Q 1
a) b) c) d)
Molasses candy Caramel toffees Hot cross sticky buns Marshmallow fluff
Imagine you are a blacksmith living in early 18th century Concord. You want to build a new shed so your cow can move out of the house in winter and have a warm outbuilding, but you need money to do this. In addition to blacksmithing work, you could expand the services you offer to include: a) Veterinary care b) Dentistry c) Apothecary d) Alchemy e) Cartwright
Although they are not primarily known for this today, which one of these famous Massachusetts residents was a trained dentist? a) Harvard graduate Ralph Waldo Emerson b) Concord minister Ezra Ripley c) Silversmith Paul Revere d) Surveyor Henry David Thoreau
You live in 18th or 19th century Concord and need a new pair of chompers. As an upper-class member of society, you have options and can afford whatever type of dentures you’d like. You could have a dentist make you a pair of dentures from which of the following: a) A complete set of a child’s baby teeth b) Teeth from dead corpses c) Ivory d) Porcelain
Speaking of teeth…. In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, Jo March’s sisters tell her she can only make two things that are fit to eat. One is gingerbread and the other is: 68
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Fill in the blanks: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s wife, Sophia Peabody, was a talented ________ and daughter of a ___________: a) Fashion Model, Banker b) Poet, Writer c) Singer, Minister d) Artist, Dentist In their lifetimes, Sophia Hawthorne and Louisa May Alcott were both treated with the medicine Calomel, an ingredient of which adversely affected both women leaving them with debilitating lifetime consequences. This was likely due to Calomel containing: a) Peanuts b) Mercury c) Cyanide d) Carbonic acid
Concord’s Ralph Waldo Emerson was associated with which philosophical movement? a) Spiritualism b) Pyrrhonism c) Sophism d) Transcendentalism e) Pyromaniasm
In the 1850s, the Spiritualism movement was sweeping across America. Driven by the beliefs of Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg,
followers of spiritualism believed the spirits of the dead could communicate with the living, and one way to do this was through a special person known as a “Medium.” For a fee, believers could attend gatherings where the Medium might “channel” the dead, at times going into trances, appearing possessed, spasming, and conveying messages to the audience by either direct messaging or mysterious rapping (knocking) noises, table tilting, or wild phenomena that could only be interrupted by the Medium. If you wanted to attend one of these gatherings, you would go to a/an: a) thé dansant b) Salon c) Séance d) Asylum
In 1852, Ralph Waldo Emerson was visiting New York when he met a woman formerly of Concord, Massachusetts, who was now working as a Medium and would “charge a pistareen (old Spanish silver coin) a spasm and nine dollars a fit.” Emerson wrote in his journal that before the woman was a Medium she was a mantua maker in Concord. What did a mantua maker do? a) Teach etiquette classes for young men b) Housekeeper for bachelors c) Beekeeper d) Make dresses
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