Volume 3 Issue 3
December 2009 www.discoveringdeafworlds.org
DDW Now Officially a Non-Profit! After three years of Much thanks revising strategic plans, to the wonderful projecting budgets, and people at Nixon Peabody, who have putting together an all-star provided their pro team, DDW is now an ofbono legal services ficial 501(c)(3) non-profit organization – just in time to DDW throughout this process. for the holidays! They have been our Many of you have compass through asked us to let you know the seas of legal inwhen you can make a taxDDW directors Dave Justice (left) and Davin Searls receive formation and will exempt donation to DDW. long-anticipated, exciting news from the IRS. Well, today is the day! continue to offer Help DDW carry out its their counsel free of mission and make a difference. You can donate through charge. And of course, thanks to all of YOU for backour website at www.discoveringdeafworlds.org or mail ing us every step of the way as we continue to build our a check to Discovering Deaf Worlds, PO Box 10063, foundation. Because of your support, DDW has now entered a new realm of possibilities. Rochester, NY 14610.
What is DDW? Discovering Deaf Worlds is a 501(c)(3) non-profit international deaf advocacy organization dedicated to empowering deaf and hard of hearing communities in developing countries. DDW strives to advance the capacity of local deaf communities around the globe to meet their social, educational and employment needs. For more information, visit www.discoveringdeafworlds.org.
Did You Know...? India is one of 26 countries that do not allow deaf people to obtain a driver’s license. However, after years of advocacy by the National Association of the Deaf in India, the Delhi High Court is now debating whether or not deaf people should be allowed the right to drive cars. Source: http://igovernment.in/site/ Indias-deaf-may-get-licence-to-drive/ December 2009 1