Hypothyroidism Disability Tax Credit
What is Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is also called underactive thyroid disease and is when your thyroid gland does not make enough of the thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck on the lower part. Hormones are released by the gland and travel through the bloodstream and affect almost every part of the body including the heart, brain, muscles and skin. The thyroid controls how the body’s cells use energy from food also known as metabolism.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism Symptoms of hypothyroidism can often mimic other conditions and can be vague. These symptoms include constipation, slow heart rate, dry skin, dry hair and hair loss, depression, changes in the menstrual cycle, fatigue, greater sensitivity to cold, unexplained weight gain and swelling of the thyroid gland.
Available Treatments for Hypothyroidism Treatments for hypothyroidism include a synthetic thyroid hormone called T4. This pill is taken every day and is better than other medications because they may interfere with how your body absorbs synthetic thyroid hormone.
Eligibility Criteria for Disability Tax Credit for Hypothyroidism
To be eligible for this tax credit, a person must be impaired for over the period of one full year. They can also be eligible if they have difficulty in one of the following daily life activities, such as walking. For a walking impairment, the patient must be unable to walk 100m (a city block) or it must take them an inordinate amount of time (3 times longer than normal) to do so due to shortness of breath.
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