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Develop your Graduate Attributes At UCC
Tour of Cork CITY! Library Leabharlann
Creator, Evaluator and Communicator of Knowledge
Get involved with UCC Student Media - write an article for UCC Express, Motley Magazine or host a slot on UCC 98.3FM.
Join the Journalism and Media Society, Government and Politics Society or DJ Society. Start your own blog. Sign up to become a Peer Support Leader.
Do the SPEAK Digital Badge in the Skills Centre. Do the UCC Student Inc. Accelerator Programme for Student Entrepreneurs.
Independent and Creative Thinker
Join one of the creative societies (e.g. Dramat, An Cumann Dramaíochta, Comedy, Film, Photographic, Choral). Build your own ideas at the Philosophical society.
Build the future at the Architecture society.
Make that move and join the Chess Club!
Take the Independent Thinking Digital Badgein the Skills Centre.
Take the Avoiding Errors in Critical Thinking Digital Badge in the Skills Centre.
Take the Creating and Maintaining a Professional Presence Online Digital Badge Join the Net Soc. in the Skills Centre. Avail of free computer training run by Student IT Services. Offer to take on the role of Social Media Offi cer in your Club or Society.
Socially Responsible
Undertake a UCC Works Awards as a
Student Volunteer. Sign up to become a Made2Move Mentor and get a UCC Works Award and a Digital Badge. Join the Disability Activism and Awareness society. Take part in the Swap Shops on campus. Take the Bystander Intervention Digital Badge. Take the Everyday Matters: Healthy Habits for University Life Digital Badge in the Skills Centre. Join one of the UCC Clubs and get physically active. Help yourself and others Keep Well. Get involved in UCC Green Campus and Envirosoc initiatives.
Effective global citizen who recognises and challenges inequality
Join one of the political or charitable societies: e.g. Engineers with Borders, Surgeon Noonan, Friends of MSF, etc.
Join the Enactus society and create sustainable projects that change people’s lives.
Open doors to a global world and perfect your language skills.
Broaden your horizons and perspectives by joining one of the language societies or the International society.
Take the university-wide module on Sustainability and learn more about the UN’s 17 SDGs.