Volume 5, Issue 2
December 2011 www.discoveringdeafworlds.org
2011: A Year in Review
The DDW Journeys group at Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
What a year it’s been! In the past 12 months, DDW has made a number of accomplishments in its mission to reinforce local capacities of Deaf and hard of hearing individuals in developing countries. Here are just a few examples: Partnered with Costa Rican Deaf community leaders to develop the SIGLO 21 project. When our staff first visited Costa Rica in March 2010, we asked what issues the Deaf community was facing, and were given a long list: 90% illiteracy rate among Deaf people, only 10 qualified interpreters in the whole country, limited job opportunities for Deaf people, and so on. The SIGLO 21 Team, led by Leo Lopez, indicated one of the most critical issues was that Deaf students do not learn on par with their hearing classmates because their teachers do not sign well. There is limited communication accessibility. Over the past year, we have had extensive dialogue with Leo and his team. What started as making a DVD on LESCO has since evolved into a 10-step plan the SIGLO 21 team created to lobby the government for bilingual-bicultural Deaf education. DDW will continue to provide organizational development training, maximizing local skills and capability to fulfill this project for
a nationwide impact on Deaf education. Led two successful DDW Journeys programs in Thailand/Cambodia and Costa Rica. Over 25 participants from England, Germany, Australia, and the United States joined our staff visiting local Deaf schools and non-profits focused on Deaf advocacy work. A participant said, “This was truly a life-changing experience. Our group learned firsthand about native sign language, culture, history, and local foods. We visited various organizations and met incredible individuals striving to promote and empower Deaf people through vocational training, education and communication access. This opened my eyes to the needs of others around the globe!” Promoted the efforts of Deaf advocacy leaders around the world. DDW has shared numerous success stories with 10,000-plus people worldwide—people like you! We have encountered many extraordinary individuals and organizations that are making a difference, and we are always delighted to share their stories with others. Take a look at what Deaf advocates around the globe are doing through our vlogs at www. discoveringdeafworlds.org/videos/frontpage.html. DDW also attended the World Federation of the Deaf XVI World Congress in South Africa, expanded its international network to over 250 schools and organizations in 50 countries, and added two new board members—and we are still 100% volunteer-run! As 2012 approaches, we eagerly look forward to expanding DDW’s organizational development and capacity-building efforts with our partner organizations in the Philippines, Costa Rica, India, and other countries. Our board of directors and staff have been hard at work to strengthen DDW’s mission, strategy and impact. None of this would be possible without your support. Whether or not we see each other once a month, once a year, or have yet to meet in person, please know that we appreciate each and every one of you. It is truly inspiring to know that so many people believe in us. We are immensely grateful to start this new year with all of you and wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2012. December 2011 1