Foot Ulcers Disability Tax Credit
What are Foot Ulcers? A foot ulcer is an open sore to the foot and can be either shallow or deep. A shallow foot ulcer is a red crater on the surface of the skin, while a deep foot ulcer is a crater extending through the thickness of the skin.
Symptoms of Foot Ulcers
Symptoms of a foot ulcer are the appearance of a red crater in the skin. Many foot ulcers can be found either on the side or bottom of the foot, as well as the top or tip of a toe. These craters tend to be surrounded by a border of thick callused skin which tends to worsen as time progresses. Pain is not a concern as long as the nerves in the foot are functioning normally.
How to Diagnose a Foot Ulcer? To diagnose a foot ulcer, a doctor can typically diagnose you simply by looking at your foot. For patients with diabetes, the doctor will assess your control of your blood sugar to determine the health of your feet.
Eligibility Criteria for Disability Tax Credit for Foot Ulcers A foot ulcer will likely qualify you under the disability section entitled walking impairment. To be eligible for this disability tax credit program, you must take an inordinate amount of time to walk even with appropriate therapy, medication, and devices.
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