Distinct Brand Guidelines - Volume 1- ICA Festival 2019

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Brand Manual


The ICA Festival


The Sub-Brand: Distinct The purpose of this brand manual is to provide visual usage specifications when implementing and syndicating the Distinct brand to provide a consistent outcome by users. When in doubt about certain details regarding these brand guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at info@icafestival2019.com


Colour Scheme



Decorative Elements

Logo Clear Space

The Grid: Brutalism

Logo Correct Use

Photographic Style

Logo Incorrect Use

Poster Treatment









The ICA Festival Brand

Mission Statement

The ICA Festival emerged three years ago as a new approach to the annual exhibition held at the MCAST’s Institute for the Creative Arts.

The ICA Festival will be working towards building a bridge between MCAST ICA and the community; this will result in a better understanding of who we are and what we do. The festival will celebrate creativity and act as a platform to showcase the student’s hard work and collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the industry.

By changing the tone of voice and turning the exhibition into a creative arts festival, our end-goal is to increase brand perception and create an event that builds hype and anticipation for years to come.

Distinct / Brand Manual / The ICA Festival Brand

It All Starts Here



The Sub-Brand: Distinct Festival Theme

Brand Inspiration

The 2019 edition of the ICA Festival presents Distinct. Distinct is a reference to the varied skill-sets that students attending their respective courses, and through various apprenticeships and work experiences, have developed.

Since the festival theme puts focus on each student’s individuality, the inspiration for the logo icon was derived from a fingerprint. Besides the visual representation of a fingerprint, the logo icon also features a monogram of various letterforms from the brand name itself within this same composition.

These acquired skillsets combined with each student’s personality result in individual differences and diversity that are critical to any organisation’s success in today’s competitive world.

Distinct / Brand Manual / The Sub-Brand: Distinct

Colour Scheme Distinct’s core palette consists of four main solid and significant colours: yellow, pink, blue and white. The pink and white hues are the primary colour expression for the brand identity whilst the yellow and blue hues represent the secondary colour palette.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Colour Scheme

The colour scheme conveys boldness and vibrance, a colour combination which has been trending for years and will continue to do so this year. This daring and eye-catching colour palette was created to complement the overall design style being utilised for this year’s ICA Festival - Brutalism.


C:0% M:22% Y:84% K:0%


R:255 G:200 B:68






C:0% M:85% Y:0% K:0%




R:238 G:79 B:156




C:99% M:93% Y:0% K:0%


R:42 G:60 B:152






C:0% M:0% Y:0% K:0%


R:255 G:255 B:255





Typography Distinct’s primary typeface is Apercu, though only two font weights from the Apercu font family are utilised throughout the brand, these being bold and regular. Apercu is a simple, modern yet expressive typeface. It was developed by blending various mid-19th century classic-realist typefaces, including Johnston, Gill Sans, Neuzeit and Franklin Gothic.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Typography

The two previously mentioned font weights of Apercu must be used for all Distinct’s marketing collateral including both print and online communication. Typography is one of the key features of the Distinct identity and when used correctly and consistently allows the brand to be conveyed in a simple yet effective manner.


Apercu / Bold

A B C DE F GHI JKL MN OP QR S T U V W X Y Z ab c defg hijklmnop q r st u v w x y z 01234 56789 . , ; : ’ ” / ( ?&@ # ) \

Apercu / Regular

A B C DEF G HI JKL MN OP QRS T U V W X Y Z ab c defghijklmno p q rstuv w x y z 0123456789 . , ; : ’ ” / ( ?& @ # )\

Type in Use Use the following as a guide to know how various type and body copy must be set in a layout. Complying with these guidelines will ensure a consistent style throughout all communicative material related to the Distinct brand. The following page-spread portrays a visual overview of these type-settings in play accompanied by the appropriate colour variations.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Type in Use


Headers Apercu / Bold






Sub-headers Apercu / Bold








Captions Apercu / Bold






Body Copy Apercu / Regular








On White Background:

Pink or

Caption this

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

On Yellow Background:

Lorem Ipsum is Simply Dummy Text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

Distinct / Brand Manual / Type in Use

Caption this

of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Yellow or

Caption this

On Pink Background:

On Blue Background:

Lorem Ipsum is Simply Dummy Text. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

Caption this

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Logo Clear Space To ensure the impact and integrity of the logo, a certain amount of white space should be maintained on all sides of the logo. This white space insulates the logo from competing with any visual elements such as other logos, photography, illustrations and also text.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Logo Clear Space

The minimal clear space for the Distinct logo is defined from the height of the “d” from the “distinct” font type, weight and size present in the brand’s logo name. This minimum space should be maintained when the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size.

Logo Correct Use The Distinct logo must always be utilised and applied to any material in conformity to the guidelines shown here. Both primary and secondary logo designs are represented in either pink or blue and reversed accordingly. For legibility, the secondary logo variation, which is used primarily for small print, cannot be reduced to a size smaller than 15mm wide.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Logo Correct Use

Although the primary colour version of the Distinct logo is always preferred, there may be instances that dictate the use of the additional solid colours from the colour palette. The following page-spread portrays the appropriate colour variations when employing the Distinct logo.

Primary Logo Variations

Secondary Logo Variations

Distinct / Brand Manual / Logo Correct Use

Logo Incorrect Use The Distinct logo has been specially designed as a unifying composition and to maintain consistency throughout the visual identity, it is essential that the logo is never altered in any way. Here are a few examples of what NOT TO DO to the logo design.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Logo Incorrect Use

The following page-spread also portrays the colour variations one SHOULD NOT apply when utilising the Distinct logo.

DO NOT remove elements from the logo.

DO NOT add elements to the logo.

DO NOT distort the logo.

DO NOT flip the logo.

DO NOT add an outer glow or drop shadow to the logo.

DO NOT reflect the logo.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Logo Incorrect Use

Decorative Elements Distinct’s logo icon can be used as a decorative element where necessary. This enhances the overall look of the brand while keeping in line with the Brutalist design style chosen for this year’s theme.

This decorative element can be utilised in two ways: Decorative element 1 By using the appropriate design, this decorative element can be blown up in size to fill up an entire area, resulting in a patterned effect. Decorative element 2 By using the logo icon, this decorative element can be scaled up slightly to embellish any white space present in a design.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Decorative Elements

Decorative Element 2

Decorative Element 1

The Grid: Brutalism The design style adopted for this year’s festival theme is semi-Brutalist, as it was interpreted in such a way which falls in line with the Distinct brand rationale, that is to showcase individuality through each student’s expertise. Brutalism in graphic design is a style that intentionally attempts to look raw, haphazard, or stark giving designers freedom to do what they want rather than what they should.

Distinct / Brand Manual / The Grid: Brutalism

Just as brutalist design tends to break the rules of a grid to explore and create beautifully unexpected juxtapositions of different graphic elements, each student, throughout their course of study tends to break the rules through experimentation processes to identify their diverse artistries. Therefore, a modular grid was accordingly developed because it would allow the brand to be represented through versatile compositions.

/ Columns: 8

/ Gutters: 4mm

/ Rows: 10

/ Margins: 12.7mm

Photographic Style Photography will feature throughout the brand for one sole purpose: to showcase students’ work across various print and web promotional material. In order to provoke a sense of curiosity from the audience, the photographic expression being used will be close-up photography.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Photographic Style

With the utilisation of a specialised camera lens, shallow depth-of-field is present to better focus on a portion of an artwork as well as to create a soft out-of-focus foreground and background around the subject.

Cultural Heritage

Fine Arts Distinct / Brand Manual / Photographic Style

Spatial & Product Design

Graphic Design

Poster Treatment This is a guide for the layout of three poster designs for the 2019 edition of the ICA Festival: generic, fundraising and student work. All poster designs should always utilise a portrait setting, and the previously mentioned typography guidelines should always apply.

Distinct / Brand Manual / Poster Treatment

The generic compositions will solely consist of typographic elements and will promote the main event. The other two poster layouts will focus on promoting fundraising events and each student’s artwork, therefore typography as well as imagery will be present.


Fundraising Distinct / Brand Manual / Poster Treatment

Student Work

info @ i c a fe st i val2019. c om

i c a fe st ival2019. c om

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