Take Advantage of the Child Disabilit
If you’re a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you may be able to take advantage of the child disability benefit offered through the federal or provincial governments, which are similar to the kinds of programs available in many Western countries. If you qualify for benefits, your child is covered whether he or she is an infant, in daycare, pre- or elementary school, or older up to the age of 18.
What Child Disability Benefit Programs are offered in Canada? We get this question all the time, and are happy to report your federal and provincial governments offer many child and family support programs administered through Service Canada or its Services for Families and Children program. These include:
The Canada Child Tax Benefit, which is a tax-free monthly payment for eligible families with dependants under the age of 18. This benefit may include the Child Disability Benefit, which assists families caring for children suffering from severe and prolonged disabilities, and/or the National Child Benefit Supplement, which helps lowincome families with children.
• The Child Care Subsidy. This program offers comfort to low-income families through financial assistance to pay for all or part of licensed child care services for dependent children – a vital component for any caregiver who works outside the home.
• If you’re a parent or caregiver whose income is low, or non-existent, then you do not have to make contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) without worrying about negative affect to CPP benefits if the years in question were spent caring for a child seven and younger. This is called the Child Rearing Drop-Out Provision. • The Child Support Services is another child disability benefit available to Canadian parents or caregivers, and one we highly recommend to our clients. These services help caregivers obtain important court orders or legal agreements they may need to obtain child support.
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