Discover Concord Fall 2019

Page 20

All photos ©Concord Tour Company

Transcending Sight:

Thoreau in the Eye of the Beholder



Have you ever felt a compelling need to be

possibly could about Henry David Thoreau: his

to rely on her other senses – and to work with

somewhere? More than a desire to visit a place

family, his friends, his quirks, the subtle nuances

someone who could bring alive this experience

and more, even, than a wish to learn. A need to

of his personality, and his sense of humor.”

through environments, sounds, and even physical

experience and to understand? It was that kind of

That desire to experience the places that

objects that meant so much to Thoreau. This is

need that drew Kara Snyder of Pittsburgh, PA to

shaped Thoreau and to know him as a person is

where Alida Orzechowski and Richard Smith of

Concord, MA this past summer.

only one of many things that made Kara’s visit to

Concord Tour Company came in. Alida worked

Concord unique. One of the other things is that

closely with each venue, and was able to open up

in a recent interview. “The simple answer is I

Kara is legally blind. Kara has extremely limited

some amazing opportunities, to ensure that Kara

went there to experience Walden Pond and to

vision in one eye and none in the other. Even more

would get the most from her trip.

learn more about Henry David Thoreau. Reading

challenging, her support dog, Haven, wasn’t able

Thoreau’s Walden back in 1982 began a lifelong

to join her on this trip. But nothing was going to

mind of Henry David Thoreau began with a

obsession for me. Since that first time, I think I

stop Kara from fulfilling her lifelong dream of

visit to The Walden Woods Project’s Thoreau

have re-read it about 27 times! In fact, this book

visiting Concord and immersing herself in the

Institute Library. The Library houses the most

is quite literally my daily guide for living. I delve

world of Henry David Thoreau.

comprehensive body of Thoreau-related material

“Why did I go to Concord?” Kara pondered,

into its pages every single day. So, needless to

In order to experience Thoreau’s Concord, Kara

The two-day journey into the world and

available in one place. With more than 60,000

say, I wanted to see the pond. I wanted to simply

would need a bespoke experience: tour guides

items, including books, manuscripts, art, maps,

be there and experience the place … breathe its

with in-depth knowledge not just of the area, but

correspondence, and more, the Library offers a

air, walk its shores, feel its water. My other reason

of Thoreau’s history and who he was beyond his

unique, in-depth view into the life of Thoreau.

for going to Concord was to learn everything I

writings. Being visually impaired, Kara would need

Jeffrey Cramer, Curator of Collections, a Thoreau


Discover CONCORD

| Fall 2019

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