WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY? Environmental sustainability is what we call the efficient management and rational use of Natural Resources, without compromising the Ecological balance.
This implies generating economic benefits today without compromising environmental resources or services in the future. We combine the discretionary use of the economic resources with the minimum use of Natural Resources (means, material, energy) and this is how we maximize benefits for everyone. DO WE UNDERSTAND BY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT?
Bioclimatic designComprehensivemanagementwater SUSTAINABILITY ELEMENTS IN CASA ADOBE Energy generation Garbage separation
Bioclimatic Design
Power Generation Power generation during the day CFE consumption during the night Battery storage in case of external power outage ElectricalmeterBidirectionalblackboardElectricnetworksolarPhotovoltaicmodules inverterPower Energy produced by direct current Power produced by alternating current Consumed energy Power supplied to the electrical network
Comprehensive Water Management Comprehensive use of the resources Primary treatment Dilution with reserve water PotabilizationWaterSmoothing
WaterTreatedTankTW treatmentWaterplant Tank RW WaterDrinkingTankDW Rainwater Residual water Residual water ResidualRepurchasedwater water Treated water Treated water Treated water Drinking water Drinking water Drinking water Rainwater Rainwater Tank TW Drinking water Mains supply Rainwater Oomsapas water Rainwater harvesting Use of InfiltrationTreatedcapacitorswatertothesubsoil TreatedRainwaterwater Residual water Repurchased water DrinkingWaterwaterTank
GARBAGE SEPARATION Plastic Paper paperboard& Glass Organic
ORGANICPlantedGARDEN Harvest Watered Nutrition
Objective (Excellence in Design for Greater Ef fciencies)
Creating resource-ef fcient buildings in an easy, smart and affordable manner.. EDGE IS A SYSTEM THAT OFFERS COUNTLESS ADVANTAGES TO ALL PARTICIPANTS AND AT ALL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION.
Homeowners can save at least 20% on energy and water bills compared to a typical home, increasing confdence in the long-term value of the investment. Green homes not only perform better, they typically sell up to four times faster and at 4-10% more.
It is an assessment for new or existing construction, available in more than 130 countries of developing economies, including Mexico.
Advantages for Owners of Rental Buildings: A resourceeffcient building will also have a higher market value, due to its ability to perform operationally.
Advantages for Homeowners: EDGE helps property developers build homes that include solutions such as energy effcient lighting, solar energy and water conservation devices.