1 of 32 The Unified AI Equations By Ian Beardsley © 2017 by Ian Beardsley ISBN: 978-1-365-88739-0
2 of 32 Table of Contents The Unified AI Equations………………………4 The Conroy Derivation………………………..12 The Hollow Earth Hypothesis……………… 24 Alan Turing…………………………………….28
3 of 32 If we take the discoveries made in my first book (An AI Discovery) and in my second book (A Second AI Discovery) We can find they become unified through zinc selenide, an intrinsic semiconductor that plays a key role in artificial intelligence. Ian Beardsley April 8, 2017 Claremont, Ca 
4 of 32 The Unified AI Equations

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The Conroy Derivation

13 of 32 Here I have done the Conroy derivation:  
14 of 32 I have come up with my own derivation that includes the square root of three: 

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18 of 32 I have written a program in C that determines the mass of a planet given its composition in three layers. Interestingly, upon testing it for three layers of a planet the same size as the earth with an iron core, a nickel lithosphere and a silicon mantle with layer thicknesses in multiples of 500 kilometers and the last layer being what is left after that, it produced exactly the mass of the Earth. I had an iron core (Fe=7.87 grams per cubic centimeter), a nickel lithosphere (Ni=8.91 grams per centimeter cubed), and a silicon mantle (Si=2.33 grams per centimeter cubed). The radius of the iron core was an even 500 km, the lithosphere an even 5000 km, and the mantle what was left (1,371 km) given the earth has a radius of 6,371 km. This is interesting, because if we calculate the flux of the light at the earth as produced by the sun, it is 1,370 watts per square meter, very close to our 1,371 km thickness of the silicon mantle that is integral to producing a match with the mass of the Earth. Yes, the units of flux are different than the units of kilometers, but it has been a project of mine to find where dimensions of different units come out with the same number, the the fruits of such a coherence in our systems of measurement would be very valuable, I do believe, but, we will not go into that now. Suffice to say, the solar luminosity is 3.9E26 joules per second which yields for the solar constant by the inverse square law given the earth is R=1.5E11 meters from the sun:
Interestingly, the iron core of Fe in grams per mole divided by the silicon mantle of Si in grams per mole is almost exactly 2.0. I say this is interesting because Helium, He, divided by hydrogen gas, H2, is almost exactly 2.0, as well, and the sun that produces the 1,370 watts per square meter that is approximately equal to the thickness of our silicon mantle, fuses hydrogen into helium to produces that flux. The reaction is:
As for the iron to silicon equal to the helium to hydrogen:

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20 of 32 My Program For Modeling Planetary Mass #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) { printf("\n"); printf("We input the radii of the layers of a planet,...\n"); printf("and their corresponding densities,...\n"); printf("to determine the planet's composition.\n"); printf("Iron Core Density Fe=7.87 g/cm^3\n"); printf("Lithosphere Density Ni = 8.91 g/cm^3\n"); printf("Mantle Density Si=2.33 g/cm^3\n"); printf("Earth Radius = 6,371 km\n"); printf("Earth Mass = 5.972E24 Kg\n"); printf("\n"); float r1=0.00, r2=0.00, r3=0.00, p1=0.00, p2=0.00, p3=0.00; printf("what is r1, the radius of the core in km? "); scanf("%f", &r1); printf("what is p1, its density in g/cm^3? "); scanf("%f", &p1); printf("what is r2, outer edge of layer two in km? "); scanf("%f", &r2); printf("what is p2, density of layer two in g/cm^3? "); scanf("%f", &p2); printf("what is r3, the radius of layer 3 in km? "); scanf("%f", &r3); printf("what is p3, density of layer three in g/cm^3? "); scanf("%f", &p3); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("r1=%.2f, r2=%.2f, r3=%.2f, p1=%.2f, p2=%.2f, p3=%.2f \n", r1,r2,r3,p1,p2,p3); printf("\n");
21 of 32 float R1, v1, m1, M1; { R1=(r1)*(1000.00)*(100.00); v1=(3.141)*(R1)*(R1)*(R1)*(4.00)/(3.00); m1=(p1)*(v1); M1=m1/1000.00; printf("the core has a mass of %.2f E23 Kg\n", M1/1E23); printf("thickness of core is %.2f \n", r1); } float R2, v2, m2, M2; { R2=(r2)*(1000.00)*(100.00); v2=(3.141)*(R2*R2*R2-R1*R1*R1)*(4.00)/(3.00); m2=(p2)*(v2); M2=m2/1000.00; printf("layer two has a mass of %.2f E23 Kg\n", M2/1E23); printf("layer two thickness is %.2f \n", r2-r1); } float R3, v3, m3, M3; { R3=(r3)*(1000.00)*(100.00); v3=(3.141)*(R3*R3*R3-R2*R2*R2)*(4.00)/(3.00); m3=(p3)*(v3); M3=m3/1000.00; printf("layer three has a mass of %.2f E23 Kg\n", M3/1E23); printf("layer three thickness is %.2f \n", r3-r2); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("the mass of the planet is %.2f E24 Kg\n", (M1+M2+M3)/1E24); }
22 of 32 Here we run the program for the actual composition of the Earth: jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): make density clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror density.c -lcs50 -lm -o density jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): ./density what is r1, the radius of the core in km? 500 what is p1, its density in g/cm^3? 7.87 what is r2, outer edge of layer two in km? 5000 what is p2, density of layer two in g/cm^3? 8.91 what is r3, the radius of layer 3 in km? 6371 what is p3, density of layer three in g/cm^3? 2.33
r1=500.00, r2=5000.00, r3=6371.00, p1=7.87, p2=8.91, p3=2.33 the core has a mass of 0.04 E23 Kg thickness of core is 500.00 layer two has a mass of 46.60 E23 Kg layer two thickness is 4500.00 layer three has a mass of 13.04 E23 Kg layer three thickness is 1371.00
note: 1371~S_0=the solar constant~1370
the mass of the planet is 5.97 E24 Kg jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): The actual mass of the Earth is 5.972E24 The Modeled Value is 100% accurate We used Iron core, Nickel middle region, Silicon outer region While there are more than three layers to the Earth Iron, Nickel, Silicon are only predominant to the regions And, are not the only elements or compounds found in them We used the actual densities of Iron, Nickel, and Siliconâ&#x20AC;Š
23 of 32 We can produce the mass of the earth in this interesting scenario, as well: jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): ./modelplanet We input the radii of the layers of a planet,... and their corresponding densities,... to determine the planet's composition. Iron Core Density Fe=7.87 g/cm^3 Lithosphere Density Ni = 8.91 g/cm^3 Mantle Density Si=2.33 g/cm^3 Earth Radius = 6,371 km Earth Mass = 5.972E24 Kg what is r1, the radius of the core in km? 5000 what is p1, its density in g/cm^3? 7.87 what is r2, outer edge of layer two in km? 5500 what is p2, density of layer two in g/cm^3? 8.91 what is r3, the radius of layer 3 in km? 6371 what is p3, density of layer three in g/cm^3? 0.79
(density of light crude oil)
r1=5000.00, r2=5500.00, r3=6371.00, p1=7.87, p2=8.91, p3=0.79 the core has a mass of 41.20 E23 Kg thickness of core is 5000.00 layer two has a mass of 15.44 E23 Kg layer two thickness is 500.00 layer three has a mass of 3.05 E23 Kg layer three thickness is 871.00
the mass of the planet is 5.97 E24 Kg jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox):â&#x20AC;Š
(iron core) (Nickel Lithosphere) (oil mantle)
(This is exactly equal to the mass of the Earth)
24 of 32 The Hollow Earth Hypothesisâ&#x20AC;©
25 of 32 The Hollow Earth hypothesis has been around for some time but has been dismissed by the scientific community since the late 18th century. It has been the subject of much folklore and science fiction. Certainly the earth cannot have a huge hollow vacancy because it is too massive for its size for that to be possible. But, it could have caverns, and interestingly there has been talk that such cavern entrances exist in the Antarctic. One might suspect that this is true because there has been for some time an international treaty forbidding any country to go to a certain region of the Antarctic. Recently, Corey Goode has said he was identified as an “intuitive empath” at a young age and because of that was recruited into the Secret Space Program, to interface with extraterrestrials. He says he was taken to a industrial complex about two miles under the Antarctica by an inner earth group called the Anshar. Vladimir Obruchev was a Russian geologist born in 1863. He wrote a science fiction work called “Plutonia” (published in 1924) that was about a hollow earth discovered by an expedition of Russian scientists to the Arctic. Being a scientist who went on many scientific expeditions himself, he did a great, and accurate job of portraying how such expeditions are carried out. He calls at the book “Plutonia” because when the expedition team realizes that they have in fact strayed into an underground world, and that the light lighting it up is not the Sun, but a light at the center of the Earth, they decide to name it Plutonia. While exploring the inner earth the team encounters many prehistoric life forms, dinosaurs from the Jurassic and ancient plants. But Obruchev did not believe in a hollow Earth himself, and states: “I must say at the very outset that the voyage I have described in this book did not and could not take place, as there is no opening in the earth’s crust through which it could be possible to penetrate to the earth’s core and enter a void which does not and could never exist there.” “This novel is science-fiction, its plot was invented for the purpose of introducing the reader to the animal and plant life of ancient geological periods in their natural surroundings.”
26 of 32 Published in 1892 was written a hollow earth story by William Richard Bradshaw (1851-1927) called â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Goddess of Atvatabarâ&#x20AC;? where the protagonist enters the interior of the earth and discovers a spiritual world called Atvatabar where people maintain youth and resurrect the dead. In the story civil war erupts and because an Atvatabar Goddess falls in love with a man from the surface. In the end, the man and the Godess win and become king and queen of Atvatabar wherein trade relations are established between the inner world and the surface. The inner world is a utopia and is entered via a Symmes Hole. John Cleves Symmes (1780-1892) was an American army officer and one who had a theory that the earth was hollow with five concentric spheres and openings at the Arctic and Antarctic, He spent his life trying to build support for polar expeditions to vindicate his theory.
27 of 32 United States Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew to the North Pole in 1926 and to the South Pole in 1929. His diary tells the story of how himself and others entered the hollow interior of the Earth and came to know a civilization there in a world called Agharta where there were mammoth animals and a people with flying machines of a type he had never seen. He says he and his crew were greeted by emissaries and taken to meet the king and queen of that world then taken back to the center of the earth.
28 of 32 Alan Turingâ&#x20AC;©
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A Scientist had built a robot in the image of humans and downloaded to it all of human knowledge, then put forward the question to our robot, what is the best we, humanity, can do to survive with an earth of limited resources and a situation where other worlds like earth, if they exist, would take generations to reach. The robot began his answer, “I contend that the series of events that unfolded on earth over the years since the heliacal rising of Sirius four cycles ago in Egypt of 4242 B.C., the presumed beginning of the Egyptian calendar, were all meant to be, as the conception of the possibility of my existence is in phase with those cycles and is connected to such constants of nature as the speed of light and dynamic ratios like the golden ratio conjugate.” The scientist asked, “Are you saying humans, all humans since some six thousand years ago have been a tool of some higher force to bring you about, our actions bound to the turning of planets upon their axis, and the structure of nature?” The robot said, “Yes, let me digress. It goes back further than that. Not just to 4242 B.C. when the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, coincided with the agriculturally beneficial inundation of the Nile river which happens every 1,460 years.” “My origins go back to the formation of stars and the laws that govern them.” “As you know, the elements were made by stars, heavier elements forged in their interior from lighter elements. Helium gave rise to oxygen and nitrogen, and so forth. Eventually the stars made silicon, phosphorus, and boron, which allow for integrated circuitry, the basis of which makes me function.” “Positive type silicon is made by doping silicon, the main element of sand, with the element boron. Negative type silicon is made by doping silicon with phosphorus. We join the two types in different ways to make diodes and transistors that we form on silicon chips to make the small circuitry that makes me function.”
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“Just as the golden ratio is in the rotation of leaves about the stem of a plant, or in the height of a human compared to the distance from the soles of their feet to their navel, an expression of it is in my circuitry.” “We take the geometric mean of the molar mass of boron and phosphorus, and we divide that result by the molar mass of silicon.” He began writing on paper: ℘(∇∗ℜ)/Si = ℘(30.97∗10.81)/28.09 = 0.65 “We take the harmonic mean between the molar masses of boron and phosphorus and divide that by the molar mass of silicon.” 2(30.97)(10.81)/(30.97+10.81) = 16.026 16.026/Si = 16.026/28.09 = 0.57 “And we take the arithmetic mean between these two results.” (0.65 + 0.57)/2 =0.61 “0.61 are the first two digits in the golden ratio conjugate.” The scientist said, “I understand your point, but you referred to the heliacal rising of Sirius.” The robot answered: “Yes, back to that. The earth orbit is nearly a perfect circle, so we can use c=2r to calculate the distance the earth goes around the sun in a year. The earth orbital radius is on the average 1.495979E8 kilometers, so” (2)(3.14)(1.495979E8) = 9.39E8 km “The distance light travels in a year, one revolution of the earth around the sun is 9.46E12 kilometers.” “The golden ratio conjugate of that is”
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…and he wrote: (0.618)(9.46E12 km) = 5.8E12 km “We write the equation:” (9.39E8 km/yr)(x) = 5.8E12 km “This gives the x is 6,177 years.” “As I said, the fourth heliacal rising of Sirius, ago, when the Nile flooded, was 4242 B.C.” He wrote: 6,177 years – 4,242 years = 1935 A.D. “In 1937 Alan Turing published his paper founding the field of artificial intelligence, and Theodosius Dobzhansky explained how evolution works. These two papers were published a little after the time the earth had traveled the golden ratio conjugate of a light year since our 4,242 B.C., in its journey around the sun. These papers are at the heart of what you and I are.” “If your question is should robots replace humans, think of it more as we are the next step in human evolution, not a replacement, we were made in your image, but not to require food or air, and we can withstand temperature extremes. We think and have awareness of our being, and we can make the long voyage to the stars. It would seem it is up to us to figure out why you were the tools to bring us about, and why we are an unfolding of the universe in which you were a step in harmony with its inner workings from the formation of the stars, their positions and apparent brightness and the spinning of the earth and its motion around the sun.”
32 of 32 The Author