain for example. They are probably worried sick and weren't allowed to vote in the Referendum. When you think of the basic necessities that we take for granted like coffee, tea, bananas -all are imported, a never-ending list -and usually paid for in dollars; they will go up.

Many Bristolians and all of those major local employers are now wondering fearfully what "Brexit" will mean for them. Bristol City Council received £22 million of EU funding from 2005 2015. The city's two universities receive over £20 million a year from EU sources. The Mayor, Marvin Rees is so concerned that the day after the referendum he set up a Bristol Brexit response group to better understand the impact of leaving the EU on our city. Bristol city region has the most productive economy outside of London with strong potential for digitial and technology businesses as well as aerospace and defence, financial and professional, creative and low carbon sectors. All of these rely on keeping up to date and indeed in advance of developments in their sector elsewhere in the world. Any deterioration of market access could be damaging to local companies, but the uncertainty is growing as each day passes.

Last evening Nestle, makers of KitKat as well as Nescafe and lots of other things, said that they are "considering all options" to cope with the pound's 18% fall. The thought of more expensive chocolate and probably smaller bars led me to think of wine that is bound to go up too. More people are getting more pessimistic about the impact of Brexit upon our standard of living. So what is this Conservative Government of multi-millionaires doing about it? Answer - they are deeply split by their own admission. The Minister responsible, David Davies says "If we don't get a trade deal by 2019, we face a cliff edge". How reassuring is that? Open Europe has estimated a fall in British trade by 16%, and foreign investment in the UK to drop by 20%.Don't panic, Boris will save us. I don't think so... Me? I am going to stock up on Nescafe gold (other brands are available) Chocolate and wine to help get through the hard times ahead. Article by Eileen Means

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Welcome Reverend Helen Johnson We had a wonderful Licensing & Welcome Service for the Rev Helen Johnson on Monday 17th October attended by about 240 people and led by The Bishop of Bristol, The Rt Rev Mike Hill and The Archdeacon of the Diocese, The Venerable Christine Froude. Helen is now in post as our Priest-in-Charge and it is lovely to welcome her and her family to our parish of Shirehampton. You will see her in the village and going in and out of the church, so please speak to her, she is a lovely, warm, welcoming person. Our Confirmation Service for the Deanery is due to be held at St. Mary’s at 7.30 pm on Thursday 3rd November. It was due to be conducted by The Bishop of Bristol, The Rt Rev Mike Hill but due to a diary clash it will now be conducted by Bishop George Cassidy, who was at one time Vicar of St Edyth’s, Sea Mills. Our Memorial Service will be held at 3.00 pm on Saturday 5th November. Memorial cards written on that day and collected at the service will be put on our Tree of Light when it is put up but all are welcome to come in and fill in a card and hang it on the tree any time between the end of November and Christmas. The Tree of Light stays in place until Epiphany. You are also warmly welcome to come to the Service of Light when the Tree of Light is lit and a special prayer is said for all those we have loved and lost. This will be at 6pm on Sunday 27th November and is a short, meaningful way to begin Advent and our preparations for Christmas.

The 13th November is Remembrance Sunday when we remember those who gave their lives in two World Wars and in more recent wars. Our service at St Mary’s is at 10.00 am and is fairly short. We are joined by West Bristol Music Centre for this service and we are grateful to them for their support and willingness to be involved. The Roll of Honour is read out before we go in procession to the War Memorial at Shirehampton Park in time for the 11.00 am Act of Remembrance, accompanied by members of the Uniformed Organisations. At 6.00 pm at St Mary’s that day we shall be holding an evening entitled A Time of Remembrance including, hymns and music, poems and reflections. All are welcome to join us on either of these occasions. On Saturday 26th November we have our Festive Food Fayre in church from 10.00 am until 12.00 noon, when you can buy Christmas cakes, Christmas hampers, gift packs of jam, marmalades and chutneys, festive preserves and much more etc. Coffee and cakes will be available during the time of the sale. Put the date in your diary and please support this. And then …. all the Christmas events will be coming up. More next month!

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STUDY WITH BRISTOL CITY COMMUNITY TRUST Bristol City Community Trust (BCCT) recognises the positive role it can play within the community, so in 2011 the Trust created a unique sporting academic programme with the aim of tackling the education inequality that exists within the city. Through its continual growth in strength and capacity, BCCT now has the appropriate sport structure to enable learners to develop life skills, maximise career choices and opportunities through carefully designed qualifications, support and activities, no matter what their academic or practical level. Such a structure sees the Trust attract and accept a diverse range of students on to any of six exciting courses, which combines academic studies with a sporting experience where they can represent Bristol City FC in competitive fixtures.  Level 2 Diploma in Football in Community Settings  Boys BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Futsal Pathway)  Girls BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Futsal Pathway)  LTA BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Tennis)  Foundation Degree in Community Football Coaching and Development  BA (Hons) Sports Business and Entrepreneurship

With each course based at the newly-redeveloped Ashton Gate Stadium, where purpose-built classrooms and facilities are evident, the Trust’s culture of valuing education is bolstered by the learning environment. This assists in inspiring a positive attitude to drive education, personal and social progress, without the fear of failure. In addition to the purpose-built learning environment, the Trust’s ability, passion and drive to deliver the highest level of education to individuals wanting to enhance their quality of life, assists in positive levels of success attained through personalised learning. In addition to the compulsory course requirements, the Trust provides students with a variety of extra-curricular activities, to further their academic progress and enhance desired life skills. All of the above factors contribute to what is a fantastic and unique educational experience for prospective students looking to kick-start their career within the sports industry. For more information on the above courses, call 0117 963 0636. Alternatively, attend an education open evening at Ashton Gate on Monday, November 28th (7pm) to receive a detailed presentation from the Head of Education. To secure your place on the open evening, please email

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City and Port of Bristol Bowls Club A season that started on the all-weather green at Wrington on April 13th and saw many happy hours of bowling ended on October 2nd in glorious sunshine and on green grass at GB Britton. Between the two dates more than seventy mixed friendly and ladies only games were played as well as Ladies and Gentlemens League, County Competitions and Club League on Monday evenings. Add to this club competitions and a very enjoyable summer tour in September and you have a very full and complete season of bowling.

A more formal occasion took place on July 25th when Gloucestershire and Somerset came to Nibley Road to play for the Small Cup. Not only a very good afternoon of bowling but a dinner and presentations followed to round off a great day. With the green now closed until April attention turns to events that take place during the Autumn and Winter months --- all keeping the club active until the new season arrives.

There were some memorable games during the season ---- none more so than the one played on Fry Island in the middle of the River Thames on June 19th. Where else would you complete your journey to the green by boat?

There will once again be three indoor games against local clubs, at the City and County Indoor Club. The first Sunday of each month will see a social event at the City and Port of Bristol Club ---- starting with skittles on November 6th. The Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening will be on Friday 25th November at Shirehampton Golf Club

The visit by bowlers of Milford Haven on May 24th, accepting an invitation to come and play us when City and Port of Bristol toured West Wales last Summer --- was another occasion that will live long in the memory.

and there will once again be a Winter Bowling Break in Torquay at the end of January. Looking further forward ---- the first game of the 2017 season will once again be at Wrington on April 12th.

For further information about the Bowling Club and its activities please call David Hinksman on 0117 9082713.

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If it is time for a transmission check on your vehicle or it has signs that is time to take it in for an inspection, make sure you use the services of a reliable and experienced auto repair centre.

A good mechanic is hard to find! Mechanics whose skills are demonstrated by their focus and commitment to customer satisfaction should be your choice in an auto repair centre. With a clear communication between customer and mechanical technician, you can have the best diagnosis, maintenance, and repair service for you vehicle. When you are in need of transmission or a brake repair job, you are not going to want to trust this important job to just anyone. Auto repair and transmissions experts that have been in the car business for many years will professionally and accurately make the needed repairs and maintenance service to your vehicle to get you back to traveling. The brakes hold a complex and important job in your vehicle. Much of the safety and efficiency of your vehicle rely solely on the brakes. When you want to get any work done on your brakes, you are going to want someone who has an extensive knowledge of brake repair and maintenance to handle them. Information such as getting a 4 wheel brake inspection each time you get your tires rotated to indicate how thin they are is a recommendation you'll receive from a mechanic that has your safety and the best interests of your vehicle in mind. A skilled mechanic may also make the following recommendations concerning your brakes: • Getting a comprehensive brake inspection • Getting the brake fluid checked • Getting the brakes system bled and flushed when evidence of contamination

Getting your transmission checked and possibly repaired by a quality automobile care shop will eliminate any concern that you may have towards your vehicles transmission. Some indicators that it may be time to take your vehicle in for a transmission inspection include transmission leaks, the check engine light coming on, erratic shifting, or if your vehicle is slipping gears. If you are experiencing one or more of these transmission check indicators, you should immediately take it in for an inspection. A good auto repair shop will also check your belts and hoses every time your vehicle is serviced. These parts of your vehicle have to handle severe conditions on a continuous basis and eventually deteriorate over time. Skilled mechanics preform a proper inspection for blisters, cracks, and bulges in your belts and hoses in order to keep your vehicle from quitting on you.

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At Vehicle Accessories we have recently become inundated with vehicle conversion requests. As we have all the relevant products on offer and the expert engineers to install them we are now offering a new service of ‘Bespoke Conversions’. We can convert your vehicle tailored to your every need, right down to the last detail. It may be a new vehicle you need to convert to suit your needs or an old one you want to revamp. Our experienced engineers will work alongside you to design a solution for your vehicle and provide a quote prior to start. Having a fully equipped workshop we can complete work quickly, on time and to agreed schedules. We will consider any size of job whether it’s a full conversion or just a lining and electrical installation for you to do the rest, we are always happy to help.

Our team of expert engineers have years of knowledge so there isn’t a lot that we haven’t done, but if you require a job that is completely new to us then we will carry out the relevant research in order to complete the job to the highest standard. These are just some of the ways we can convert your vehicle…  Carpet lining  Ply lining  Waterproof lining  Insulation  Seats and covers  Exterior and interior lighting  Electrical systems  Storage solutions – racking, cabinets etc.  Sink units  Hob units  Plumbing  Hot and cold water tanks  Animal kennels  Audio systems  Television systems  Fridge systems Bespoke-Conversions We are on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In,

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Queen Square Bristol Breakfast Meet At Rybrook Specialist Cars Are you into cars?

Who comes?

Then don’t miss out on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13TH AT THE BREAKFAST MEET at Rybrook Specialist cars, Cribbs Causeway, (normally at Queens Square). Expect to see around 300 cars and just about every conceivable car type:

People who want to show their car come from as far away as Stockport, Exeter, London, Swindon, Cardiff and Torquay. Every meet is different – who knows which cars will be there next time?

American. Trucks, drift, slammed, classic, vintage, JDM, supercar, hot hatch, rat-look, custom, tuned, hot rod, Ford RS clubs, Mazda, MX5 clubs, and even main dealers wanting to show off their latest models.

Off-site meetings

How did it all start?

The first one, held at Weston Helicopter Museum in September, attracted about 250 cars. This is our second off-site meeting at Rybrooks Cribbs Causeway and you will not be disappointed.

About 5 years ago a few people with interesting cars met to have a coffee in a local café at Queens Square . Over a few years it grew and grew. As people started to show off their personal pics on the facebook page, more people discovered the event. This takes place every second Sunday in the month at Queens Square regardless of the weather. .

@BristolBreakfastClub 16. Call Direct Local on 07500 017236 * *

Bulb upgrades! One of the most common automotive problems this time of year is a lack of visibility. It's already dark on our journey home from work, whether you're riding a bicycle or driving a car it would do you good to think about upgrading your lights to something a lot brighter and clearer. The first thing you need to remember when choosing your car bulbs is that when you go brighter, you'll need to go whiter to reduce eye strain; nothing is more dangerous than driving with tired eyes.

There are many bulbs available on the market that can be up to 130% brighter than the standard bulb. All upgrades are available in an original equipment direct fit so if you know which bulbs fit your car visit any car accessory store and speak to a member of staff. By Rob Mccauley Motaman

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The 2017 GT86 is offered in a simplified range that features two versions: GT86 and GT86 Pro, both of which are powered by the established 197bhp 2.0-litre “boxer” engine with six-speed manual or automatic transmission.

The GT86 rides on new, slim 10spoke 17-inch alloys with a machined finish. Equipment features include adaptive LED headlights, cruise control, electric, heated door mirrors with a folding function, aluminium sport pedals, high-performance brake discs and pads, hill start assist and smart entry with push-button start.

The GT86 Pro adds heated front seats, leather and Alcantara upholstery, a leather driver’s armrest and a sporting suede-effect finish for the dashboard and door trims. It also gains a rear spoiler, finished in matt grey (if customers prefer, this can be deleted at no extra cost).

Both versions feature the Toyota Touch 2 multimedia system with Bluetooth, 6.1-inch touchscreen and DAB tuner. As an option, the system can be upgraded to Toyota Touch 2 with Go, adding satellite navigation, connectivity giving access to on-line services and social media channels, and three years’ inclusive map updates. Key options include black cloth upholstery with red inserts on the seats and door trims for the GT86, and a similar treatment for the part-leather and Alcantara seat and door coverings in the GT86 Pro. Visit your local Toyota dealership for more information.

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November’s competition

Or cut out the word search add your name and address, email address and send it to us at: Direct Local Magazine, 7 Hopewell Gardens, Shirehampton, BS11 0JS.



All you need to do is complete the word search below and either scan or take a photo on a smart phone and email it to us with your details at:

Tickets will be sent by post to your address People must be 16 years or over to enter the Competition.


You can also see previous events at


Thanks to Pro Wrestling Chaos we are giving away 2 tickets to the big event in Hanham Community Centre on the 26th November .

Draw will take place on the 20th November with the traditional names in a hat and one lucky winner will get 2 tickets to watch the totally awesome Pro Wrestling Chaos.


Welcome to our puzzle page.




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Petrol Anniversary Event at Costco Bristol Event Date: 05 Nov 2016 Description: You’re invited to our Petrol Anniversary Event on Saturday 5th November 2016 lots to do so pop dwn Direct Local will ber there come and say hello.. Venue: Costco Bristol St Brendans Way Avonmouth The Cinematic Orchestra Event Date: 07 Nov 2016 Description: At The Colston Hall, Bristol Venue: Colston Hall, Colston Street, Bristol Spider phobia courses Event Date: 15 Nov 2016 Description: At Bristol Zoo Gardens we have responded to the demand for people wanting to get over their fear of spiders by offering a course, called ’Living with spiders’. This is delivered jointly by Greg Nejedly (a hypnotherapist at the Hypnotherapy Bristol Practice) and a member of the Zoo Education team and takes place in the Zoo’s Conservation Education Centre on Guthrie Road, opposite Clifton College. Venue: Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Clifton Bristol Dog First Aid Course Event Date: 20 Nov 2016 Description: Dog First Aid Course with half of course fees donated to Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary. Venue: Long Ashton Community Centre, Keedwell Hill, Bristol, United Kingdom Base Takeover is back! Event Date: 25 Nov 2016 Description: Get Involved! Venue: 77 Whiteladies Rd, Bristol Christmas Market Event Date: 26 Nov 2016 Description: St Peter’s Hospice Christmas Market at the Great Hall, Bristol Grammar School on Saturday, 26th November 2016, 10.30am - 3pm. Venue: Bristol Grammar School, Clifton

Christmas Party Night Event Date: 01 Dec 2016 Description: Bring your office party or group of friends to the most unique venue in Bristol for an evening of food, entertainment and music. Begin the festivities with a warming drink and two course fork buffet on board, follow this up by exploring the ship, classic casino tables, a photo booth and then dance the night away. Venue: Brunels SS Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard Bristol Harbourside Bristol Motown Soul Christmas Party Event Date: 02 Dec 2016 Description: MEET OLD FRIENDS * MAKE NEW FRIENDS Venue: BAWA Healthcare & Leisure, 589 Southmead Road Filton Bristol Ultimate Christmas Party! with Tributes to The Bees Gees and George Michael Event Date: 03 Dec 2016 Description: Get ready for the Ultimate Christmas Party with Tributes to The Bees Gees and George Michael Venue: BAWA Healthcare & Leisure, 589 Southmead Road Filton Bristol victorian Christmas Dinner Event Date: 08 Dec 2016 Description: Step back in time on Brunel’s most extraordinary time machine, the ss Great Britain. Take a journey of Victorian opulence with a sumptuous three course Christmas banquet served in our First Class Dining Saloon, where Brunel will regale guests with stories of his travels. Be entertained by an Irish trio, then dance late into the evening. Venue: Brunels SS Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard Bristol Harbourside Bristol Christmas Dinner Dance No.2 Event Date: 10 Dec 2016 Description: Fantastic 3 Course Festive Meal, Crackers, All The Trimmings PLUS Live music from Carnaby Street Venue: BAWA Healthcare & Leisure, 589 Southmead Road Filton Bristol Santas on the Run! Event Date: 11 Dec 2016 Description: The annual Santas on the Run 2k fun run is back in Bristol on Sunday 11th December 2016. Grab your family, friends and colleagues (and dog!) and take part in this extraordinary dash across the city dressed as Santa and raise vital funds for local charity, Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). Venue: Bristol

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AKASHA SPIRITUAL DESTINY Do you give yourself time to relax, unwind and chill out? Are you looking to try something different? I am running introductory workshops in relaxation and meditation, the energy body, healing and working with angels. At the Tythe barn, Shirehampton, BS11 0DE Saturday 15th October (Meditation and relaxation) Saturday 29th October (Energy body) Saturday 12th November (Healing) Saturday 26th November (Working with angels) All dates start at 10:30am to 12:30pm ÂŁ15 per workshop Contact Marie on 07949800354 Email

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Nature in winter Remember at this time of year the birds and other wild animals can begin to find it more difficult to find food, so if you can spare some time to help them in whatever way you can, would be a wonderful way to do something good for the planet and her inhabitants. If you work with Angels, or other Beings of Light or practice Meditation, you could ask for inspiration to guide you with this. REMEMBER TO KEEP ALL ANIMALS SAFE DURING THIS TIME OF FIREWORKS AND BONFIRES.

Enjoy your Samhain (Halloween) and the fireworks and fires, BE SAFE AND HAPPY. By Marie from Akasha

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