Volume 5, Issue 4
June 2012 www.discoveringdeafworlds.org
Spotlight on:
2011-2015 WFD President Colin Allen The World equality for the 70 million deaf peoFederation of ple around the world.” the Deaf (WFD), headquartered in WFD Action Plan Helsinki, Finland, The following vision, mission and is an international goals have been adopted by the non-governmenWFD General Assembly: tal organization Vision: Deaf people have full hurepresenting approximately 70 milman rights in an equal world where lion Deaf people’s human rights they and their sign languages are worldwide. The WFD is a federation recognized and included as part of of 133 national deaf associations; human diversity. its mission is to promote the rights Mission: The WFD promotes of deaf people to full, equal access and advances the human rights to all spheres of life, including selfof deaf people through cooperadetermination, sign language, edution with the United Nations and its WFD President Colin Allen is a cation, employment and community agencies, national organizations of world leader in Deaf community life. WFD has a consultative status deaf people, and other partners. development, human rights in the United Nations and is a memGoals: and advocacy. ber of International Disability Alli1. Promote the human rights of ance (IDA). deaf people by working in close coThe WFD’s 2011-2015 president, Colin Allen of operation with the United Nations and its huAustralia, has worked extensively over many years man rights mechanisms. with the WFD both as a board member and a proj2. Establish Human Rights Training Projects for ect coordinator. He has also been involved in various members of the Deaf Community globally. development cooperation projects all over the world 3. Streamline its communications with its memand has led local and national deaf associations in bers and interested parties by enhancing the Australia. capacity of the website to respond to informaAllen was elected WFD President in July 2011 at tion requests. the WFD General Assembly in Durban, South Africa, 4. Continue to seek partners and funding in line by 41 of 71 eligible votes cast. His platform strongly with its long-standing goals. emphasized the importance of teamwork in accomCurrently, Allen serves as the Director of Services plishing deaf human rights in partnership with WFD’s at the Deaf Society of NSW in Australia, and is re132 Ordinary Members. sponsible for delivery of services across five departIn his acceptance speech, Allen said that having ments. He has also worked as a development project encouraging deaf parents helped him on his journey. worker for nine years. He was employed by the Finn“We must all work together to rid the world of discrimi- ish Association of the Deaf for projects in Albania, nation and the oppression of deaf people, to achieve Cambodia, Kosovo and the Balkan Region, and co-
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