Chronic Inflammation Disability Tax Credit
What is Chronic Inflammation? Inflammation occurs naturally in the body, and it can trigger diseases. Inflammation is the body’s natural way of defending itself against toxins, however with chronic inflammation your body will be on high alert the whole time.
Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation Symptoms include if your stomach hurts and if you’re always tired. Chronic inflammation can include inflammatory bowel disease which is caused by an inflamed bowel. Symptoms for this include frequent diarrhea, pains in the abdomen, and constipation.
Tests & Treatments for Chronic Inflammation Tests can be done to test if you are indeed suffering from inflammation. These tests include the C – reactive protein and fasting blood insulin. CRP is a general blood marker as it measures a protein that signals a response to inflammation.
Eligibility Criteria for Disability Tax Credit for Chronic Inflammation To be eligible for this tax credit program one must have had their chronic inflammation for at least 12 months. In addition, it must be severely affected them the majority of the time.
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