Ireland Sectoral Strengths Engineering
Plan your next engineering meeting, conference or incentive experience in Ireland, an engineering hotspot
Ireland Sectoral Strengths Engineering
reland is a nation of investment, innovation and industry, with an engineering sector that forms a vibrant part of national output. With a broad range of companies from various fields including automotive, aerospace, industrial automation, and engineering services.
Driven by world-class talent, Ireland is the perfect place for partnerships, idea generation and inspiration when it comes to engineering. With research and development (R&D), leading STEM education and regulatory competence playing an integral part in our landscape, we are dedicated to the cutting edge, helping to facilitate collaboration between our exceptional academics and applied research partners.
of engineering companies in Ireland are homegrown businesses
are directly employed in the engineering sector
is generated by the engineering sector annually
of the world’s top 15 aircraft leasing firms are headquartered in Ireland
of the world’s leased aircrafts are managed and owned here
Our key engineering activities include Aerospace e.g. Shannon IASC (International Aviation Services Centre). The University of Limerick is also the only university offering a masters in aviation.
Automotive Chemicals and advanced materials Construction engineering Industrial automation
Did you know?
Over 11% of Ireland’s full-time undergraduate entrants choose to study engineering, manufacturing and construction
An impressive 42% of companies and 1,000+ employees are involved in engineering research and development
8/10 of the world’s top Industrial Automation companies have operations in Ireland, including ABB and Emerson
Ireland’s largest product is manufactured in Killarney in County Kerry by Liebherr — a container crane with a reach of 70 metres. These cranes are used to load and unload the largest container ships in the world
Ireland Sectoral Strengths Engineering
Key Players 1. ABB
8. Siemens
2. Emerson
9. SR Technics
3. Henkel
10. Sulzer Pumps 33
4. Honeywell
11. Tecnik
5. Kostal
12. United Technologies 13
6. Lufthansa
13. Valeo
7. Magna 11
Company Spotlight 3. H enkel Henkel is the name behind many well-known brands such as Pritt, Sellotape, Schwarzkopf, Right Guard and Dylon Dyes. The company employs approximately 910 employees in the UK and Ireland across six sites, covering manufacturing, industrial adhesives, research and development, and office facilities. Henkel operates a manufacturing plant as well as an operations and research centre in Dublin, Ireland’s capital city. 7. M agna Magna manufactures high quality press moulds for the automotive industry. It produces lightweight car doors and panels for Bentley, Aston Martin and Mercedes at its Carlow plant.
5 35 32 12
8. S iemens Siemens first came to Ireland in 1925 and has since become one of the world’s leading electronics and electrical engineering companies, operating in the industry, energy, and healthcare sectors. Siemens provides infrastructure solutions for cities and metropolitan areas, and in Ireland it employs approximately 700 people, with facilities in Dublin, Donegal and Clare.
19. A ssociation of Consulting Engineers Ireland (ACEI) 20. B iomedical and Clinical Engineering Association of Ireland (BEAI) 21. F ederation of Aerospace Enterprises Ireland (FAEI) 22. E ngineering Network 23. W ITS Ireland (Women in Technology and Science) 24. I rish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) 3 1 2 25 26 9 6 8 10 27 28 4 15 14 18 19 22 17 16 20 23 21 24 29 30 7 34
Key Contacts State Bodies 14. I DA Ireland Engineering Sector 15. Enterprise Ireland 16. S ustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Professional Associations 17. C hartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) 18. E ngineers Ireland
Research/Innovation Centres 25. A MBER (Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research) – a Science Foundation Ireland funded research centre 26. I ndustrial Engineering Optics – a centre for industrial and engineering optics 27. C REST (Centre for Research Engineering Surface Technology) 28. I rish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) Academia 29. University College Dublin (UCD) 30. T echnological University Dublin (TU Dublin) 31. N ational College of Ireland Galway (NUIG) 32. University College Cork (UCC) 33. I nstitute of Technology Sligo (IT Sligo) 34. W aterford Institute of Technology (WIT) 35. I nstitute of Technology Tralee (IT Tralee)
Plan your next meeting, conference or incentive experience in Ireland and gain access to some of the most forward-thinking global engineering companies, consultants, and academics the world has to offer
Your building blocks to success As a global engineering organisation, professional conference organiser or destination management company, you are seeking inspiration, introductions and information about Ireland — one of the world’s top business tourism destinations.
Let the Meet in Ireland team at Fáilte Ireland, the National Tourism Development Authority, assist you with: Specific details on Ireland’s engineering expertise Recommendations on destinations in Ireland based on sectoral strengths Where possible, facilitating introductions to industry and academic leaders and economic development agencies Assistance in request for proposal placement, connecting you with relevant suppliers Destination supports - site inspection funding and programme enhancement funding The Meet in Ireland team is standing by to help you plan your next corporate meeting, conference or incentive trip, drawing on the unique beauty and innovative spirit of Ireland. For more information, please contact us on: T: +353 1 884 7152 E: Or visit