Welcome to the Church of God, a Worldwide Association

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Welcome to the Church of God, a Worldwide Association

This publication is not to be sold. It is produced as free educational material by the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 3490 • McKinney, TX 75070-8189 972-521-7777 • 888-9-COGWA-9 (toll-free in the U.S.)

© 2024 Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version (© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.). Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Authors: Erik Jones, David Treybig

Publication Review Team: Peter Hawkins, Don Henson, Chad Messerly Doctrine Committee: John Foster, Bruce Gore, Don Henson, Doug Johnson, Larry Neff

Design: David Hicks

All photographs within this booket are of members of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, and were taken by members.

As the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, our job is to share God’s message of life, hope and truth with the world and then care for those who respond to it—to give them a place to grow and flourish. We are a community, a brotherhood of believers, marching together toward a common goal—the future promised to us by God. Learn more in the following pages.

Chapter 1

“I Will Build My Church”

“I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

All Christian churches claim to follow Jesus Christ. But with such a wide variety of beliefs and practices, they cannot all be adhering to the teachings that Jesus proclaimed. Contrary to popular reasoning that Christianity would evolve with God’s blessing, the Bible says we should “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3, emphasis added).

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association—or COGWA, for short—takes Jude’s admonition seriously and endeavors to preach and practice the faith as taught by Jesus and the apostles.

In a world of religious confusion, we strive to be a distinctive continuation of the Church founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles. Jesus said, “I will build My church, and the

gates of Hades [the grave] shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

Jesus promised that from the time He founded the Church until His return to earth, there would always be faithful believers who would understand and uphold His truth. Despite being relatively small and often enduring persecution throughout its history, His Church continues today, faithfully preserving the same teachings He and His apostles taught some 2,000 years ago.

In addition to speaking of His Church, Jesus also prophesied that many would be deceived about religion (Matthew 7:13; 24:3-5). History shows that throughout the centuries after the New Testament era, various unbiblical beliefs and practices were integrated into Christianity.

The original apostles saw the beginnings of the adoption of a false version of Christianity and strongly warned Christians not to accept it

(2 Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 1:7).

Paul added that false ministers would “draw away” people after themselves (Acts 20:29-30; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15), and Peter said that many would follow these false prophets’ “destructive ways” (2 Peter 2:1-2).

Instead of accepting the unauthorized changes that crept into Christianity throughout the centuries, God’s Church has remained faithful to the instruction of the Scriptures. This has caused the true Church of God to remain a “little flock” (Luke 12:32)—a

relatively small, unpopular and, at times, persecuted group throughout the centuries (Matthew 10:22-23; John 15:18).

But, just as Jesus promised, His Church has survived.

Distinctive beliefs of the true Church

When people are choosing a church to attend, we encourage them to look into the Bible to learn what the Church Jesus built will actually teach and practice—and then seek out a church that fits those requirements.

According to the Bible, the true Church that Jesus built:

1. Uses the name Church of God (Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 10:32; 11:16, 22; 15:9; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 2:14; 2 Thessalonians 1:4; and 1 Timothy 3:5, 15).

2. Bases its doctrines on the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

3. Teaches and practices the 10 Commandments (Matthew 19:17; 1 John 2:3; Revelation 12:17). Jesus said that many who profess His name would “practice lawlessness”—ignoring or disobeying God’s laws (Matthew 7:21-23). This is why we emphasize the necessity of obeying God’s 10 Commandments.

4. Observes God’s weekly (seventhday) Sabbath and the biblical annual festivals (Exodus 20:8-11; Leviticus 23; Mark 2:27-28; 1 Corinthians 5:8). While most churches today celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter, we abstain from these humanly devised religious holidays (Deuteronomy 12:30; Matthew 15:9; Romans 12:2).

5. Teaches the necessity of growing in God’s character (Matthew 5:48; 7:20; 2 Peter 3:18). Some churches teach a “come as you are” version of Christianity, but we emphasize the need to continually grow in godly character, just as Paul stressed in Ephesians 4:13.

6. Genuinely loves one another and shows that love through service

(John 13:34-35; Galatians 6:10; 1 Peter 1:22).

7. Is driven by the mission to preach the true gospel to the world and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20).

To learn more about our beliefs, download our booklet Fundamental Beliefs of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. For more insight into the Bible’s teachings on the characteristics of the true Church and its history through the ages, download our free booklet Where Is the Church Jesus Built?

The history of the Church

Jesus founded

Secular history is not always helpful in tracing the history of the Church

described in the Bible, because it focuses principally upon churches that preach “another Jesus” and a “different gospel” (2 Corinthians 11:4). Many may speak of Jesus and call themselves Christian, but their message is different from the one Jesus delivered.

Yet through the identifying sign of Sabbath-keeping, we can find historical evidence of the Church Jesus founded, as it survived difficult times of opposition and persecution throughout the last 2,000 years. This history continued in Asia Minor and, later, in Europe during the Middle Ages. The Church thrived for a time in England, but persecution eventually drove some believers to the American colonies in search of religious freedom.

Historical records show that Stephen Mumford organized a small group of Sabbath-keepers in Rhode Island. Henry Clarke wrote in A History of the Sabbatarians or Seventh Day Baptists in America: “Stephen Mumford came over from England in the year 1664; and brought the opinion with him, that the whole of the Ten Commands, as they were delivered from mount Sinai, were moral and immutable” (1811, p. 8).

Although remaining relatively small, Sabbath-keeping churches expanded into New England and formed in other states in America

throughout the next few centuries. A group of faithful believers in the state of Oregon organized as the Oregon Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day).

Eventually, a small group, pastored by Herbert W. Armstrong, departed the Oregon Conference and the Radio Church of God began in 1933. Mr. Armstrong was an advertising man before his calling and vigorously used his skills in advertising and communication to become a pioneer in religious broadcasting during the golden age of radio.

Years later, after developing a global presence, the corporate name was

changed to the Worldwide Church of God. During the last half of the 20th century, the Church made effective use of radio, public campaigns, television and print media to preach the gospel, and God blessed those efforts. At its peak, the Worldwide Church of God had a global attendance of nearly 150,000 at the annual Feast of Tabernacles convention.

Unfortunately, in the mid-1990s the new leadership of that fellowship initiated significant doctrinal changes that departed from biblical doctrines and aligned it more closely with traditional Protestantism. The result of this dramatic doctrinal shift

was the formation of many groups.

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, is committed to upholding the teachings of the early New Testament Church. We trace our history back to the first century through the many faithful groups that have existed throughout the centuries including the work God did through Mr. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God.

We are dedicated to fulfilling the biblical mandate to preach the truth of God’s coming Kingdom to the entire world. Our congregations are found throughout the world, and we welcome all who desire to learn about

and practice the teachings Jesus Christ gave to His first disciples.

In the following pages, you can learn about our outreach efforts, congregations, internal programs and organizational structure.

The mission of the Church

After Jesus’ resurrection, He appeared to His disciples and instructed them on the spiritual work to be done. His command was: “Go therefore and make disciples of

all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). Mark’s account includes, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

This twofold responsibility of preaching the gospel (the good news) of the Kingdom of God and caring

for the called-out disciples (students) of Jesus—teaching them to practice the same authentic truths He taught His first disciples—remains the commission of His Church. This commission largely guides

our activities and structure. Nearly all our operations are centered on proclaiming the gospel to the world or caring for the spiritual needs of our members. In this section, we’ll focus on our proclamation efforts.

The True Gospel

Following Christ’s example, the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, teaches both changing one’s way of life (repentance) and believing the same “gospel of the kingdom of God” that Jesus came preaching (Mark 1:14-15; see also Matthew 4:23; 9:35). This message of a literal kingdom that will be established here on earth following Jesus’ return is largely ignored or misunderstood by mainstream Christianity.

And according to Jesus, “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). This is the hope for this hopeless world

headed toward self-destruction. The end of this age will mark the beginning of an era of peace under Jesus Christ’s rule. The true gospel also includes a message of warning about sin’s consequences and the necessity of genuine repentance (Ezekiel 33:2-4; Mark 1:15; Acts 2:38; 3:19).

In addition to teaching about the coming Kingdom of God, we also teach about the essential role of Jesus Christ and the many other life-changing doctrines found throughout the Holy Bible (Acts 8:12; 20:27; Matthew 4:4).

To learn more about this unique message, read “What Was Jesus’ Message?” and “What Is the Mission of the Church?”

Proclaiming the Good News Around World Chapter 2

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15).

During the 20th century, print, radio and eventually television were the most powerful mediums for spreading the gospel message. However, in more recent years, the growth of high-speed Internet and the proliferation of connected mobile devices have opened new doors, allowing the Church to reach a broader global audience in a much more cost-effective manner.

To maximize our effectiveness, COGWA launched the LifeHopeandTruth.com website in 2012 with the goal of making the true gospel accessible around the globe through the Internet. LifeHopeandTruth.com now contains thousands of pages of content explaining the many truths

of God’s Word. Millions of people around the world access the Life, Hope & Truth website every year.

We invite you to explore the site’s massive library of biblical content. The site features six silos (God, Bible, Life, Prophecy, Change and Relationships) that help organize and simplify browsing through our material. You can access the vast array of content by browsing or by using the search box at the top of every page.

Additionally, you’ll find a regularly updated blog with posts covering biblical themes, world news, social issues and other topics related to living God’s way in today’s world. If you’d like to be notified when new content is posted, visit our Subscribe page.

Our website is also available in Spanish (VidaEsperanzayVerdad.org) and French (VieEspoiretVerite.org).

LifeHopeandTruth.com also

features a Learning Center filled with additional in-depth content designed to help you become a better student of the Bible. This section includes:

• Booklets and Study Guides. We currently offer more than 25 free booklets and study guides explaining key biblical topics in great depth. Many of our booklets are also available in audio form on our Audio Books page.

• Discern magazine. Our free bimonthly magazine covers a variety of topics, including biblical doctrine, Christian living, current events and social and

cultural trends. We offer free digital subscriptions around the world and free print subscriptions to those in the United States, Canada and Europe. Audio recordings of feature articles are also available on the Discern Podcast. Discern is also published in Spanish and French.

• The LHT Bible Study Course. This is an interactive personal study course that systematically guides students through 11 core biblical themes and teaches skills and strategies for personal Bible study. The course is also available in Spanish.

• Journeys. These collections of daily readings are designed to guide you through important biblical concepts, from the problem of evil to the armor of God.

• Parents & Kids Resources. Our Encourage, Equip & Inspire program includes scores of lessons designed to aid parents in teaching God’s Word to their children.

In addition to our written content, we also offer video and audio content on multiple platforms:

• Life, Hope & Truth Presents. Our biweekly flagship video program features experienced

ministers presenting a range of biblically based topics in an engaging and authoritative manner. This program can be also be viewed on the Life, Hope and Truth YouTube page.

• Verse by Verse Podcast. This podcast features short insights and explanations of various verses in the Bible. New episodes are regularly posted on all major podcast platforms.

• Answers From the Gospels. These short videos provide concise explanations of biblical questions that can be answered from the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ’s life.

• Other video series. These cover a variety of biblical topics in short and approachable video segments. You can watch videos on the 10 Commandments , Feasts of the Lord , Life After Death and the Sabbath. Many people have questions about the Bible and how to practice God’s way of life in the modern world. To address questions that are sent to us, we have a group of experienced ministers who serve on our Answers team. If you have a question you would like us to answer, you can send it to us through our “Ask a Question” form.

Everything provided free of charge

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, recognizes its responsibility to preach Christ’s original gospel message to the world. Just as Jesus sent out His disciples with the command “freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8), so we make all of our material available free of charge.

We do not push our literature on anyone or pressure people to attend our church services.

Of course, though we offer all our content for free, it is not without cost to produce. Our work is funded by the tithes and voluntary

offerings of Church members and supporters. Contributions to assist in providing this priceless information to others are gratefully accepted and are accounted for using the highest standards of financial stewardship.

Though we don’t solicit the public for funds, supporters can contribute to our work at our Donation page.

Caring for God’s People Around the World Chapter 3

“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28).

As mentioned earlier, the Church’s commission also includes caring for and developing those whom God has called as disciples.

Those who practice the Christianity of the first century form a community of believers around the world.

Members of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, are joined together by authentic biblical teaching and God’s Spirit. They attend church services on the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) each week to worship God and learn His truth.

The Church’s membership spans more than 60 countries around the globe. From large congregations in

major cities like Houston, Texas, and Santiago, Chile, to isolated individuals and families in places like Indonesia and Greece, the Church truly is a worldwide association of people from various cultures and speaking many languages.

The Church is deeply committed to fulfilling Jesus’ command to “feed My sheep” (John 21:17). Below is an overview of our initiatives and activities aimed at fulfilling this aspect of our commission.


As the Bible instructs, members of the Church do not work on the Sabbath, which begins on Friday evening at sunset and continues until Saturday sunset (Exodus 20:811; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Leviticus 23:32). The Sabbath is a time for rest and furthering one’s relationship with God through prayer, study, attending church services and fellowshipping with brethren.

Our weekly Sabbath services are primarily educational in focus and typically feature two scripturally based messages. Every Saturday, we hold scheduled services in more than 200 congregations worldwide. (To learn more about our church services, read “What Are Our Sabbath Services Like?” on page 25.)

Though we welcome visitors who desire to worship with us in peace, we do not actively advertise our services or pressure the public to attend with us. This is in accordance with the scriptural teaching that God is the One who calls individuals into His Church (John 6:44).

Observing God’s annual festivals

In addition to keeping the weekly Sabbath, members of the Church observe God’s annual festivals, which progressively explain His plan of salvation for mankind (Leviticus 23).

First, in accordance with the example of Jesus Christ, members observe the Passover (representing His death for our sins), the Feast of Unleavened Bread (reminding us of the importance of eliminating sin from our lives and allowing Christ to live in us) and Pentecost (representing God giving His Holy Spirit to those who are baptized and obey Him).

Later in the year, members observe the Feast of Trumpets (representing Jesus Christ’s second coming to earth and the resurrection of the saints to eternal life), the Day of Atonement (representing, by fasting, our need to draw closer to God and looking forward to the binding of Satan), the Feast of Tabernacles (representing the coming 1,000-year rule of Jesus Christ on earth) and the Eighth or Last Great Day (representing the time when those who never had a chance to be saved will be mercifully given that opportunity).

God’s annual holy days culminate with the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day, festivals that occur over eight consecutive days. Members travel to regional locations to observe this entire period of time, during which church services are held every day and members spend time with their families and brethren. Members fund this highlight of the year by saving 10 percent of their incomes for the observance of God’s festivals (Deuteronomy 12:10-18; 14:24-26).

The Church sponsors Feast of Tabernacles sites in locations around the globe. Many Church members choose to travel long distances to experience interesting areas and meet their brethren

in different regions. The Church typically sponsors more than 40 sites around the globe, including sites in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Pacific regions.

You can learn more about these special observances in our free booklet From Holidays to Holy Days: God’s Plan for You.


Members adhere to the biblical instruction of giving a tithe—a tenth—of their incomes to support the preaching of the gospel and to care for members (Malachi 3:8-10; Matthew 23:23). This is the primary means by which the Church’s activities are funded.


In accordance with the biblical instruction for true Christians to fellowship regularly, our congregations regularly sponsor activities that facilitate fellowship beyond church services. Many congregations host group meals after services, speaking clubs, fundraisers, children’s and teen activities, sports and educational weekends, and many other activities that provide opportunities for members to spend time together.

These programs help members experience God’s wonderful way of life and help strengthen their relationships with God and each other.

Education and leadership development

The Church of God has historically placed a heavy emphasis on education—including educational opportunities for youth, young adults and adults. The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, continues this legacy.

Youth education and development

We believe the Church serves an important role in providing education and personal development opportunities that supplement the efforts of parents (Deuteronomy 6:7; Malachi 4:6; John 21:15).

At the local level, many of our congregations sponsor Sabbath school classes, youth Bible studies and other activities to educate and develop young people.

The Church also sponsors a robust youth camp program—COGWA Youth Camps.

In the United States, we sponsor five regional preteen summer camps (typically lasting three or four days). These camps offer age-appropriate

physical activities and spiritual education. We also sponsor five regional camps for teens (four in the summer and one in the winter). These camps last one week and offer a wide variety of physical activities along with spiritual education—all in a positive, encouraging and safe environment.

In addition to our U.S. camps, youth camps are also sponsored in some of our international regions, including Latin America, Africa and the Philippines.

For teens, the Church provides an online program of spiritual education and encouragement called Life Insights for Teens (LIFT). Through this online community, teens are encouraged to complete a series of Bible studies to further their learning about God and His way of life. They are able to share comments and cheer each other on in their learning.

The Church also produces a parents’ resource called Encourage, Equip & Inspire. This includes educational materials and lessons to support parents and congregations in giving preteens a biblical education.

Young adult development

Our local congregations and regions often sponsor special activities to promote togetherness and the

spiritual development of our young adults.

The Church also sponsors a nine-month educational program called Foundation Institute: Center for Biblical Education. Located at the Church’s headquarters offices in McKinney, Texas, Foundation Institute offers young adults an opportunity to study the Bible and build their spiritual foundation for an entire academic year. You can learn more at FoundationInstitute.org.

Other educational and social opportunities are available throughout the year. Many young adults serve as staff at our youth camps for teens. They also participate in leadership weekends and family weekends that offer seminars, sports and social events.

Some young adults take part in humanitarian service projects around the world through Foundation Outreach International. Some of these projects have given young adults opportunities to serve as staff in youth camps in Africa, teach English to Church members in Africa and provide dental care for members in Rwanda.

Ministerial development

The Church believes pastoral leadership is essential to the spiritual

health and proper organization of the Church. To ensure every member receives loving and proficient pastoral care, we prioritize the ongoing training and development of our pastors.

To accomplish this, the Church provides multiple training and continuing education opportunities for our pastors. Newly hired pastors go through an extensive training program to equip them with the biblical knowledge and skills necessary to pastor in the 21st century. We also offer ongoing professional development opportunities for all of our pastors to assist them in continually refining and enhancing their pastor skills.

Every two years, the Church hosts an international ministerial conference in McKinney, Texas, bringing in elders from around the world. This conference offers avenues for continuing education, updates on the Church’s work, face-to-face meetings for improved coordination of projects and fellowship opportunities with colleagues and friends.

In addition to our trained career pastors, we also have nonsalaried elders based in our congregations. These elders support the pastor, providing essential stability and local leadership in our congregations.

What Are Our Sabbath Services Like?

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, has a consistent and regular format for its weekly Sabbath services. Our services in the United States are nearly identical to our services in other parts of the world, including Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Services usually run about an hour and a half to two hours long.

We typically begin with three congregational hymns, followed by an opening prayer. Afterward, a short 12- to 15-minute message (called a sermonette) is presented, followed by another hymn. Then the pastor or a congregational leader makes any necessary announcements. After

announcements, often another hymn is sung or a specially prepared piece of music is performed. Then the main sermon is presented, usually lasting about an hour.

Members bring their Bibles to look up scriptures referenced in the messages and many also take notes so they can better remember and review the concepts covered. After the sermon, the congregation sings one more hymn before services are ended with a closing prayer.

Attendees typically dress in semiformal attire (a jacket and a tie for men and a dress, skirt or pantsuit for women) to show respect and honor to God.

Foundation Outreach International

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, supports humanitarian projects throughout the world by supporting a nonprofit organization called Foundation Outreach International (FOI). FOI operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, making it tax-exempt in the United States.

As explained on FOI’s website, “The mission of Foundation Outreach International (FOI) is to provide aid, support, and volunteers for humanitarian and educational projects around the world. The emphasis is on projects that build character, develop leaders, and promote a better quality of life, especially for youth and young adults.”

FOI sponsors humanitarian projects around the globe, such as:

• Educational scholarships to young adults in developing nations.

• English classes for Church members in Africa.

• Dental care for members in developing nations, including in Rwanda and Guatemala.

• Opportunities for young adults to volunteer and serve at youth camps in Africa.

• Funding for water wells for Church members and needy communities in Africa.

• Support for various service projects in the United States, such as disaster clean-up efforts and providing volunteers for other reputable charitable organizations.

You can learn more about Foundation Outreach International, its mission and the humanitarian efforts it sponsors at its website, foundationoutreachintl.org.

Chapter 4

Organization and Leadership in the Church

“Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40).

The Bible teaches that the Church of God is a body of believers led by God’s Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 4:3-6; Romans 8:9, 16). Like parts of the human body, members of the Church have different but important roles to play (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).

The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church, and as the spiritual leader, He guides and directs His Church throughout all ages (Colossians 1:18).

He has also provided human leadership for the Church since the time He walked the earth. “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of

the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-13).

The leadership of Christ and the teachable attitude of the ministry and membership are essential to accomplish the preaching of the gospel, caring for congregations and general running of the Church.

Within the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, a sevenmember Ministerial Board of Directors, which is appointed by the ministry, selects the president and other corporate officers and approves operation managers suggested by the president. Although not directly involved in day-to-day affairs, it serves in an advisory capacity to the administration.

The president and operation managers are responsible for the

everyday activities of the Church in the United States and provide oversight and guidance for the ministry and congregations outside the United States. The president, who is appointed for a renewable seven-year term, serves as spokesman for the Church and provides leadership within the Church throughout the world. The Church’s primary operations are overseen by four operation managers.

• An operation manager of media oversees the Church’s efforts to spread the gospel to the world, along with the Church’s internal and external communications.

• An operation manager of Ministerial Services oversees the Church’s field ministers and internal programs for both the ministry and membership.

• An operation manager of the international areas oversees the Church’s international field ministry and congregations outside the United States.

• An operation manager of finance oversees the Church’s finances and budgets and is tasked with ensuring that Church finances are handled ethically and according to the highest accounting standards.

The Church’s international headquarters is located in McKinney, Texas. After renting for a number of years, the Church’s headquarters offices moved into a new custom-designed office building in 2019, where a small but growing staff of employees work diligently to carry out and support the Church’s worldwide work. The facility also houses the Church’s primary education program, Foundation Institute.

In addition to the administration, a five-member Doctrine Committee serves the Church by reviewing material that will be published to ensure doctrinal accuracy and resolving doctrinal questions.

This organizational structure was established by the ministry of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, to serve members and to provide a means by which the Church can fulfill its biblical commission and follow the biblical command to “let all things be done decently and in order,” found in 1 Corinthians 14:40.

Want to learn more about us?

We hope you enjoyed this brief overview of our Church and work. We invite you to explore LifeHopeandTruth.com and

Above, members of the Ministerial Board of Directors pause for a photo during their annual meeting in 2021.

cogwa.org to take advantage of our many free educational materials and resources.

We also welcome your biblical questions. Ministers on our Answers team will be pleased to respond. Just send us a message using our “Ask a Question” form or send a letter to Church of God, a Worldwide Association, P.O. Box 3490, McKinney, TX 75070-8189.

Visitors are welcome to the resources we provide, and can rest assured that there will be no pressure to join anything. Knowing that God the Father must draw a person to Jesus Christ—that is, open his or her mind to understand God’s plan and

way of life (John 6:44)—our pastors and members do not push visitors to make a commitment to the Church or try to convince them of things against their will.

If you’d like to visit one of our congregations, check with our local representative (available under “Congregations” on our cogwa.org website) for details.

We believe visitors will find friendly congregations where God’s Word and way of life are taught without coercion. If we can assist you in your spiritual journey, we will be delighted to do so.

We look forward to hearing from you!

LifeHopeandTruth.com exists to fill a critical void in this world: the lack of understanding about the purpose of life, the lack of realistic hope for a better future and the lack of truth!

Neither religion nor science has satisfactorily addressed these issues, so people today are of divided opinions, confused or, worst of all, don’t care anymore. The ancient words of the prophet Isaiah ring so true today: “Truth is fallen in the street.” Why? Is it because God was right when He warned that humans are inclined to reject Him and usually choose not to know Him?

We are here for people who are searching for answers, who are ready to prove all things or who are hungry for more than what they’ve been taught most of their lives about God, the Bible, the meaning of life and how to live. We want to help you truly understand the good news of the gospel and fulfill Jesus Christ’s admonition to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

LifeHopeandTruth.com is sponsored by the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc. It is supported by the generous contributions of donors and members of the Church around the world, who make it possible for everything on this site to be free of charge based on Jesus Christ’s statement, “Freely you have received, freely give.” You will never be charged or made to feel obligated for anything on this site.

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, has congregations around the world in more than 50 countries, with headquarters in the United States near Dallas, Texas. To learn more about the Church, please visit our website cogwa.org.

Headquarters staff of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, in 2024.

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