1 minute read

Momma, is magic real?

Yes, magic is real … but it’s not always what you think.

It’s not make believe or in movies or manufactured by Disney. Magic isn’t manmade, bottled up and mass-produced.


It’s made in the heavens and sent down to earth … silently… subtly … secretly.

It’s sown into the soil and grows from the ground.

It’s hidden under the rocks in the riverbanks and swims in the sea.

It serenades us from the trees and the forest floor.

It blooms in every color and brings us the bees and butterflies.

It grazes on grass and hides in holes and sometimes, it’s so small it can only be seen in the dew of the early morning light.

Go outside, listen and pay close attention.

Magic is out there. It’s everywhere. But you have to want to see it

**The magic is all around us in St. Clair County – from mountains, valleys, lakes and creeks to wide open pastures and dense forests.

Discover and cherish the magic we have for yourself and generations to come.

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