Chromosome Abnormalities Disability Tax Credit

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Chromosome Abnormalities Disabil ity Tax Credit

What are Chromosome Abnormalities? Chromosomes are within the cells containing a person’s genes. Normally, a person will have 23 pairs of chromosomes, totaling 46 chromosomes. Chromosome abnormalities are when it affects the number or structure of chromosomes. Numerical abnormalities are when a person has one or more extra copies of a chromosome.

Symptoms of Chromosome Abnormalities Symptoms vary depending on the number of chromosomes and the structure of them. For example, Down Syndrome is when there is an extra chromosome. Symptoms include having a physical and mental developmental delay. Infants tend to be quiet and passive with limp muscles, and they also have a lower IQ.

Tests & Prevention for Chromosome Abnormalities Testing for chromosome abnormalities involves analyzing a sample of blood. Doctors can use cells from amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling to detect certain chromosome or genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

Eligibility Criteria for Disability Tax Credit for Chromosome Abnormalities To be eligible for this tax credit program one must have had their brain tumour for at least 12 months. In addition, it must be severely affected them the majority of the time.

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