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Richer Wins Bid to Host Manitoba High School Rodeo Finals
After a short two years of hosting a high school rodeo in the community of Richer, the organizing committee was recently awarded the Manitoba High School Rodeo Association (MHSRA) Finals for 2024.
“Taking into account our park and facility, and the dedicated hard work by our volunteers over
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Full Page - $180 the past two years, the provincial association had confidence in the bid we put in to host their finals,” said Mark Lanouette Jr, President of the Richer High School Committee. “We were able to successfully meet their criteria, and even plan for some added fun for the kids and their families.”
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The MHSRA was formed over 25 years ago with the goal to allow both senior and junior high school students a chance to compete and hone their skills and rodeo education. Many of these students continue on with rodeo competition after they graduate.
The youth involved are held to the highest standard of conduct and sportsmanship and the organization encourages the kids to continue on with their education.
“Hosting a high school rodeo is our opportunity to encourage our youth and promote positive values,” said Lanouette. “Hosting the finals is going to be exciting for both our committee and the competitors.”
In addition to hosting a 3-day competition for the finals, the local committee is tasked to create a banquet and prom along with an awards ceremony.

The Richer High School Rodeo Finals is scheduled for June 7 to 9 with the competition kicking off starting at 9 am each morning at the Dawson Trail Park in Richer. There is free admission for all spectators to watch the competition.
“We are inviting everyone to come and watch and cheer on these kids as they compete,” added Lanouette. “These kids are exciting to watch.”
According to the local committee, they have booked Bigg Smoak BBQ to be on-site with their food truck for all three days.