1 minute read
Crofton, Kentucky driver Scotty Owens had an interesting pit golf cart with a racecar-style body and coil/over shock rear suspension that he used for cruising around the gator pond and the expansive pit area at Volusia Speedway Park.
“The Concrete Kid” Anthony Macri’s team has a nifty tray used to store body panels during maintenance on the car throughout the evening.

It can get to be a long week during Florida Speedweeks and you’ve got to use every tool available to amuse yourself.

DIRT EMPIRE MAGAZINE continues to strive to make the magazine reading experience as alive and exciting as a night at the races. Utilize your smart phone or tablet with the QR codes below to jump right to the videos. Who would have thought you could watch a video in a magazine? We’re kind of awesome like that, but couldn’t do it without the hardwork of the videographers.
Located in Tallahassee Florida, John Horne is the owner and operator DirtDobber Video, a professional video and promotion service geared towards the Motorsports Industry. Like his Facebook page and be sure to subscribe to his channel on YouTube.

Facebook: @DirtDobberVideo • YouTube: Dirt Dobber Video