Travel brochures 2017

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Dream. Explore. Discover

London is the World's Most Significant Tourist Destination on Twitter It is also the city where the most selfies are taken Among all the tourist cities in the world, London is the one that was most often mentioned on Twitter between February 2015 and January 2016

Top Tourist Town Mentions on Twitter - DR

Between February 2015 and January 2016, London (United Kingdom) was the most tweeted tourist destination in the world.

According to figures from Spreadfast, the British capital totalled 630,222 mentions associated with the word "travel". It thus outstripped Paris (431,662 mentions) and New York (291,894 mentions).

Coca Cola London Eye is the city's most popular attraction on Twitter with 241,570 mentions in front of the British Museum, the National History Museum, the Tower of London and the Tate Modern.

On Google, searches on London are more numerous than for any other capital since 2004. And, according to a search of the Hoppa company, London is the city where travellers take the most selfies then posted on Instagram. Written by the Editor of Tourmag on Friday 11 March 2016



Ondon is a real fashionista. In fashion and art, she is always on the front of the stage. The cosmopolitan atmosphere gives it a Babylon look of modern times, and encounters swarm in thousands of bars and pubs in London. The royal monuments, the tea-time and the theater in the tradition of Shakespeare rub shoulders with the skyscrapers and banks of La City, the third largest financial center in the world. As modern as traditional, London is a true paradox, there is the key to its success.

Big Ben is your host. Embedded in the clock tower of the Parliament of Westminster, the clock of 16 tons flatters your arrival with a friendly bell. Spanning the River Thames, the Tower Bridge is the other symbol of London. From the top of its walkway, London delivers its finest attire, unless you prefer to spin on the London Eye, London Ferris Wheel.

It was at Buckingham Palace that English kings and queens settled down and the legend of Princess Lady Di was forged. The changing of the guard at 11:30 am always attracts the crowd. Because they are more beautiful in truth, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry march before you in June, during the Trooping The Color.

Take a stroll through Hyde Park, the green lung of London, host of the 2012 Olympic Games. A boat ride on the Serpentine River will melt your half for sure.

The demon of London fashion assails you? Piccadilly Circus & Mayfair exorcise your cravings for shops and boutiques in London. Take a cab towards the Harrods of Knightsbridge, London's shopping temple. If jewelry appeals to you, London Jewelery Week is a must-see in London. With a lot of concerts, shows, gastronomy and literature, brewings of cultures are at the festival during the Festival Brazil.

On the sport side, one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments, the Wimbledon tournament, also awaits you during the summer. The most famous of the horse races, the Royal Ascot in Ascot, is a must-see in London. The good London society exhibits on this occasion its most extravagant hats ... oh my God!

Well elevated and distinguished, rebellious and boosted, one must visit London facing A and B, a unique and colorful style ...

Welcome to London!

NOS PACKS COMPRENNENT :  L’hébergement en LPD dans les meilleurs hôtels de Londres.  La Travel Card permettant de profiter de tous les transports publics Londoniens pendant votre séjour.  Accueil et Transferts « Aéroports-Hôtels-Aéroports » Visites guidées des monuments et lieux les plus populaires de Londres.  La Big Ben, Westminster ET « The House of parliament”.  Westminster Bridge, “Thames River Cruise” et “CocaCola London Eye”.  Tower Bridge ET London Bridge.  “Piccadilly Circus” ET “Trafalgar Square”.  « Buckingham Palace » et la Change des Gardes.  Madame Tussauds Et Le British Museum.  Shopping à Oxford Street ET à Westfield Mall.  China Town ET Soho Square. VOYAGES A LA CARTE Vous ne trouvez pas le voyage qui vous convient ? Laissez-nous vous proposer un voyage à la carte. Indiqueznous où vous souhaitez aller, la durée de votre séjour et les endroits que vous souhaitez visiter. Nous vous créerons un package avec nos opérateurs et tout ce qui va avec ! Les prix sont variables. Des tarifs de groupe sont possibles. Appeleznous pour en savoir plus!

Discover UK Travel Ltd 1, College Yard, 56 Winchester Avenue London, NW6 7UA United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0)74 925 77 614 Mail: Web:

Des souvenirs à vie DISCOVER UK TRAVEL LTD Combien de fois avez-vous déjà déclaré, “J'adorerais visiter la Big Ben un jour…” ou “Mon rêve c'est de voir le Buckingham Palace !” Désormais, vous pouvez arrêter de rêver et faire le grand saut ! Vous pouvez découvrir des lieux de légende en Grande Bretagne. Visiter les lieux dont vous avez rêvé ou que vous n'avez vu qu'en photo. Nous nous mettons à votre disposition pour réaliser vos rêves, avec des experts et les meilleures ressources au monde, afin que vous voyagiez sans soucis et profitiez au maximum de cette aventure unique !

Notre mission est de vous fournir les services de voyages les plus complets afin que vous profitiez au maximum de l'aventure de votre vie, sans soucis et en tout confort. Nous sommes impatients de vous faire découvrir le Royaume Unie !

Bienvenu en Grande Bretagne.

Votre expert en voyages en Angleterre NOUS VOUS FAISONS DECOUVRIR LA GRANDE BRETAGNE

Téléphone : +44 (0)74 925 77 614

Discover UK Travel Ltd 1, College Yard, 56 Winchester Avenue London, NW6 7UA. United Kingdom Téléphone +44 (0)74 925 77 614 Mail: Web:

Pour le shopping, il y a tout ce qu'il faut : Oxford Street, Covent Garden, King's Road ou Camden Town, raviront les accros au lèche-vitrine. Si vous êtes plus branché musées, vous pourrez vous rendre notamment au Tate Modern, à la National Gallery ou encore au British Museum. Et comme disait l'écrivain et poète HENRI HOWARTH BASHFORD : "Cela fait 30 ans que je marche dans Londres et j'y trouve, chaque jour, quelque chose de neuf" !

Voyages organisés à Londres POURQUOI VISITER LONDRES Nous proposons plusieurs voyages pour répondre à vos envies et pouvons également créer un voyage personnalisé. Londres est une destination touristique qui fait rêver le monde entier depuis plusieurs siècles. Son dynamisme, son Histoire, les habitants… LES MUSEES GRATUITS Londres est une ville culturellement riche et on peut y visiter un grand nombre de musées. L’avantage ? Les musées publics sont gratuits ! Pour vous pourrez donc vous rendre au British Museum, à la National Gallery, à Tate Britain, à Victoria & Albert Museum ou au Science Museum sans modération ! LES MAGASINS OUVERTS LE DIMANCHE Marre des dimanches où il ne se passe rien ? Ça ne risque pas d’arriver à Londres puisque les magasins sont ouverts. Un petit tour à Oxford Street ou à Covent Garden avec un petit restaurant ou un café au milieu de l’après-midi c’est tout à fait possible !

LES PAYSAGES "SO BRITISH*" ! Faire du tourisme en Angleterre est une véritable découverte. Un dépaysement total ! Plus de 12.500 km de plages, et quelles plages ! Si on ne part pas en Angleterre pour se faire bronzer sur les plages, on y va pour surfer, marcher, explorer et découvrir l'extraordinaire faune et flore. Les plages du Pays de Galles font d'ailleurs partie des plus belles plages du monde ; larges, au sable doré, à flanc de montagne et aux eaux claires ... des paysages à couper le souffle. Le Lake District, comme son nom l'indique, est composé de nombreux lacs, mais pas seulement ! Le Lake District offre d'incroyables panoramas : montagnes et vertes collines parsemées de petits cottages. La Côte Jurassique s'étend du Dorset à l'est du Devon. Des plages sauvages, des falaises, des roches d'un blanc immaculé ; pas étonnant que cet endroit fasse partie du Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO. L'Ecosse et ses montagnes, ses "lochs", ses kilts ! Des centaines de kilomètres à parcourir sur les routes désertes avec des paysages qui - croyeznous - sont à classer parmi les plus beaux du monde ! UN "CITY TRIP" A LONDRES Bien sûr ! Londres et ses bus à 2 étages, Big Ben, l'abbaye de Westminster, Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly, Camden market ... un séjour en Angleterre ne serait pas complet sans une visite de Londres.

LES "PUBS" ET LA GASTRONOMIE BRITANNIQUE Il est loin le temps où l'on faisait bouillir le steak, aujourd'hui la cuisine anglaise peut se targuer de nombreux prix de gastronomie. D'ailleurs, en 2005, pas moins de 600 critiques gastronomiques dans le monde ont sélectionné 14 restaurants britanniques parmi les 50 meilleurs restaurants au monde ! Réservez donc une table dans un "gastropub" comme on les appelle ici ou, pour une occasion spéciale, dans un restaurant étoilé. "MY TAILOR IS RICH*" OU APPRENDRE L'ANGLAIS ! Apprendre l'anglais en Angleterre est encore la meilleure manière de parler la langue de Shakespeare à quelques pas de chez soi ! Discover UK Travel vous offrent des programmes d'été, d'hiver ou annuels pour tous les niveaux et quelle que soit la raison pour laquelle vous souhaitez parler anglais. Avec un certificat agrée par le British Council.

LA POLITESSE DES ANGLAIS Si vous vous êtes déjà rendu à Londres vous avez sûrement été surpris par la politesse des habitants. Là-bas, on s’excuse toujours lorsque l’on bouscule quelqu’un (et même quand on est bousculé !). C’est aussi ce qui fait le charme des anglais. POUR LA BEAUTE DES PARCS Les parcs londoniens sont impressionnants par leur taille. Le Hyde Park par exemple s’étend sur 140 hectares mais on retrouve beaucoup d’autres espaces verts, très agréables lorsqu’il fait beau, pour y faire du sport, se promener ou pour le plaisir d’être au vert. LES QUARTIERS SONT VARIES Peu importe quels sont vos goûts, vous pourrez être sûr de trouver un quartier qui vous plaira à Londres. Les atmosphères y sont très différentes, entre le Notting Hill chic, Camden Town alternatif, Soho branché, Brixton afro-antillaise ou le Mayfair luxueux, vous avez le choix ! LES FESTIVALS Du célèbre festival de Glastonbury dans le Somerset - avec ses 120 000 festivaliers, ses courants de musique éclectiques, son coin hippie ou l'on peut profiter d'une séance de réflexologie dans une yourte – au Fringe Festival d'Edimbourg qui dure 3 semaines en passant par les festivals de Reading ou Leeds, chacun y trouve son bonheur. Pour un festival en famille, le Camp Bestival dans le Dorset est à conseiller.

Voyagez avec Discover UK Travel a été la meilleure chose que j'ai faite. Ils se sont occupés de tous les détails et je me suis amusée comme une folle ! Ce fut une expérience que je n'oublierais jamais. Merci Discover UK Travel! – Mm Amel Saddem, cliente Discover UK Travel



Est le plus grand parc du centre de Londres, en Angleterre, ainsi que l'un des neuf parcs royaux de la capitale, avec une longueur de plus de deux kilomètres et près d’un kilomètre de largeur. C'est aussi un des quartiers de la Cité de Westminster à Londres. Seule la Serpentine (The Serpentine ou Serpentine River) le sépare des jardins de Kensington (Kensington Gardens), de sorte que l'on considère parfois ces derniers comme une partie de Hyde Park. Sa superficie de 140 hectares, ajoutée à celle de Kensington Gardens s'étendant sur 110 hectares, donne une surface totale de 250 hectares. La Fontaine Commémorative de Diana, Princesse de Galles Juste au sud-ouest du lac Serpentine se trouve un mémorial installé en l'honneur de la princesse Diana. La fontaine moderne, qui ressemble plus à un ruisseau artificiel qu'à une fontaine, fut inaugurée en 2004 par la reine Elisabeth II.

Est le plus ancien des neuf parcs royaux de Londres. Situé dans le quartier de la cité de Westminster, il est délimité au nord par The Mall, à l'est par le Horse Guards, au sud par le Birdcage Walk et à l'ouest par le Buckingham Palace Road. St James’s Park et le quartier environnant sont authentiques et dégagent une atmosphère sereine et élégante. André Le Nôtre a prêté son concours à l’élaboration du parc. Le palais St. James au nord, normalement, le palais de Buckingham à l'ouest, Wellington Barracks au sud, ainsi que Downing Street, Horse Guards Parade ainsi que les Cabinet War Rooms – d'où Winston Churchill a dirigé les opérations pendant la guerre – à l'est, sont à proximité immédiate de ce parc qui s'étend sur 23 hectares1. St James's Park possède un petit lac doté de deux îles, la Duck Island (« l’île aux canards »), qui sert de réserve de palmipèdes, et la West Island. Le pont qui l'enjambe est dans l'axe entre le Foreign Office et le palais de Buckingham et permet d'observer l'alignement d'arbres et de fontaines entre ces deux bâtiments. Le parc fait partie d'une suite presque continue d'espaces naturels qui, en direction de l'ouest, comprend Green Park, Hyde Park et Kensington Gardens. Les stations de métro les plus proches sont St James's Park, Victoria et Westminster

CHINATOWN est une ville dans la ville, c'est le domaine de la culture chinoise et comme dans toutes les grandes villes du monde, Londres possède aussi un quartier chinois implanté DANS SOHO sur Gerard Street (vers Leicester square), facilement reconnaissable grâce à ses arches en forme de pagodes qui annoncent l’entrée dans le quartier chinois. Le dépaysement est total tant les devantures des magasins arborent des décorations d'un autre continent surtout en période de fête lors de la célébration du nouvel an chinois ; des couleurs très vives et chaudes marquées de rouges et de jaunes d’or, des guirlandes parsemées de lampions vous plonge immédiatement dans une ambiance orientale. Le Chinatown à Londres vous propose une multitude de petits restaurants, épiceries, supermarchés, boutiques et magasins en tout genre spécialisés dans les produits orientaux souvent en provenance de toute l’Asie. Une occasion de goûter aux bons petits plats chinois, à déguster sur place ou à emporter. Ce quartier attire de nombreux touristes désirant s'offrir quelques souvenirs ou divers petits accessoires et gadgets, vous y trouverez également plusieurs petites boutiques de souvenirs typiquement So British dans les environs.

LE TOWER BRIDGE Est un pont basculant franchissant la Tamise, entre les districts de Southwark et de Tower Hamlets, près de la tour de Londres dont il tire son nom (c'est d'ailleurs l'un des quatre ponts gérés par les services du Lord-maire). Tower Bridge est situé dans la Pool of London (il marque la limite entre l’Upper Pool en amont, et le Lower Pool en aval).

PICCADILLY CIRCUS Est un carrefour routier et un espace piéton situé à Londres, au Royaume-Uni. La place, autrefois considérée comme le centre de l'Empire britannique, constitue encore de nos jours un des centres névralgiques de Londres, et est réputée pour l'enchantement que procure le scintillement de la pléthore d'enseignes lumineuses qui la recouvre, mais elle est également entourée de plusieurs curiosités touristiques, dont une fontaine érigée en 1893 en mémoire de Lord Shaftesbury et surplombée par un Ange de la Charité chrétienne (communément appelé Éros), ou encore lethéâtre Criterion, le London Pavilion et plusieurs magasins célèbres. Non loin se trouvent le London Trocadero, centre commercial et de loisirs, et la statue Horses of Helios. Son emplacement en plein cœur du West End, ainsi que sa proximité avec des lieux commerçants ou de divertissement font qu'elle est encore aujourd'hui un lieu apprécié des Londoniens comme des touristes du monde entier.

LES CHAMBRES DU PARLEMENT, Également connues comme le Palais de Westminster, sont le siège des deux chambres parlementaires de Grande-Bretagne, la Chambre des Lords et la Chambre des communes. L’abbaye de Westminster, située près des Chambres du Parlement, est un site davantage historique que religieux. Depuis 1066, excepté pour Edouard V et Edouard VIII, toutes les cérémonies de couronnement ont eu lieu dans l’Abbaye de Westminster.

BIG BEN : La Tour de l'Horloge du Palais de Westminster officiellement nommée la Tour Saint Etienne (St. Stephen's Tower) - est communément appelée Big Ben. Cette tour est l'un des monuments les plus célèbres de Londres. L'horloge à l'intérieur de la tour était la plus grande du monde lorsqu'elle a été installée au milieu du 19ème siècle. Le nom de Big Ben est en fait une référence à la cloche qui sonne les heures, la plus grande des cinq cloches de l'horloge. Les quatre autres sont utilisées pour sonner les quarts d'heure.

Natural History Museum : Ce qui fut d’abord la collection privée d'un seul individu s’est transformé en un des plus grands musées d'histoire naturelle au monde. Le musée est situé dans un magnifique bâtiment néo-roman, conçu par Alfred Waterhouse. L’énorme collection d'objets et de spécimens (+ de 70 millions) sur le thème de la vie sur terre peut sembler impressionnante. Le musée est divisé en différentes zones avec des codes couleurs, chacun se concentrant sur un aspect spécifique de la vie sur terre. La collection de squelettes de dinosaures est l'une des plus grandes attractions du musée. Il en existe de plusieurs tailles dans la salle des dinosaures et vous trouverez le squelette d'un diplodocus dans le hall central. En outre, nombreux sont les visiteurs qui se régalent dans la salle dédiée aux grands mammifères où se trouvent, entre autres, une énorme reproduction d'une baleine bleue et plusieurs éléphants. D’autres salles sont appréciées comme celles présentant les reptiles, les poissons, les oiseaux et les vermines, Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, ainsi que celle abordant le thème de l'écologie. Une autre zone du musée se concentre sur la géologie. Vous pouvez y voir la terre vue de l'espace et assister à des simulations de tremblement de terre et d’éruption volcanique. Une grande collection est aussi dédiée aux pierres et minéraux.

LE LONDON EYE est une attraction touristique relativement récente, mais qui est déjà très populaire. Il s'agit d'une grande roue située dans les Jardins du Jubilé, sur la rive Sud de la Tamise. La structure haute de 135 mètres a été construite dans le cadre des festivités du nouveau millénaire à Londres. La grande roue tourne suffisamment lentement pour que l'on puisse y monter à bord, alors même qu'elle est en mouvement. Un tour complet dure environ 30 minutes. Grâce aux nacelles vitrées, les passagers disposent d'une magnifique vue panoramique de Londres à 360°C. On peut clairement apercevoir de nombreux monuments célèbres, comme le Palais de Buckingham, la Cathédrale St. Paul et les Chambres du Parlement. Par temps clair, vous pouvez voir jusqu'à 40 km de distance.

UNE CROISIERE THAMES RIVER BOAT CRUISE constitue sans aucun doute une des meilleures manières de découvrir Londres, en serpentant au cœur de la ville et en passant devant nombre de ses plus célèbres attractions.

Les bateaux de City Cruises partent de quatre jetées principales sur la Tamise : Westminster, Waterloo, Tower et Greenwich. Les bateaux City Cruises se déplacent régulièrement entre ces jetées toute la journée, ce qui vous permet de couvrir une grande partie de Londres en explorant les quartiers figurant entre l’endroit où vous montez et celui où vous descendez du bateau. Les bateaux City Cruises offrent tous un bon niveau de confort simple, ce sont des navires modernes, adaptés à tous les temps et accessibles en fauteuil roulant, avec des ponts supérieurs ouverts et des salons inférieurs spacieux aux fenêtres panoramiques.

Et que pouvez-vous voir depuis un Thames River Boat Cruise? Enormément de choses…

Entre autres hauts-lieux, vous pourrez admirer le long de ce parcours sur la Tamise le site du Cutty Sark (actuellement vacant pendant la restauration du bateau) ; le centre commercial londonien Canary Wharf ; la Tower of London, Tower Bridge et le moins glamour London Bridge ; l’ancien croiseur de bataille HMS Belfast, le Shakespeare’s Globe et le Tate Modern le long des berges nord et sud de la Tamise ; le London Eye et le Millenium Footbridge, constructions controversées célébrant l’arrivée du nouveau siècle ; et bien sûr Westminster Abbey et Big Ben, reconnus internationalement comme des icônes de la ville.

PICCADILLY CIRCUS Le quartier des Salles de Cinéma et des Théâtres


est une place très célèbre de Westminster à Londres dont le nom commémore la bataille de Trafalgar qui opposa les flottes franco-espagnoles et britanniques en 1805. Le lieu est bien connu pour être un espace social et de liberté d'expression. Trafalgar Square, la plus grande place à Londres, est souvent considéré comme le cœur de la ville. Dès le Moyen Age, cette zone a été un lieu de rencontre central. Au milieu de la place se dresse une grande colonne en l’honneur de l’amiral Nelson.


(ou, en français, la Galerie nationale), fondée en 1824 et achevée en 1838, est un musée situé à Londres et occupant le nord de Trafalgar Square. Elle détient un patrimoine artistique datant de 1250 à 1900. La collection de 2 300 peintures, datant du Moyen Âge à la fin du XIXe siècle, appartient au domaine public britannique. Vous pouvez y admirer les œuvres de certains des peintres les plus célèbres du monde, y compris Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, le Titien, Léonard de Vinci, Michel-Ange, Renoir et Claude Monet.


est un quartier de Londres en Angleterre à la limite est de West End, entre St. Martin's Lane et Drury

Lane. Il est associé à l'ancien marché de fruits et légumes de la place centrale, qui est maintenant un site commercial et touristique fort populaire, ainsi qu'au Royal Opera House, qui est également connu sous le nom de "Covent Garden". Le quartier est divisé par l'artère principale de Long Acre, au nord de laquelle se trouvent les boutiques indépendantes centralisées sur Neal's Yard et Seven Dials, tandis que le sud abrite sur la place centrale les artistes de rue et la plupart des superbes bâtiments, théâtres et lieux de divertissement, y compris le Théâtre de Drury Lane et le Musée du transport de Londres.

LE SEA LIFE London permet de découvrir 600 espèces sur 3 étages dans plus de 60 bacs, répartis en 14 sections thématiques. Le bassin le plus spectaculaire abrite plus de 40 requins de 14 espèces différentes, dont un requin tigre de 2,7 mètres. Sur l’itinéraire, un impressionnant tunnel en verre situé à l'intérieur d'un océan tropical offre aux visiteurs une expérience inoubliable. D’autres activités jalonnent le parcours : vous pourrez nourrir des raies, regarder des présentations de plongée, toucher des poissons dans des bassins destinés à cet effet et visiter des zones de découverte. Parmi les autres stars du spectacle, des hippocampes, des pieuvres, des requins zèbre et le très populaire poisson-clown.

Ne manquez pas la nouvelle

Skrek’s Adventure ! London. Une attraction londonienne, associant promenade et chevauchée et se déroulant en intérieur, inspirée par le célèbre film produit par les studios Dream Works. Cette expérience unique, développée par Merlin Entertainments en association avec Dream Works Animation, donne vie au monde hilarant de Shrek et de ses amis. Cette visite fantastique est un mélange de 10 spectacles et scènes à mourir de rire basés sur les films Shrek, avec une narration captivante, une chevauchée fantastique en 4D, des effets dramatiques spéciaux et une animation extraordinaire créée par les studios Dream Works.Votre quête dans Shrek’s Adventure ! London vous permettra de rencontrer tous vos personnages favoris et de trouver sur votre route une galerie des glaces magique, un marécage puant, de puissants sortilèges et un jeu interactif Dream Works. Pourrezvous sauver Pinocchio, battre le miroir magique de Lord Farquaad et revenir à la maison en toute sécurité.

Musée Madame Tussauds Qui ne connaît pas Madame Tussaud et ses trois cents personnalités de cire ? Famille royale, stars hollywoodiennes, sportifs de légende ou hommes politiques, ils sont tous représentés dans ce musée, parmi les plus célèbres de Londres, situé sur Marylebone Road, près de Regent's Park. Fondé en 1835 par Marie Tussaud, sculptrice sur cire française qui échappa de peu à la décapitation lors de la Révolution de 1789 puis s'exila à Londres quelques années plus tard, le musée a progressivement pris de l'importance. Il a déménagé à son emplacement actuel en 1884, et englobe aujourd'hui le planétarium mitoyen où est diffusé un spectacle conçu par les studios Aardman Animations. Bien sûr l'attraction principale du musée, ce sont les statues plus vraies que nature d'un grand nombre de célébrités aussi variées que Brad Pitt, les Beatles, Hitler, Napoléon, Britney Spears, David Beckham, la reine d'Angleterre ou E.T. Madame Tussauds propose aussi une animation nommée ''Spirit of London'' : installé dans la réplique d'un taxi londonien, on voyage à travers l'histoire de la ville, à grand renfort de sons, lumières et odeurs. La ''Chamber of Horrors'' fait revivre la Révolution française, et l'histoire des châtiments en général, âmes sensibles s'abstenir !

LA RELEVE DE LA GARDE ROYALE A BUCKINGHAM PALACE Entre tradition et cérémonie royale, la relève de la garde à Buckingham Palace est une des attractions les plus emblématique de Londres, parmi la plus ancienne qui soit liée à la famille royale, mais aussi la plus populaire auprès des touristes du monde entier. Les gardes assurant la relève viennent à pied, d’autres à cheval de la caserne de Wellington passant par Birdcage Walk et Spur Road ; certains arrivent par The Mall, le trajet prend environs cinq minutes et la troupe est accompagnée d'une fanfare militaire...on les entend distinctement arriver de loin. Comment se déroule la relève de la Garde ? Vêtus de leur tenue traditionnelle, veste rouge pendant les mois d’été, long manteau gris bleu en hiver et surmonté de la célèbre coiffe à poils d’ours, ils défilent fièrement sous les cadences musicales jusqu’aux grilles du palais et entrent dans Buckingham Palace par la porte Est située près des grandes grilles de Green Park. (Canada Gate).

La relève entre la nouvelle garde et l'ancienne garde se déroule également en musique dans la cours du palais de Buckingham ; ils jouent de la musique militaire ou même parfois de chansons populaires; par exemple, ils ont déjà joué la musique de la bande originale du Film de l'agent secret Britannique James Bond ou encore plus récemment celui de la série Games of Thrones sous les fenêtres de Buckingham Palace...un réel plaisir pour les nombreux touristes : tendez bien l’oreille, vous allez peut être reconnaitre un air familier. Une fois la relève faite avec la nouvelle garde, l’ancienne garde quitte le Palais à pieds ou à cheval pour rejoindre la caserne de Wellington située juste à côté de Saint James’s Park à moins de 500 mètres du Palais l'ensemble de la cérémonie dure une quarantaine de minutes environs.

DESTINATION: LONDON - UNITED KINGDOM This trip was designed to offer an excellent London discovery tool. A stay between monarchical traditions, futuristic atmosphere and English courses. MAIN FINDINGS: • Guided tours of London: Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guard, Big Ben, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, the Parliament of Westminster, London Bridge, etc ... • Visit of Madame Tussaud. • Cruise on the Thames and London Eye to see an exceptional panorama of the capital's monuments. • Tourism and discoveries: Piccadilly, Oxford Street, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, • Not to forget relaxation, shopping ... • All journeys and visits to London will be covered by Public Transport (London Bus, Underground, DLR) WHAT INCLUDES OUR PACKAGE: • Assistance and Transfer Airport-Hotel-Airport. • Accommodation 8 Days / 07 Nights in BB "English Breakfast" at the Bayswater Inn Hotel 3 * or similar in the heart of London (The City of Westminster. ZONE 1). • Cruise on the Thames. • Guide During All Tours and Accommodation in The Same Hotel • Entrance fees to monuments: London eye + river cruise + sea life aquarium + Shrek’s adventure, Madame Tussaud. • «Travel Card» Zones 1 to 2 for 7 days • Sim THREE Network Card

DAY1: Arrival in London. Welcome and assistance by our local guide (English, Arabic or French speaking) Transfer and installation at the hotel Walk to Hyde Park and St James Park

Hyde Park is the largest park in central London, England, as well as one of the nine royal parks in the capital, with a length of more than two kilometers and nearly a kilometer wide. It is also one of the quarters of the City of Westminster in London. Only Serpentine (Serpentine River) separates it from the Kensington Gardens, so it is sometimes considered part of Hyde Park. Its area of 140 hectares, added to that of Kensington Gardens extending over 110 hectares, gives a total area of 250 hectares. Diana's Memorial Fountain, Princess of Wales Just southwest of Serpentine Lake is a memorial installed in honour of Princess Diana. The modern fountain, which looks more like an artificial stream than a fountain, was inaugurated in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II. St James's Park

is the oldest of the nine royal parks in London. Located in the city of Westminster, it is bounded on the north by The Mall, on the east by the Horse Guards, on the south by the Birdcage Walk and on the west by the Buckingham Palace Road. St James's Park and the surrounding neighbourhood are authentic and offer a serene and elegant atmosphere. AndrĂŠ Le NĂ´tre assisted

in the development of the park. St. James's Palace to the north, normally Buckingham Palace to the west, Wellington Barracks to the south, as well as Downing Street, Horse Guards Parade and Cabinet War Rooms from where Winston Churchill led operations during the War - to the east, are in the immediate vicinity of this park which extends over 23 hectares1. St James's Park has a small lake with two islands, the Duck Island (Duck Island), which serves as a reserve for palmipeds, and the West Island. The bridge which spans it is in the axis between the Foreign Office and the Buckingham Palace and allows to observe the alignment of trees and fountains between these two buildings. The park is part of an almost continuous succession of natural areas that, to the west, include Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. The nearest metro stations are St James's Park, Victoria and Westminster. Evening: Visit of China Town and Soho.

Chinatown is a city in the city, it is the domain of Chinese culture and as in all major cities of the world, London also has a Chinese district located in Soho on Gerard Street (towards Leicester square), easily recognizable thanks to its Arches in the shape of pagodas which announce the entry in the Chinese quarter. The scenery is total as the storefronts decorate from another continent especially during the celebration of Chinese New Year celebration; Very bright and warm colors marked with reds and golden yellows, garlands dotted with lanterns immerses you immediately in an oriental atmosphere. The Chinatown in London offers a multitude of small restaurants, grocery stores,

supermarkets, shops and shops of all kinds specializing in oriental products often from all over Asia. An opportunity to taste good Chinese food, to taste on the spot or to take away. This area attracts many tourists wishing to take some souvenirs or various small accessories and gadgets, you will also find several small souvenir shops typically So British in the vicinity. Day 2: Discovery of London on foot Breakfast at the hotel Discover London by foot: Tower Bridge, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, The National Gallery, Covent Garden and Sea Life Aquarium. The Tower Bridge.

is a tipping bridge crossing the Thames, between the Southwark and Tower Hamlets districts, near the Tower of London which it takes its name (it is one of the four bridges managed by the Lord Mayor)? Tower Bridge is located in the Pool of London (it marks the boundary between Upper Pool upstream and Lower Pool downstream). Piccadilly Circus

is a crossroads and a pedestrian area in London, UK. The square, once considered to be the center of the British Empire, is still one of London's nerve centers, and is renowned for the enchantment of the plethora of illuminated signs that cover it. Is also surrounded by several tourist attractions, including a fountain erected in 1893 in honour of Lord Shaftesbury and overlooked by an Angel of Christian Charity (commonly

called Eros), or the Criterion Theater, the London Pavilion and several famous shops. Nearby are the London Trocadero, shopping and leisure center, and the Horses of Helios statue. Its location in the heart of the West End, as well as its proximity to shopping and entertainment venues make it still a popular place for Londoners and tourists from around the world. Trafalgar Square

is a very famous place of Westminster in London whose name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar which opposed the FrancoSpanish and British fleets in 1805. The place is well known to be a social space and freedom of expression. Trafalgar Square, the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city. Since the Middle Ages, this area has been a central meeting place. In the middle of the square stands a large column in honour of Admiral Nelson. The National Gallery

founded in 1824 and completed in 1838, is a museum located in London and occupying the north of Trafalgar Square. It has an artistic heritage dating from 1250 to 1900. The collection of 2,300 paintings, dating from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century, belongs to the British public domain. You can admire the works of some of the most famous painters in the world, including Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renoir and Claude Monet.

Covent Garden

is a district of London in England on the east end of West End, between St. Martin's Lane and Drury Lane. It is associated with the old market of fruits and vegetables of the central square, which is now a popular commercial and tourist site, as well as the Royal Opera House, which is also known as "Covent Garden". The neighbourhood is divided by the main thoroughfare of Long Acre, to the north of which are the independent centralized shops on Neal's Yard and Seven Dials, while the south is home to street performers and most beautiful buildings, Theaters and entertainment venues, including the Drury Lane Theater and the London Transport Museum. Sea Life London

The London Eye

is a relatively new tourist attraction, but it is already very popular. It is a large wheel located in the Jubilee Gardens on the south bank of the Thames. The 135-meter high structure was built as part of the London Millennium Festivities. The large wheel rotates slowly enough to get on board, even though it is moving. A complete turn takes about 30 minutes. Thanks to the glass nacelles, the passengers have a magnificent panoramic view of London at 360 ° C. You can clearly see many famous landmarks, such as Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament. On a clear day, you can see up to 40 km away. A Thames River Boat Cruise

makes it possible to discover 600 species on 3 floors in more than 60 bins, divided into 14 thematic sections. The most spectacular basin is home to more than 40 sharks from 14 different species, including a 2.7meter tiger shark. On the route, an impressive glass tunnel located inside a tropical ocean offers visitors an unforgettable experience. Other activities are on the course: you can feed stingrays, watch diving presentations, touch fish in pools intended for this purpose and visit discovery areas. Among other stars of the show, seahorses, octopuses, zebra sharks and the very popular clown fish.

Day 3: Sightseeing and attractions Sight London Eye, Thames River Cruise.

is undoubtedly one of the best ways to discover London, winding through the heart of the city and passing many of its most famous attractions. City Cruises boats depart from four main jetties on the Thames: Westminster, Waterloo, Tower and Greenwich. City Cruises regularly travel between these jetties throughout the day, allowing you to cover much of London by exploring the neighbourhoods between where you go and where you get off the boat. City Cruises boats all offer a good level of comfort, they are modern, all-weather and wheelchair accessible ships with open top decks and spacious lower salons with panoramic windows.

And what can you see from a Thames River Cruise Boat? Lots of things ... Among other highlights, you can admire along the route on the Thames the site of Cutty Sark (currently vacant during the restoration of the boat); London's Canary Wharf shopping center; The Tower of London, Tower Bridge and the less glamorous London Bridge; The former HMS Belfast battle cruiser, the Shakespeare's Globe and the Tate Modern along the north and south banks of the Thames; The London Eye and the Millennium Footbridge, controversial constructions celebrating the arrival of the new century; And of course Westminster Abbey and Big Ben, internationally recognized as icons of the city. Free afternoon

The Clock Tower of Westminster Palace - officially named the St. Stephen's Tower - is commonly called Big Ben. This tower is one of London's most famous landmarks. The clock inside the tower was the largest in the world when it was installed in the middle of the 19th century. The name of Big Ben is actually a reference to the bell that rings the hours, the biggest of the five bells of the clock. The other four are used to sound the quarter-hour.

Day 4: Museums

is the largest museum in the UK with a collection of more than seven million objects. Its collection includes objects from many civilizations and extends over a period of more than two thousand years. The museum was founded in 1753 with the gift of 71,000 objects from the collection of Sir Hans Sloane. The British Museum has quickly established itself as one of London's main attractions.

breakfast at the hotel Visit Westminster, Big Ben, British Museum and Natural History Museum. The Houses of Parliament,

The British Museum

Natural History Museum, also, known as the Palace of Westminster, are the headquarters of the two parliamentary chambers of Great Britain, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Westminster Abbey, located near the Houses of Parliament, is a more historic than a religious site. Since 1066, except for Edward V and Edward VIII, all the coronation ceremonies took place in the Abbey of Westminster. Big Ben:

what was first the private collection of one individual turned into one of the largest natural history museums in the world. The museum is housed in a magnificent Neo-Romanesque building designed by Alfred Waterhouse. The enormous collection of objects and specimens (over 70 million) on the theme of life on earth may seem impressive. The museum is divided into different areas with color codes, each focusing on a specific aspect of life on earth. The collection of skeletons of dinosaurs is one of the

greatest attractions of the museum. There are several sizes in the room of the dinosaurs and you will find the skeleton of a diplodocus in the central hall. In addition, there are plenty of visitors in the Great Mammal Room, where there is an enormous reproduction of a blue whale and several elephants. Other rooms are appreciated as those presenting reptiles, fish, birds and vermines, Museum of Natural History, as well as that addressing the theme of ecology. Another area of the museum focuses on geology. You can see the earth seen from space and witness simulations of earthquake and volcanic eruption. A large collection is also dedicated to stones and minerals. Do not miss the new Shrek’s Adventure! London.

A London attraction, combining walk and ride and taking place indoors, inspired by the famous film produced by the Dream Works studios. This unique experience, developed by Merlin Entertainments in association with Dream Works Animation, brings to life the hilarious world of Shrek and his friends. This fantastic tour is a mix of 10 shows and laughter scenes based on Shrek movies, with a captivating narration, a fantastic 4D ride, special drama effects, and an extraordinary animation created by Dream Work Studios. Shrek's Adventure! London will allow you to meet all your favourite characters and find on your way a magical ice gallery, a stinking swamp, powerful spells and an interactive Dream Works game. Can you save Pinocchio, beat Lord Farquhar’s magic mirror and come home safely? Afternoon: Visit of Little Venice to Maida Vale then POUNDLAND to Kilburn High Road.

Little Venice

is a green space located in the west of London, in the Maida Vale district. By going to this place, you will feel like leaving London. Here there are no strict facades but pretty barges waiting patiently over the waters of the Regent's Canal. A veritable little place of greenery, you will be able to benefit from the ambient calm of the district to recharge your batteries by moving away from the noisy and very tourist center of London. Some will say that the place has nothing to do with Venice, but the presence of the barges on the canals give an almost unknown dimension in England. Have to do Created by the junction of Regent's Canal and Grand Union Canal, Little Venice is the ideal place for walks. Along the tops there are cafes and restaurants where you can eat well and cheap! The waves are spanned here and there by pretty little bridges that give a romantic dimension to the environment, especially since it is possible to eat aboard a barge. As you walk along the canal, you can enjoy the tranquillity of the environment, with the white facades of the houses bordered by tall trees. Poundland

is a chain of British-style stores that sells most items in its stores for ÂŁ1.

Created in April 1990 by Dave Dodd and Stephen Smith, Poundland has a variety of about 3,000 items from home, kitchen, Gifts, health care and other products, through 16 categories of which many are dutyfree customs clearance and are branded products.

Day 6: Breakfast at the hotel. Visit of Madame Tussauds.

odors. The Chamber of Horrors revives the French Revolution, and the history of punishment in general, sensitive souls abstain! Afternoon: Walking by The Thames River and Tours Bridge.

Day7: Shopping and Monuments Breakfast at the hotel Morning: Buckingham Palace (changing of the guard).

Madame Tussauds

Afternoon: Shopping Ă Westfield Mall. Who does not know Madame Tussauds and her three hundred personalities of wax? Royal Family, Hollywood stars, legendary sportsmen or politicians, they are all represented in this museum, one of the most famous in London, on Marylebone Road, near Regent's Park. Founded in 1835 by Marie Tussaud, a sculptor of French wax, which escaped little decapitation during the Revolution of 1789 and then exiled to London a few years later, the museum gradually gained importance. It moved to its current location in 1884, and now encompasses the adjoining planetarium where a show designed by the studios Aardman Animations is broadcast. Of course, the museum's main attraction are the true-to-life statues of as many celebrities as Brad Pitt, The Beatles, Hitler, Napoleon, Britney Spears, David Beckham, Queen of England or ET Madame Tussauds also proposes an animation called "Spirit of London": installed in the replica of a London taxi, one travels through the history of the city, with much reinforcement of sounds, lights and

Day 8: Return Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport, assistance and departure. End of Our Services.

01/01 16/03 17/05 30/06 01/10 16/12

PRICES 15/03 On Request 16/05 29/06 30/09 15/12 31/12

WHAT INCLUDES OUR PACKAGE:  Assistance and Transfer airport-Hotel-Airport.  Accommodation 6 Days / 5 Nights in BB "English Breakfast" at the Bayswater Inn Hotel 3 * or similar in the heart of London (The City of Westminster. ZONE 1).  Cruise on the Thames.  Guide During All Visits and Lodging In The Same Hotel  Fees charged to monuments: London eye + river Cruise  Hop-on-Hop Bus Ticket for 24 h  Travel Card Zones 1 to 2 for 6 days for Public Transport (London Bus, Underground, DLR)  Sim THREE Network Card.

DAY1: Arrival in London. Welcome and assistance by our local guide (English, Arabic or French speaking) Transfer and installation at the hotel Walk to Hyde Park and St James Park

Hyde Park is the largest park in central London, England, as well as one of the nine royal parks in the capital, with a length of more than two kilometers and nearly a kilometer wide. It is also one of the quarters of the City of Westminster in London. Only

Serpentine (Serpentine River) separates it from the Kensington Gardens, so it is sometimes considered part of Hyde Park. Its area of 140 hectares, added to that of Kensington Gardens extending over 110 hectares, gives a total area of 250 hectares. Diana's Memorial Fountain, Princess of Wales Just southwest of Serpentine Lake is a memorial installed in honour of Princess Diana. The modern fountain, which looks more like an artificial stream than a fountain, was inaugurated in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II. St James's Park

is the oldest of the nine royal parks in London. Located in the city of Westminster, it is bounded on the north by The Mall, on the east by the Horse Guards, on the south by the Birdcage Walk and on the west by the Buckingham Palace Road. St James's Park and the surrounding neighbourhood are authentic and offer a serene and elegant atmosphere. André Le Nôtre assisted in the development of the park. St. James's Palace to the north, normally

Buckingham Palace to the west, Wellington Barracks to the south, as well as Downing Street, Horse Guards Parade and Cabinet War Rooms from where Winston Churchill led operations during the War - to the east, are in the immediate vicinity of this park which extends over 23 hectares1. St James's Park has a small lake with two islands, the Duck Island (Duck Island), which serves as a reserve for palmipeds, and the West Island. The bridge which spans it is in the axis between the Foreign Office and the Buckingham Palace and allows to observe the alignment of trees and fountains between these two buildings. The park is part of an almost continuous succession of natural areas that, to the west, include Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. The nearest metro stations are St James's Park, Victoria and Westminster.

kinds specializing in oriental products often from all over Asia. An opportunity to taste good Chinese food, to taste on the spot or to take away. This area attracts many tourists wishing to take some souvenirs or various small accessories and gadgets, you will also find several small souvenir shops typically So British in the vicinity. Day 2: Discovery of London on foot Breakfast at the hotel Discover London by foot: Tower Bridge, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, The National Gallery, Covent Garden and Sea Life Aquarium.

Evening: Visit of China Town and Soho.

is a tipping bridge crossing the Thames, between the Southwark and Tower Hamlets districts, near the Tower of London which it takes its name (it is one of the four bridges managed by the Lord Mayor)? Tower Bridge is located in the Pool of London (it marks the boundary between Upper Pool upstream and Lower Pool downstream).

Chinatown is a city in the city, it is the domain of Chinese culture and as in all major cities of the world, London also has a Chinese district located in Soho on Gerard Street (towards Leicester square), easily recognizable thanks to its Arches in the shape of pagodas which announce the entry in the Chinese quarter. The scenery is total as the storefronts decorate from another continent especially during the celebration of Chinese New Year celebration; Very bright and warm colors marked with reds and golden yellows, garlands dotted with lanterns immerses you immediately in an oriental atmosphere. The Chinatown in London offers a multitude of small restaurants, grocery stores, supermarkets, shops and shops of all

the London Pavilion and several famous shops. Nearby are the London Trocadero, shopping and leisure center, and the Horses of Helios statue. Its location in the heart of the West End, as well as its proximity to shopping and entertainment venues make it still a popular place for Londoners and tourists from around the world. Trafalgar Square

The Tower Bridge. is a very famous place of Westminster in London whose name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar which opposed the FrancoSpanish and British fleets in 1805. The place is well known to be a social space and freedom of expression. Trafalgar Square, the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city. Since the Middle Ages, this area has been a central meeting place. In the middle of the square stands a large column in honour of Admiral Nelson. The National Gallery

Piccadilly Circus

is a crossroads and a pedestrian area in London, UK. The square, once considered to be the center of the British Empire, is still one of London's nerve centers, and is renowned for the enchantment of the plethora of illuminated signs that cover it. Is also surrounded by several tourist attractions, including a fountain erected in 1893 in honour of Lord Shaftesbury and overlooked by an Angel of Christian Charity (commonly called Eros), or the Criterion Theater,

founded in 1824 and completed in 1838, is a museum located in London and occupying the north of Trafalgar Square. It has an artistic heritage dating from 1250 to 1900. The collection of 2,300 paintings, dating from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century, belongs to the British public domain. You can admire the works of some of the most famous painters in the world, including Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renoir and Claude Monet. Covent Garden

is a district of London in England on the east end of West End, between St. Martin's Lane and Drury Lane. It is associated with the old market of fruits and vegetables of the central square, which is now a popular commercial and tourist site, as well as the Royal Opera House, which is also known as "Covent Garden". The neighbourhood is divided by the main thoroughfare of Long Acre, to the north of which are the independent centralized shops on Neal's Yard and Seven Dials, while the south is home to street performers and most beautiful buildings, Theaters and entertainment venues, including the Drury Lane Theater and the London Transport Museum. Evening : Buckingham Palace (changing of the guard).

Day 3: Sightseeing and attractions Sight London Eye, Thames River Cruise. The London Eye

is a relatively new tourist attraction, but it is already very popular. It is a large wheel located in the Jubilee Gardens on the south bank of the Thames. The 135-meter high structure was built as part of the London Millennium Festivities. The large wheel rotates slowly enough to get on board, even though it is

moving. A complete turn takes about 30 minutes. Thanks to the glass nacelles, the passengers have a magnificent panoramic view of London at 360 ° C. You can clearly see many famous landmarks, such as Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament. On a clear day, you can see up to 40 km away. A Thames River Boat Cruise

is undoubtedly one of the best ways to discover London, winding through the heart of the city and passing many of its most famous attractions. City Cruises boats depart from four main jetties on the Thames: Westminster, Waterloo, Tower and Greenwich. City Cruises regularly travel between these jetties throughout the day, allowing you to cover much of London by exploring the neighbourhoods between where you go and where you get off the boat. City Cruises boats all offer a good level of comfort, they are modern, all-weather and wheelchair accessible ships with open top decks and spacious lower salons with panoramic windows. And what can you see from a Thames River Cruise Boat? Lots of things ...Among other highlights, you can admire along the route on the Thames the site of Cutty Sark (currently vacant during the restoration of the boat); London's Canary Wharf shopping center; The Tower of London, Tower Bridge and the less glamorous London Bridge; The former HMS Belfast battle cruiser, the Shakespeare's Globe and the Tate Modern along the north and south banks of the Thames; The London Eye and the Millennium Footbridge, controversial constructions celebrating the arrival of the new century; And of course Westminster Abbey and Big Ben, internationally recognized as icons of the city.

DAY4 : Hop-ON-Hop Off Bus

London is one of the world’s most vibrant cities. And this fun, flexible hop-on hop-off bus ticket with added extras is the perfect introduction to the UK’s historic capital. 24-hour ticket. Your ticket gives you access to a city-wide bus route that takes you past all the key attractions such Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Tower Bridge. More than 50 wellplaced stops provide easy access to all the most important and interesting landmarks while a multilingual audio-guide tells you fascinating facts about the things you see. You can jump on and off the bus just as you like to see the sights, have a meal or go shopping. And that’s not all! The bus ticket includes two great bonuses – the chance not only to take a free walking tour but also to

DAY5 : breakfast at the hotel Visit Westminster, Big Ben, British Museum and Natural History Museum. The Houses of Parliament,

also, known as the Palace of Westminster, are the headquarters of the two parliamentary chambers

of Great Britain, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Westminster Abbey, located near the Houses of Parliament, is a more historic than a religious site. Since 1066, except for Edward V and Edward VIII, all the coronation ceremonies took place in the Abbey of Westminster. Big Ben:

The Clock Tower of Westminster Palace - officially named the St. Stephen's Tower - is commonly called Big Ben. This tower is one of London's most famous landmarks. The clock inside the tower was the largest in the world when it was installed in the middle of the 19th century. The name of Big Ben is actually a reference to the bell that rings the hours, the biggest of the five bells of the clock. The other four are used to sound the quarter-hour. The British Museum

is the largest museum in the UK with a collection of more than seven million objects. Its collection includes objects from many civilizations and extends over a period of more than two thousand years. The museum was founded in 1753 with the gift of 71,000 objects from the collection of Sir Hans Sloane. The British Museum has quickly established itself as one of London's main attractions. Natural History Museum,

what was first the private collection of one individual turned into one of the largest natural history museums in the world. The museum is housed in a magnificent Neo-Romanesque building designed by Alfred Waterhouse.

The enormous collection of objects and specimens (over 70 million) on the theme of life on earth may seem impressive. The museum is divided into different areas with color codes, each focusing on a specific aspect of life on earth. The collection of skeletons of dinosaurs is one of the greatest attractions of the museum. There are several sizes in the room of the dinosaurs and you will find the skeleton of a diplodocus in the central hall. In addition, there are plenty of visitors in the Great Mammal Room, where there is an enormous reproduction of a blue whale and several elephants. Other rooms are appreciated as those presenting reptiles, fish, birds and vermines, Museum of Natural History, as well as that addressing the theme of ecology. Another area of the museum focuses on geology. You can see the earth seen from space and witness simulations of earthquake and volcanic eruption. A large collection is also dedicated to stones and minerals. DAY6: Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport, assistance and departure. End of Our Services.

This trip was designed to provide an excellent tool for discovering London's galleries and museums. A stay between traditions and cultures. Main findings: Guided tours of London: Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guard, Big Ben, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, the Parliament of Westminster, London Bridge, etc ... Visit to the British Museum / National Gallery / Tate Modern / Museum of Art / Globe theater / Tate Britain / Saatchi gallery and Madame Tussaud. Cruise on the Thames and London Eye to see an exceptional panorama of the capital's monuments Tourism and discoveries: Piccadilly, Oxford Street, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, Not to forget relaxation, shopping ... All journeys and visits to London will be covered by Public Transport (London Bus, Underground, DLR) WHAT INCLUDES OUR PACKAGE: • Assistance and Transfer Airport-Hotel-Airport • 06 nights at Premier Inn Kensington 3 * Zone 1 or similar in LPD. • Cruise on the Thames. • Guide for all visits • Entrance fees to monuments. • "Travel Card" Zones 1 to 2 • Sim EE Network Card

Day1: Arrival in London. Welcome and assistance by our local guide Transfer and installation at the hotel Day2: Discovery of London on foot Morning: Visit Westminster, Big Ben, House of parliament and Westminster Abbey Afternoon: Globe theater. Day3: Sightseeing and attractions Breakfast at the hotel Morning: British Museum Afternoon: London Eye sightseeing, Thames River Cruise Day4: Monuments Breakfast at the hotel Morning: National gallery / Tate modern Afternoon: Design museum Day5: Arts Morning: Academy of art Afternoon: Visit of Madame Tussaud Evening: Theater. piece at one of the famous Theater of London (according to the choice of the group) Thriller Live at Lyric Theater - Wicked at Apollo Victoria Theater - Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theater - Mamma Mia at Novello Theater Day6: Palaces Breakfast at the hotel Morning: Buckingham Palace (changing of the guard) etc .... Afternoon: Tate Britain / Saatchi gallery Day7: Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport, assistance and departure

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