May 2009 Newsletter: vol.2, iss.5

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Volume 2 Issue 6

May 2009

What's On Deck for DDW: Future Adventures

Educating former street children in India Nine months ago, Discovering Deaf Worlds returned to the U.S. from a yearlong trip around the world. And everyday since, we have been feverishly asked by our friends, family and colleagues: “Where to next?!” While we would love to strap on our backpacks and hit the road tomorrow, there is much foundational work to be done at home this year: establishing our board of directors, achieving 501(c)(3) non-profit status, building a local network of support, and sharing our international experiences here in our home country.

What is DDW? Discovering Deaf Worlds is dedicated to empowering and advocating for Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities around the world. We believe everyone deserves accessibility to language, education, and community. For more information, photos and stories, visit

Collaborating with Epic Arts in Cambodia Once we have attained non-profit status, however, this is what we envision: Six months exploring South America, six months in Africa, and return trips to implement programs in India, Cambodia, and Nepal. Sound over-ambitious? Perhaps. But we manifest this happening over the next five years–so stick around and see what we’ve accomplished by 2015! Remaining faithful to our mission statement and three-part plan, we will continue to discover and document the pressing issues and resources available to deaf communities in the developing countries of South America and Africa. Although DDW has yet to visit these two continents, we have received multiple requests from deaf schools and associations to visit, survey, and share what is happening in their communities. With visitors to our website from 120 countries, a ripple effect is spreading the word about the commitment and purpose of our organization. A deaf leader from Tanzania writes, “Deaf children are hidden in houses by parents since they feel shame and think superstition. What about there?” A deaf school coordinator in Uganda recently contacted us to say, “We provide education to deaf children who are still marginalized, intimidated and neglected in Continued on page 5 May 2009 1

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