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Little Miss & Miss De Soto Days Pageant
Pageant Sunday, August 27
De Soto VFW Post 6654 Linden Tripkos
33725 West 84th Street the public is invited to attend the pageant
The newly crowned queens will reign over De Soto Days festivities and play an active part in community service opportunities throughout the year before crowning their successor in 2024.
Little Miss ages 4 to 6 as of August 27 resident or attends De Soto school Miss Junior or Senior at De Soto High School judging based on interview, gown and outfit of choice. Miss contestants complete an application with a 100-word essay.

Application Deadline August 1, 2023
Learn more at desotodays.com/little-miss-de-soto-pageant facebook.com/MissDeSotoDays/ email questions: missdesotodays@yahoo.com
Seeking Sponsorships for Awards Awards include Cash Scholarship/Savings Bond Crown Sash Flowers Photo Session with Makayla May
De Soto Arts Council desotoartsks.org
(913) 441-2713
Meetings are open to the public to perform or just listen. traditional country or bluegrass with some gospel mixed in. Musicians and singers of all genres are welcome. Meeting information/cancellations posted on our facebook page.
De Soto Garden Club facebook.com/De Soto Garden Club
Contact: Linda Lane 12oakslane@gmail.com
Meets at various De Soto homes and gardens monthly area gardeners have come together to share ideas and help beautify de soto. the group is currently working with the city of de soto and the de soto arts council to design gardens to compliment the sculptures at Kill creek road and 83rd street.
June 2023–Field Trip to The Summer Daisy
We’ll visit the fresh-cut flower gardens of Laura Franzwa.
The International Master Gardener Conference imgc2023.com
June 18-22 Overland Park Convention Center pre-registration
June 20-21 The Garden Thyme Marketplace open to the public
June 2023–Straw Bale Gardening facebook.com/DeSotoArtsCouncil-KS
Lea ann combs will share information about straw bale gardening.
Contact: Leanna Donald desotoartsks@gmail.com
Open Studio nights held monthly on the 1st thursday at 7 pm Social hour held before the Business Meetings held monthly on the 3rd thursday at 7 pm
De Soto City Hall Arts Council Room, lower level, east side 32905 West 84th Street
May 13 Annual Spring Plein Air Event 10am to 2pm
Held along with the Spring Fling. Look for our booth to sign up. cash prizes awarded. children’s category for kids 12 and under. Bring your own supplies and turn your masterpiece in by 2pm.
October 13 and 14 Annual Fall Arts Show
New Location De Soto City Hall Gymnasium & Senior Center this new venue will provide more exhibit space for more artists and increase our ability to have a bigger show for the city!
Call for Artists
Mural Artists Caprine Supply Building downtown De Soto
Sculptors Art Installation at Kill Creek & 83rd Visual Artists (all medias) Juried Fall Art Show
For further information on these events or to become a member of the de soto arts council, visit our website desotoartsks.org email desotoartsks@gmail.com or call 913-349-2250.
4-H Impacts Youth who “Learn by Doing”

the smells of funnel cakes, cotton candy and barnyard hay can only mean one thing: The Johnson County Fair. this american tradition is enjoyed by young and old alike. over 100,000 visitors descend on Gardner for the county fair each summer. the event uses over 300 volunteers, with planning beginning as soon as the fair ends. over 7,000 exhibits will be on display this year. although steeped in agricultural roots, the explosive growth of Johnson county in recent decades has redirected the rural fair to a more suburban event. this urban shift can be seen in the exhibits on display in the 4-H youth building where projects in science, computer technology, engineering and rocketry are popular. However, the traditional project areas such as livestock, food and nutrition and woodworking are alive and well too. the agricultural heritage of Johnson county remains strong through the efforts of local farmers and the support of the K-state research and Extension 4-H program.
Gardner has hosted the fair since 1940 and is the official host city. in the 1950’s, extension agents began partnering with 4-H youth clubs which has proved vital to the success of modern fairs. A mill levey, passed in the mid-1970’s, finished funding the permanent fairground structures and provides free admission that is still in effect today.
today 4-H is part of the backbone of the county fair with a variety of 19 active clubs in Johnson county. there are over 30 project areas to choose from with opportunities for leadership development at the club, county, state and national levels. there are six million young people across the united states in the country’s largest youth organization who “Learn by Doing”–4-H motto pioneer 4-H meets monthly the 4th Monday at 6:30 pm at The Barn at Kill Creek Farm, 9200 Kill Creek Road in De Soto. johnson.k-state.edu/4-h/about-join/clubs/pioneer.html
Pioneer 4-H is a traditional community club with 60 years of heritage in Johnson county. pioneer’s interests include livestock, food and nutrition, clothing construction/fashion and woodworking. adult volunteers help lead our youth in the these projects. this year pioneer has donated time, energy and funds to many organizations, including: De Soto Food Pantry, Noah’s Bandages, Wreaths Across America, Friends of the Johnson County Library and Friends of the Kaw.
–Rebekah wheeler, Pioneer 4-H Community Leader there are three kinds of 4-H clubs available in Johnson county: Community clubs make up a given area or community. Project Clubs focus on a specific project for the county. Spin Clubs are short-term special interest clubs. Learn more about 4-H Youth development–from cloverbuds for ages 5-6 through teen Leadership opportunities. all clubs that available in Johnson county are listed on their website: johnson.k-state.edu/4-h/about-join/clubs/index.html
The Johnson County 4-H Livestock Club is a project club for youth involved in livestock projects–offering learning, teaching community service, mentoring and competitions. You do not need to own an animal to join the livestock club. see pages 16-17 johnson.k-state.edu/4-h/about-join/clubs/livestock-club.html