Chronic Pain Disability Tax Credit
What is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is a pain that lasts longer than 6 months in length. It can vary from being mild to excruciating, and it can occur either in episodes or continuously throughout a person’s lifetime. These signals of pain are in the nervous system taking both an emotional and physical toll on a person suffering from chronic pain.
Causes & Symptoms of Chronic Pain The most common sources of pain come from headaches, joint pain, injuries, and back pain. Chronic pain can come from an injury or trauma, and it is a result of body damage from a previous injury.
Types of Chronic Pain Types of chronic pain include pain in the hip, joints, and back. There is no test for chronic pain as it varies in severity and where it affects one’s body. The best clues for chronic pain are if the pain is sharp, constant, and burning throughout the body.
Treatments for Chronic Pain When treating it, the goal is to reduce pain and improve one’s daily functioning. Medication, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, nerve blocks, or surgery may help treat chronic pain. Less invasive means include psychotherapy, relaxing therapies, and behaviour modification. In addition, self-management of chronic pain can help a patient actively participate in their own healing process.
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