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Recreation Equipment Added to Dawson Trail Park Community
tests it out during community clean-up weekend
The Richer Community Club and the Richer Recreation Equipment has purchased some recreation equipment for the park. The equipment includes everything required to play pickleball, badminton, volleyball, croquet, ladderball, cornhole toss and horseshoes.
The equipment will be made available daily when the summer students are hired.
The newly elected Vice President of the Richer Community Club, Troy Barkman has even jumped right into action and built the new horse shoe pits in behind the Trading Post picnic area.
Thanks to the volunteers who spent some time setting the equip ment up, it was tested out recently during the joint Richer Community
Club and RM of Ste. Anne “Make Our Communities Shine” weekend free community BBQ held on Sunday, May 5. The entire weekend was made possible thanks to the residents who registered to clean up ditches throughout the municipality, over a dozen businesses who sponsored the event with prizes for draws, and various service groups who came together to host the celebratory Sunday BBQ!