Do You Know Your Social Security Disability Status? If you’re going through the process of applying for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits, then chances are you’re probably feeling like everything is a bit in limbo. The fact is, the entire filing process can take over a year from start to finish, and while that is going on you need to be aware of where you stand, and what is required of you at that time. And after you’ve done everything possible on your end, it can still take anywhere from three to five months before you get any sort of answer back from the Social Security Administration (SSA). During that time, everything can seem a little up in the air as you wait for a response concerning something that can have a serious impact on your immediate and future circumstances. Keeping all this in mind, it’s clear: the last thing you’re going to want is to be kept in the dark.
That’s why it’s important to choose an attorney that will keep you up to date during the entire process. Since the SSA will not go out of its way to keep you informed, you’re going to need someone who knows what needs to be done to stay on top of things. Having a disability attorney on your side can take care of this problem, as he or she will know what to do to stay on top of everything. Your attorney will call Disability Determination Services, which will give him or her instant access to all relevant information concerning your case. If your case went before a judge during a hearing, your attorney can
also contact the office of hearings and appeals, which will have more information. By staying in touch with the SSA at regular periods your disability attorney will be able to keep you up to speed throughout the entire process. More importantly, every step of the way your attorney will be prepared to walk you through the steps, what is required of you, and what you can expect next. As your status changes, you can be assured that you and your attorney will be on top of it, every step of the way. When you’re injured and not sure about your future, you need someone in your corner that’s going to not only fight for you, but also keep you up to speed throughout it all. As frightening and unpredictable a time as this can be, the last thing you need is the added stress that comes from uncertainty about your status. Article source: