January 2009 Newsletter: vol.2, iss.4

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Volume 2 Issue 4 January 2009 www.discoveringdeafworlds.com

2008: A Groundbreaking Year for DDW

Filming the boys on the rooftop Happy New Year! Discovering Deaf Worlds (DDW) is on a roll, carrying huge momentum into 2009! We hope this past year has been as good to you as it has been to us. DDW has had numerous groundbreaking accomplishments this year, especially in the final quarter of 2008. We arrived back in America after a year of traveling abroad, presented to audiences of over 300 people, began the process of becoming an official non-profit organization, and we now hold the key to something very special – a new post office box! Perhaps our most exciting news,

What is DDW? Discovering Deaf Worlds is dedicated to empowering and advocating for Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities around the world. We believe everyone deserves accessibility to language, education, and community. For more information, photos and stories, visit www.discoveringdeafworlds.com.

Working on language development at the Shuktara home however, is the near-completion of our first film, Discovering: Shuktara. Looking back at the 101 international organizations and schools we visited this past year, Shuktara stands out. A handful of true humanitarians in Kolkata, India, are filling a gap – and succeeding – against the backdrop of a heavily oppressive caste system, harsh poverty, and severely limited resources. Homeless children who are deaf or disabled are often overlooked by orphanages and non-governmental organizations and left to fend for themselves on the streets. Shuktara, however, has opened its doors to create a family of its own, foster individuality, and provide a newfound opportunity for language development and education. Discovering: Shuktara captures this inspiring story. For those who have been following our progress, here’s the latest scoop: the film is 90 percent finished with a locked storyline and English subtitles. After a few minor touch-ups on color correction and sound, we will soon create a master copy of this 30-minute documentary for the big screen! A rough cut of Discovering: Shuktara has already been submitted to five film festivals across the U.S. Within the next couple months, we should hear back about the status of our SHUKTARA, continued on page 6 January 2009 1

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