1 minute read
De Soto agribusiness
ag·ri·busi·ness refers to the industry of of growing, processing and/or producing
Happy Valley Farm reopened nine months ago with new owners Mike and Patti Raether. Their new venture has grown and developed many new additions to the farm. The Camp Creek Sundries Store shown at left opened on April 15. It is reminiscent of the pioneers traveling by wagon in the 1800’s, who stopped along a creek and camped (aka Camp Creek). Along with The Honey Shack, both stores hold a variety of new products from local farms: Beautiful Day Farms LLC, veteran owned organic farmed jams, jellies, soy wax candles, spice blends, sauces; The Buffalo Seed Company, bioregionally adapted seeds; The Summer Daisy, locally grown flowers/starter plants by Laura Franzwa; and local honey, eggs, and assortment of products carried through the years.
“It’s been amazing the community support–so many families, friends, other farmers teaching us stuff we don’t know as farmers,” both Mike and Patti shared, appreciating the beauty of the people and area.
“We are even getting our own “Happy Valley sented soy candles” –a blend of apples and honey,” Mike informed, “and in the works is a conservation grant for a high tunnel hoop house on the north side of our property.” They both thank the many who have donated materials and labor to continue their journey forward at Happy Valley!”

Farm fresh fruits & vegetables

StoneBriar Farm

U-Pick Strawberries expects to begin their season in early May. The farm is also opening their fields for U-Pick Flowers, from mid or late June through the fall. Picking times and updates are available on their social media pages and website: stonebriarfarmks.com/ picking-times

Farm Fresh Eggs

There is a difference in eggs. This was discovered when we had our own chickens on our property when our kids were growing up. A fifth grade project, by our daughter Chesney, taught me well. Egg shells are thicker, egg yolks are brighter, and the taste is richer. Many area residents enjoy raising chickens, and some offer fresh eggs for sale. Several local businesses have “farm fresh eggs” available for purchase as well: Dale’s Garage, Happy Valley Farm, La Poblanita, Steve’s Meat Market, and Stonebriar Farm