2 minute read
Tips to Deal with Culture Shock
culture shock
Although culture shock is normally a transient phase, it is perfectly normal and natural to experience lots of different emotions.
It is important to know there are things you can do to minimise anxiety. Recognising the stage you are at, and the emotions you might be experiencing, will help you better negotiate and successfully navigate the acclimatisation process. Embracing the process and the different stages will develop your selfcompassion, resolve, resilience and coping skills and, if you need help, we are here to support you every step of the way. Remember..
familiar things
Keep reminders of family and home close by; they will help keep you grounded and connected.
Take regular exercise. Why not join one of UCC’s Clubs? This is a great way to stay fi t, healthy and meet new friends.
Keep in Touch
Try to balance maintaining contact with home with taking time to get to know your new environment.
Make Friends
from your own culture or from others. Sign up for one of UCC’s Societies and meet like-minded people and spark new interests.
Identify where you can buy familiar food and introduce your housemates to your signature dish!
Adapted from the UK Council for International Student Affairs website and developed in conjunction with the UCC International Offi ce.
support services
There are lots of supports here to help you transition into, through and out of UCC.