How to Claim Disability Tax Benef ts for Deaf-Blind Disability
Deaf-blindness is considered as a low incidence disability, and there are only a small number of children who have this and are unable to see and/or hear. These children suffer from additional complications such as physical, mental and cognitive implications. This disability can be caused at birth or later in the childhood/adulthood stages. At birth, many cases occur due to prematurity, childbirth complications, and congenital syndromes.
Treatments for Hearing and Vision Loss Treatments are available to help an individual suffering from hearing and vision loss improve their quality of life. To preserve the person’s remaining sight or hearing, treatments are available such as cataracts, glasses or hearing aids. In addition, alternative methods of communication such as hand signing and braille provide ways for the individual to communicate with others.
Disability Tax Credit Eligibility Criteria for Vision Impairment
To be eligible for this tax credit, a person must be unable to hear and see for over the period of one full year. They can also be eligible if they have difficulty with vision and hearing. To be eligible for the vision impairment, they must have visual acuity in both eyes of 20/200 (6/60) or less, or have the greatest diameter of the field of vision in both eyes of 20 degrees and less.
Disability Tax Credit Eligibility Criteria for Hearing Impairment With regards to hearing, the patient must either be unable to hear, or take an inordinate amount of time (3 times longer) to hear and understand others. In addition, they must find it difficult to hear in a quiet setting even with the assistance of their hearing devices. To apply for this tax credit Form 2201 entitled “Disability Tax Credit Certificate� must be completed by a registered medical practitioner. This tax credit is only available to those who have taxes payable.
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