1 minute read

The SEND local offer: What's going on over the summer holidays?

The SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disability) Local Offer provides information in a single place. The Local Offer helps children, young people, and their parents to understand what services and support they can expect from a range of local agencies - including their statutory entitlements. The SEND pages of your Local Authority website will direct you to information about the activities available in your area.

The government has allocated £220m for local councils to deliver free holiday clubs. These clubs will offer free healthy food and physical activities. Funding is expected to cover activities for at least four hours a day, four days a week, for four weeks of the holidays.

Councils are expected to offer free club access to all children eligible for free school meals. Children who do not receive free meals may still be offered places, but not for free.


Manchester City Council are working in partnership with Disabled Living to provide free sessions for children and their siblings in the multi-sensory rooms at Redbank House, not only for this summer holiday period, but also October and February half term holidays.

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