OCTOBER 26, 2019:
Discover West Concord Day
All are Invited to a Fun Day of Music, Food, Art, Kids Activities, and More!
The foundation of Discover West Concord Day
at Concord Firefly. There will even be face
is the annual birthday bash for Debra’s Natural
painting for the kids at the West Concord 5 & 10.
Gourmet. “The party we threw after our first
Just in time for Halloween, The Village Art
year of business was a big hit – with vendors
room will hold a costume decorating workshop,
partner-ing with us to give away food, product
with team members on hand to help with sewing
samples, and to do live demonstrations,”
machines and supplies. The Concord Flower
said Debra Stark, founder of the beloved
Shop will have a fun pumpkin arrangement
neighborhood store. “It was so much fun that
activity for kids (or adults!).
we have thrown a party again every year for 30
Shoppers of all interests will delight in
years. All great parties involve friends – so we
the sidewalk sales up and down the street.
invited our neighbors in West Concord to join
Reflections has a sidewalk sale with some
in the fun, and Discover West Concord
of their lowest prices of the year. Joy Street
Day was born!”
will give away gourmet goodies
This year, businesses
and hold a raffle for a $50
throughout West
gift card. Many other
Concord will open
merchants will offer
their doors on
product demonstra-
October 26th and
tions, samples, and
welcome you
great deals. There
to be a part of a
will be a raffle basket
fun-filled day of
for adults, and free
celebrating the
bubbles to keep
character, charm,
the children happy
and family fun vibe
at A New Leaf - and if
Photos courtesy of Debra’s Natural Gourmet and The Village Art Room
that makes this part of
you mention the phrase
town so special. There will
“Concord Junction” there, you will
be activities all along Commonwealth
receive a mystery discount.
Avenue from West Concord Shopping Plaza to Kenny Dunn Square.
You can even check-in for a checkup, learn tips for keeping healthy, and possibly win a
The party gets started at 10:00 am and
free body composition analysis at Lincoln
wraps up in the late afternoon. Enjoy free
Physicians at Brookside Square.
food, kid friendly activities, live music all up
“We are looking forward to seeing the
and down the cultural district, and beer and
community out and about, supporting local
wine tasting too!
business, and celebrating the village we are
Meet local artists all around the town. Catch a silversmithing demonstration from Merlin’s
all proud to be a part of,” said Hilary Taylor of Merlin’s Silver Star Studio.
Silver Star Studio. Create your own tie dye
For more information, visit the West Concord
masterpiece or dazzle your friends with Henna
Village Community page on Facebook.
Discover CONCORD
| discoverconcordma.com