Volume 2 Issue 5
March 2009 www.discoveringdeafworlds.com
Discovering: Shuktara Trailer Now Online!
View the trailer online at www.discoveringdeafworlds.com! After six months and countless hours of editing, captioning, and over a dozen rough cuts, Discovering: Shuktara is finished at last. High five! Thanks to all of you who have been cheering us on throughout this process. As emerging filmmakers, we could not have completed this project without your support and we are grateful! We’re also proud to announce that Discovering: Shuktara has been accepted into the 2009 Deaf Rochester Film Festival (www.deafrochesterfilmfestival. org) and the 2009 New Zealand Deaf Short Film
What is DDW? Discovering Deaf Worlds is dedicated to empowering and advocating for Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities around the world. We believe everyone deserves accessibility to language, education, and community. For more information, photos and stories, visit www.discoveringdeafworlds.com.
Discovering: Shuktara is DDW’s first documentary film. Festival (www.deaffilmfest.co.nz). More film festival submission updates are coming soon. Now that the grunt work of Discovering: Shuktara has been completed, we are supplementing this 33-minute documentary with special features for DVD distribution. Estimated completion and online availability is this June. For those of you who have previously contributed at the donation level of $100 or more, a limited edition copy of the film will be mailed to you as soon as it’s available. Thanks for your support! We are also seeking out various grants that will award DDW the opportunity to return to Kolkata, India. There, we will initiate our first international program in collaboration with Shuktara. Discovering: Shuktara will raise awareness and display the Shuktara organization as a model for other programs working with deaf people in developing countries. Grants have already been submitted to The Sundance Institute and National Geographic. If you know of a grant that DDW may qualify for, please contact us at info@discoveringdeafworlds.com. Watch the trailer of Discovering: Shuktara at www. discoveringdeafworlds.com/DiscoveringShuktara. html – and let us know what you think!
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