UCC Postgraduate Courses

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CHOOSE A POSTGRAD AT UCC and let your potential shine through

DIVERSE, INCLUSIVE, GLOBAL: over 25,000 students from 140 countries & 220,000 alumni

OVER 50 CLUBS IN UCC, OVER 100 SOCIETIES: higher than the national average on a pro-rata basis

4TH MOST SUSTAINABLE UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD: (UI Green Metric World University Rankings, 2024)


STUDENTS' UNION: Dedicated Postgrad Representative

GRADUATE EDUCATION MANAGER: bespoke platform to support registered research students

UCC FUTURES: research prioritisation across 10 areas to build prosperity and economic, societal and cultural resilience


DIGITAL BADGE: professional transferable skills development programme




Qual Course

Applied Psychology

MA Applied Psychology ucc.ie/maap IF

MA Applied Psychology (Mental Health) ucc.ie/maapmh IF

MA Applied Psychology (Positive and Coaching Psychology) ucc.ie/maappp IFP

H DipPsychology ucc.ie/hdpsy IFC

MA Work and Organisational Behaviour ucc.ie/mawob IFP

MA Work and Organisational Psychology ucc.ie/mawop IFP

Applied Social Studies

H Dip Social Policy ucc.ie/hdsocp IFPC

H Dip Social Policy (Online) ucc.ie/hdsocpol IFPOC

MSocSc Social Policy and Social Justice (Online) ucc.ie/msocsj IFPO

MSW Social Work ucc.ie/mswk IF

PG Dip Social Work Studies ucc.ie/pdsws IF

PG Dip Youth Work ucc.ie/pdyw IF

Qual Course URL Legend

MA English (Medieval and Renaissance Literature) ucc.ie/maemrl IF

MA English (Modernities: Literature, Theory and Culture from the Romantics to the Present) ucc.ie/maeml IF

Film, Music and Theatre

MA Arts Management and Creative Producing ucc.ie/maamcp IFP

MA Ethnomusicology ucc.ie/maemus IFP

MA Experimental Sound Practice ucc.ie/maesp IFP

MA Film and Screen Media ucc.ie/mafx IF

MA Irish Traditional Music ucc.ie/maitm IFP

H DipMusic ucc.ie/hdam IFPC

MA Music and Cultural History ucc.ie/mamclh IFP

H Dip Theatre and Performative Practices ucc.ie/hdatpp IFPC

H Dip

MA History


History ucc.ie/hdah IFPC ucc.ie/mahi IFP


Modern and Contemporary Art History, Theory and Criticism

H DipHistory of Art ucc.ie/hdaha IFPC

MA International Relations ucc.ie/maintr IFPC

MA Strategic Studies (Online) ucc.ie/masst IPO

MA Women's Studies ucc.ie/mawst IFPC

Irish Learning

MA ucc.ie/seos IF


Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society (SEOS)

PG Dip Education - Special Educational Needs ucc.ie/pdsedn F

PG Dip Educational Leadership ucc.ie/pdel P

PME Professional Master of Education ucc.ie/pec01 IF

PME Professional Master of Education (Art and Design) ucc.ie/medpad IF

English and Digital Humanities

MA Creative Writing (English) ucc.ie/macwe IFPC

MA Digital Arts and Humanities ucc.ie/madah IFC

MA Digital Cultures (Online) ucc.ie/madc IFOC

H Dip English ucc.ie/hdaen IFPC

Legend: (F) - Full-time | (P) - Part-time | (C) - Conversion


MA Beginnings of Irish Christianity ucc.ie/mabic IFP

H DipCeltic Civilisation ucc.ie/hdaccv IFPC

MA Celtic Civilisation ucc.ie/macciv IFP

MA Early and Medieval Irish ucc.ie/maemi IFP

H DipFolklore ucc.ie/hdafl IFPC

MA Gaelic Literature and Culture (Online) ucc.ie/maglc IFPOC

MA Irish Language and European Law ucc.ie/mailel IF

MA Irish Mythology and Folklore (Online) ucc.ie/maimf IFPOC

MA Modern Irish ucc.ie/maga IFP

H Dip Nua-Ghaeilge/Modern Irish ucc.ie/hdaga IFPC

Languages, Literatures and Cultures

MA Applied Linguistics ucc.ie/maapl IF

MA Asian Studies ucc.ie/maas IFPC

H DipFrench ucc.ie/hdafr IFPC

H DipGerman ucc.ie/hdage IFPC

H DipItalian ucc.ie/hdait IFPC


(I) - Open to all applicants, including International (Non-EU) | (D) - Open to all Irish, UK, EEA and Swiss applicants. Also open to International (Non-EU) applicants resident/domiciled in Ireland.

ucc.ie/microcreds ucc.ie/ace ucc.ie/mamcah IFP



MA Migration, Mobility and Culture ucc.ie/mammc IFP

H Dip Spanish ucc.ie/hdahs IFPC

H DipSpanish for Teachersucc.ie/hdspt P

MA Anthropology ucc.ie/maantIFP

MA Criminology ucc.ie/macrimIFP

MA Health and Societyucc.ie/mahlstIFP

MSc International Public Policy and Diplomacy ucc.ie/mscippIFPC

H DipPhilosophy ucc.ie/hdap IFPC

PG DipPhilosophy ucc.ie/pdphlIFP

MA Philosophy ucc.ie/maphiIFP

H DipPolitics ucc.ie/hdapoIFPC

H DipSociology ucc.ie/hdascIFPC

MA Sociology ucc.ie/masc IFP

MA Sociology of Sustainability and Global Challenges ucc.ie/mascgIF

H DipStudy of Religionsucc.ie/hdargIFPC

The Human Environment: Geography, Archaelogy and Classics

PG Dip Ancient Medieval Languages ucc.ie/pdaml IF

MSc Applied Coastal and Marine Management ucc.ie/msccmmIF

H DipArchaeology ucc.ie/hdaarIFPC

MA Classical Studies ucc.ie/macls IFP

H DipGeography ucc.ie/hdaggIFPC

MSc Geoinformatics ucc.ie/mscgeo IF

H Dip Greek and Roman Civilisation ucc.ie/hdagrIFPC

MA Museum Studies ucc.ie/mamuseIF

PG Dip Planning and Sustainable Development ucc.ie/pdpsdIF

MPlan Planning and Sustainable Development ucc.ie/mplpsdIF




QualCourse URL Legend


MDPHDental Public Healthucc.ie/mdph IF Clinical Therapies

MSc Audiology ucc.ie/mscauIF

MSc Hearing, Balance and Communication ucc.ie/mschbcDP

MSc Physiotherapy ucc.ie/mscptpIF


PG Cert Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Online) ucc.ie/pcaci IPO

PG Cert Anatomy for Medical Device Development ucc.ie/pcamdd IP

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MSc Midwifery ucc.ie/mscmwf DP

Certificate Nurse/Midwife Prescribing ucc.ie/cnmp F

MSc Nursing (Direct Entry Year 2) ucc.ie/mscnu2 DP

PG Dip/MSc Nursing (Gerontological Nursing) ucc.ie/pdng DF

PG Dip/MSc Nursing (Intensive Care Nursing) ucc.ie/pdnic DF

PG Dip

Nursing - Medical & Surgical Nursing ucc.ie/pdnms IF

MSc Nursing (Non-EU) ucc.ie/mscnri IF

PG Dip/MSc ucc.ie/pdnte IFP Nursing (Trauma and Emergency)

PG Dip/MScNursing (Oncology) ucc.ie/pdnocn DF

PG Dip/MSc Nursing (Specialist Mental Health Nursing Practice) ucc.ie/pdnsmh DF

PG DipPublic Health Nursing ucc.ie/pdphn F Pharmacy

MSc Clinical Pharmacy (Online) ucc.ie/msccp IPO

ucc.ie/mscmdd IFP

MSc Clinical Measurement Physiology ucc.ie/msccpy IF

PG Cert Dementia ucc.ie/pcdem IP

MSc Dementia ucc.ie/mscdem IFP

MSc Diagnostic Radiographyucc.ie/mscdr IF

PG Cert Health and Wellbeing ucc.ie/pchw IPO

PG Dip Health and Wellbeing ucc.ie/pdhw IP

MSc Health and Wellbeing ucc.ie/mschw IP

PG Cert Health Professions' Education (Online) ucc.ie/pchpe IPO

MSc Human Anatomyucc.ie/mschan IF

PG Cert Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences ucc.ie/pcmirs IPO

PG Dip Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences ucc.ie/pdmirs IPO

MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences ucc.ie/mscmirs IF

PG Cert Older Person Rehabilitation ucc.ie/pcopr IP

MSc Older Person Rehabilitation ucc.ie/mscopr IFP

PG Cert Paediatrics and Child Health (Online) ucc.ie/pcpch IPO

PG CertPalliative Care ucc.ie/pcpc P

MSc Radiation Therapy ucc.ie/mscrt IF

MMedSc Sports and Exercise Medicine ucc.ie/mmedse IFP

MCh Surgical Science ucc.ie/mchsc DP

Medical Device Development Nursing and Midwifery

Advanced Practice (Nursing/Midwifery) ucc.ie/mscanm DP

H DipMidwifery ucc.ie/hdmwf F

MSc Healthcare Quality Improvement (Online) ucc.ie/mschqi IPO

MSc Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences, Operations and Management ucc.ie/mscips IF

MSc Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences ucc.ie/mscprs IF

MSc Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Systems (Online) ucc.ie/mscptq IPO

Public Health

PG Cert Clinical Trials (Online) ucc.ie/pcct PO

PG Dip Clinical Trials (Online) ucc.ie/pdct IPO

MSc Clinical Trials (Online) ucc.ie/mscctIPO

PG Cert Health Protection (Online) ucc.ie/pchptnPO

PG Cert Infection Prevention and Control (Online) ucc.ie/pcipcIPO

MSc Infection Prevention and Control (Online) ucc.ie/mscipcIPO

MSc Occupational Health (Blended) ucc.ie/mscohlb PO

MSc Occupational Health (Online) ucc.ie/mscohlIPO

PG Dip Public Health ucc.ie/pdphIF

MPH Public Health ucc.ie/mph IF

MPH Public Health (Online) ucc.ie/mpholIPO


Explore our study by research opportunities

All research students are supported by a Supervisory Team, containing a minimum of two Supervisors, or a Supervisor and Advisor.




Biochemistry and Cell Biology

MSc Biotechnology ucc.ie/mscbty IF

Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

MSc Applied Environmental Geoscience ucc.ie/mscags IFP

PG CertMarine Biology ucc.ie/pcmby IPC

MSc Marine Biology ucc.ie/mscmby IF Chemistry

MSc Analysis of Pharmaceutical Compounds ucc.ie/msccmp IFP

PG DipAnalytical Chemistry ucc.ie/pdacm IFP

MSc Analytical Chemistry ucc.ie/mscacm IFP


MSc Redesigning the PostIndustrial City (RePIC) ucc.ie/repic IF

Computer Science and Information Technology

H Dip Applied Computing Technology ucc.ie/hdact IFPC

MSc Computing Scienceucc.ie/msccs IF

MSc Data Science and Analytics ucc.ie/mscdsa IF

MSc Interactive Mediaucc.ie/mscim IFPC

Engineering and Architecture

MArch Architecture ucc.ie/meat IF

MEngSc Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) ucc.ie/menee IFP

MEngSc Engineering (Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Systems) ucc.ie/menepb IF

MEngSc Engineering (Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering) ucc.ie/menpbe IFP

MEngSc Engineering (Sustainable Energy) ucc.ie/mense IF

MEngSc Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing, Process and Automation Systems) ucc.ie/menmec IF

PG Cert ucc.ie/pcse IPO

Sustainability in Enterprise (Online)

MSc Sustainability in Enterprise (Online) ucc.ie/pcse IPO

Food and Nutritional Sciences

PG Cert Dairy Technology and Innovation ucc.ie/pcdti P

MSc Food Science ucc.ie/mfstfs IFP

MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics ucc.ie/mfsthn IF

Mathematical Sciences

MSc Financial and Computational Mathematics ucc.ie/mscfcm IF

MSc Mathematical Modelling and Machine Learning ucc.ie/mscmsl IF


MSc Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ucc.ie/mscbcbIFP

MSc Food Microbiologyucc.ie/mfstmbIF

MEngSc Industrial Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing ucc.ie/menibbIF

MSc Microbiome Science ucc.ie/mscmsIF


Fees are revised on an annual basis. Check individual prospectus pages at ucc.ie/postgrad/taughtcourses for up-to-date course fees. See ucc.ie/feeschedule for further information.

UCC fully recognises that many students are experiencing significant financial challenges in the present economic climate. Consequently, the UCC Fees office will endeavour to accommodate, where possible, individualised payment plans.

For further details please contact the Fees Office at ucc.ie/fees (and click on the Contact Us button).


In UCC’s Career Services our focus is on you and on supporting you to become world and work ready.

When it comes to your career, we are the difference.

We will help you stand out from the crowd and our multidisciplinary team of professionals will guide you through every transition on your employability journey, from understanding your career interests, to helping you evaluate and assess your career opportunities, right through to realising your career ambitions. We will help you develop the graduate attributes, skills, and values you need to reach your career goals. We will enhance your ‘employagility’, enabling you to pivot and compete in a hyperconnected, rapidly changing, increasingly globalised economy.

Find out more about our Career Services


Our Strong Links with Industry

Find out how to apply

Interested in creating new knowledge and applying your existing knowledge in a new way? Then a research postgrad may be just what you are looking for. UCC is an internationally competitive, research-led university that plays a key role in the development of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy. In fact, we rank #1 in Ireland for research income from industry sources and we have a really rich research ecosystem with over 70 Research Centres and Institutes.

See UCC Futures, our new ambitious programme of research prioritisation coupled with an innovative academic recruitment strategy across ten indicative areas of strategic importance that will build a foundation for economic, societal and cultural resilience and prosperity:

• Children

• Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis

• Collective Social Futures

• Food, Microbiome and Health

• Future Aging and Brain Science

• Future Humanities

• Future Medicine

• Pharmaceuticals

• Quantum and Phonics

• Sustainability

We have a wide range of research courses on offer. These courses include PhDs, Thematic PhDs, Practitioner Doctorates, and also Research master’s degrees.

How to Apply to Study by Research

We recognise the crucial role that university research plays in achieving the SDGs by 2030. UCC is the only Irish university to make the top 10 of the ‘greenest universities’ in the world (currently ranked 6th).

Our researchers are developing the innovations and solutions needed to address urgent global sustainable development challenges. Visit ucc.ie/ research/sdgs to see how we have aligned our research to the SDGs. Choose a research topic


The minimum entry requirement for a taught postgraduate diploma or masters is normally a Second Class Honours Grade 2 in a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) or equivalent qualification and experience. Please note some courses may require a minimum of a Second Class Honours Grade 1 in a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) (or equivalent qualification and experience). However, as each taught postgrad course has its own entry requirements, visit ucc.ie/postgrad/ taughtcourses to check individual course entry requirements.

Closing Dates for Postgraduate Courses

• Irish, UK, EEA, and Swiss applicants: Rolling application deadline. Courses are open until all places have been filled. Early application is advised. Visit ucc.ie/ studytaught/dates to learn more.

• International (Non-EU) applicants: applications usually open in mid-October and close in mid to late June unless places are filled earlier. Early application is advised.

Some courses will have specific application closing dates. These can be confirmed by reviewing the relevant Postgraduate Prospectus course pages.

English Language

In addition to the minimum entry requirements, applicants who do not have English as their first language must also include evidence of their English language competency with their application form.

Visit ucc.ie/englishreqs for information on English language requirements, including the English language tests and examinations that we accept.


Choose your course Check the closing date for the course Create application online at ucc.ie/apply

What Happens After I Apply?

Once you submit your application online at ucc.ie/apply, you will receive an acknowledgement email.

Your application will then be reviewed by an Admissions Specialist to ensure all necessary documents have been received. Once all is in order, your application will be forwarded to the Course Director for review. You can track the status of your application online via the UCC Apply system.

Collate and upload your supporting documentation to support your application

Pay €50 application fee (for two courses)*

Submit your application

Some courses require interviews and, if you are shortlisted for interview, you will be notified in writing of the date, time, and venue. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Support and tips about the online application process

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