3 minute read
I’m not disabled, I’m differently abled
Hayley was born at 28 weeks’ gestation weighing 2lb, diagnosed with Meningitis at five days old, she was an absolute fighter from the start. We first became aware Hayley had delay in both gross and fine motor skills when she failed to meet her milestones and was diagnosed with Spastic Dyplegia Cerebral Palsy at eighteen months old. Hayley worked hard with an excellent physiotherapy team and progressed to walk with a Kaye walker.
It was obvious Hayley was going to need equipment to enhance her life and development. Always a fighter, she was determined to achieve what every other child did, and we quickly realised that it was us that had to keep up with Hayley! It was when Hayley was growing out of her pram and it was time for a wheelchair, we really needed to know what equipment was out there and that was our first visit over the Pennines to the Kidz up North Exhibition in Bolton. This was just what we needed, a show where we could find equipment, advice and support all in one place.
Hayley started at the local school, her early school life was tough, she faced discrimination, a lack of understanding and support, and was bullied. We tried and tried to ‘educate the educators’ but to no avail, and as parents we found this soul destroying. At this time, we decided to home educate Hayley, giving her as many experiences
as possible. We decided to enrol Hayley with the Sheffield Steelers Wheelchair Basketball Club and wow, what a difference that made. Hayley became a happy, confident and very committed basketball player, going on to play for Wakefield Worldwinds, being named Coaches Player of the Year and representing Yorkshire in the under 14’s.
Hayley has gone from strength to strength, she loves sport, especially wheelchair basketball and has done a podcast for CBBC promoting her sport. This short film was about sport and how, having the right equipment can enhance a child’s life. Hayley is also an avid swimmer and has a passion for singing which has led to her joining a choir.
Hayley is now an Ambassador for Variety, the children’s charity who provided the funding for her new basketball chair. Hayley loves this role, as she says it’s her way of helping others. The new role involves attending various fundraising events, such as an evening reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate Variety’s 70th Anniversary, where she met David Walliams, together with many other celebrities. Promoting the work of Variety is really important to Hayley, especially locally and she was invited to do just that, at the Yorkshire Business Awards. This event helped raise £120,000 for Variety. Hayley’s wish at this event was to help raise money for every child to receive the equipment they
needed to have a good life.
Max Wheelchairs Ltd, who manufacture performance wheelchairs and supplied Hayley’s wheelchair asked her to be an Ambassador for their company. Max Wheelchairs are very supportive of Hayley and she can often be seen on their stand at exhibitions demonstrating equipment.
Whilst on the subject of exhibitions, I just want to emphasise how important the Kidz to Adultz exhibitions have been to us. I cannot put into words how grateful we are for these events; they have allowed us to make contacts for the right support and the best equipment. They have been invaluable in enhancing Hayley’s quality of life. I cannot believe it is almost ten years since we were introduced to what has become more of a social experience where Hayley will meet up with other young people she has made friends with over the years. Hayley’s motto is “I’m not disabled I’m differently abled” and her view is to make the most of her life and we are sure she’s on track to do that. Hayley is a very motivated girl and with the right support has absolutely flourished. She is now in a very supportive school and her future looks rosy. Hayley has a couple of long- term ambitions, one is to represent Team GB in the Olympics and the other is to set up her own business selling equipment for disabled people. Watch this space!