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Gayle aDams


Gayle Adams is a singer who refuses to be labeled. Her lovely voice instantly engages the listener, whether she is doing a sensitive ballad, or a pulsating dance number that rocks the roof right off its hinges. As Hugh Wyatt I music critic for the New york Daily News aptly noted, “ Gayle is a dynamo ….she is superb. “ A year and a half ago, Gayle’s debut album GAyLE ADAMS (Prelude Records) caught the attention of music lovers and the press across the country. Her vocal style is deeply rooted rooted in rhythm and blues gospel music. Both Gayle’s mother and several of her aunts were gospel singers. Consequently, she spent many childhood hours at church (in Washington, D.C) hearing the sounds that later were to influence her own singing. One of Gayle’s aunts I Ann Munson, is a gospel recording artist. It was she who inspired Gayle to seek a career as a performer. In addition, Gayle lists Aretha Franklin. Dionne Warwick and


Nancy Willson as her favorite female artists.

When she was a small girl, Gayle had several dreams. One was to become a professinal race car driver; another was to be a comedienne. A third was to become a modeI; and of course, there was music. When she tried modeling, Gayle discovered that it was too constricting for her cut-up personality.

“I was very funny in school, II she Says. “People were always saying how witty I was. With my love of music, I eventually realized that singing was my true calling-a way to allow the serious artist and the comic to co-exisL”

Gayle’s second album, LOVE FEVER (February 1982) follows the chart-busting single by the same name. LOVE FEVER~. For this collection, Gayle has aqain worked with producers Willie Lester and Rodney Brown. She is quite pleased with the collaboration.

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