Modern Marriage Lessons From Abraham and Sarah What does the Bible reveal about the marriage of Abraham and Sarah? What can we learn about Christian marriage from these pillars of faith?
braham and Sarah are known for their examples of faith. As Hebrews 11 notes: “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance” (verse 8). And, “By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised” (verse 11). What many might not know about Abraham and Sarah is that their relationship also provides valuable insights for Christian marriages today. From the outset, we have to acknowledge that the Bible was not written as a marriage manual, and it doesn’t contain many stories about the marriages of the couples that are included in its pages. Of the very few marriages we read about in God’s Word, there is generally no documentation of these people’s
innermost thoughts, disagreements and challenges in making their marriages successful. But in terms of learning about the feelings, problems and stresses that are part of all marriages, the marriage of Abraham and Sarah is perhaps the most revealing one recorded in the Bible. Of course, it should come as no surprise that the man referred to in Scripture as the “father” of those who have faith in God (Romans 4:16) and his faithful wife provide lessons for Christian marriages today.
Marital stresses for Abraham and Sarah It is tempting for us to think that long ago, during the time of Abraham and Sarah, life was simple and stress-free. But this was most definitely not the case. Though times, customs and circumstances change, all marriages face trials and difficulties.
November/December 2021