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IT IS FINALLY HERE! We are just as excited as we hope you are about the launch of Dirt Empire Magazine’s first print edition. We’ve been floored by the support we have received online and hope we have been able to meet or exceed expectations.


Going forward, what are you to expect?

After reviewing the most cost-effective way to bring you a real print magazine, we settled on an annual production schedule of eight issues – monthly during the racing season, semi-monthly in the off season.

So, when is the next issue of Dirt Empire Magazine hitting shelves and mailboxes?

Here’s the breakdown of our annual publishing schedule: February/March April/May June July August September October/November December/January

A good number of the decisions we have made with Dirt Empire Magazine have been based on experience and watching the successes and failures of others. We have been frustrated when

Enough of you responded to what we offered, and now we are here, where we’re supposed to be – in print!

we see our favorite things like other publications go away. Our goal is to make the right decisions with this publication so it will be around for a long, long time.

That doesn’t mean that these decisions are chiseled in stone. We may get to the end of the year and feel that maybe we need to add an issue or two to the production schedule. We’ll see.

One thing we are certain of, however, is we won’t be switching to an all-digital format. We love print. We love paper. Though a digital copy will be co-produced and available online, we’re with you on this: a magazine should be enjoyed on paper, not on a three-inch mobile screen.

So, why didn’t we produce a print version of the Dirt Empire Magazine preview issue in February, which was only available online? It was a simple matter of marketing.

One does not covet that which one does not know exists. More succinctly, you don’t want something if you haven’t seen it. We felt it was important to show, not tell, both subscribers and advertisers alike, what a new dirt track racing publication would look like before asking them to fork over their hard-earned cash.

We feel like the digital preview issue accomplished its purpose. Enough of you responded to what we offered, and now we are here, where we’re supposed to be – in print!

Our goal is to create, with each and every new issue, an exciting and fun publication that captures the heart and spirit of the dirt track experience.

We’re always open to your suggestions for story ideas, ways to improve, commendations and critiques. Feel free to reach out to us on social media or via email. We want to hear from you.

Now that all of that is out of the way, let’s go racing!


Adam Cornell Owner/Publisher

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